看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 5月 雙子座(原文)
時間 2013年05月01日 Wed. PM 12:26:22

5月 Horoscope for Gemini

The month of May will be, in a way, two completely different months packaged in one pretty blue box and tied with a satin ribbon. The first three weeks will be fairly quiet, where you have time to tweak your plans and perfect your strategy. You will need to spend time alone to think, for the second half of the month will give you little time for that - by then, you'll need to be ready to swing into action.

Get all your ducks in a row and be ready for a very busy period by the time the Sun moves into Gemini, May 20. The last third of May will turn out to be hectic, but much (or all) of what happens will work to your advantage. By the time you get to the end of May, you will enter your very favorite month of the year.

You need to know more detail, so stay with me - it's a good story. We are now in eclipse season. This is an unusual period because we will have three eclipses in the space of one month. This happens when a family of eclipses is about to move into a new family of signs, which is happening now, toward Taurus-Scorpio. The last eclipse of the Gemini-Sagittarius family will occur at month's end. We are getting a little ahead of ourselves, so lets slow down and take things chronologically.

In order to understand this month, we have to rewind the tape a little and look at the end of April, when the first of the three eclipses were to arrive.

The first eclipse of the three arrived as a full moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 25. If you were not feeling well, you may have gone through a series of treatments, and you may have arrived at the end of that protocol at that eclipse. Your doctor may have told you that you do not need to do more - your body will bring you to health from this point on, and you simply need to be patient while that happens.

Or, you may have just been given a final diagnosis within four days of the April 25 eclipse. You may have decided to have a procedure or surgery at the end of April, or a friend or relative may have been infirmed and was happy you were so willing to help out. When strong emphasis occurs in the twelfth house, we sometimes have interaction with medical, dental, or psychiatric personnel.

No matter what you heard, be cheered by the fact you still have Jupiter in Gemini. Jupiter is known to be the great healer, and is in the right position to help you. Have faith, dear Gemini - the universe is on your side. If you are in a situation where you need to follow your doctor's advice, be sure you do, for that way, you can speed your recovery.

That eclipse may have worked in a completely different way, as the sixth house, which rules the preventative measures that you take to stay vibrant and healthy, also rules your workaday experience. In that regard, you may have seen changes in your office environment or in a work assignment. You may have seen a big assignment end, or you may have been given new computer equipment. An assistant or co-worker may have announced a departure from the company or may have been under stress from something in his or her personal life. Or it may be that you have announced you want to leave, as that is possible, too.

That April 25 had a serious overtone because Saturn, the taskmaster planet that forces us to face facts and deal realistically with the world, was very prominent. If you work in your own business, you may have lost a steady client late last month.

Sometimes eclipses ask for a sacrificial lamb - something to give up - and if you find you are able to give up that one element in your life, it will make room for something better. Lunar eclipses, which are full moons, have an uncanny way of sensing the weakest link in a chain. Even though you may be skeptical as you consider this idea, I have found that giving up something is often the only way to rise up to a more sophisticated level. Eclipses help too in our evolution to maturity. Things improve as long you can keep that feisty, determined spirit burning inside you, the spirit that everyone finds so loveable in you. Eclipses bring truth and opportunity, but you can't always see the opportunity they bring until later. Eclipses always have a second act, and it can take weeks until you see the overarching view of the universe's plan.

The next eclipse in this series will be the new moon solar eclipse, May 9. (In some time zones it will be May 10.) New moon solar eclipses usually bring good news and an ability to start anew. They open the door to a new chapter that begins within a week of its appearance, and they are not as emotional as lunar full moon eclipses. This one will light your imagination, ruled by your twelfth house. Your instinct and intuition will be sharpened, and your creativity will be on fire.

A solar eclipse triggers Leo into the conversation, and Leo rules your solar third house of communication. You may start to write a book or start work on a screenplay. Gemini is talented with words, but also often in high tech. You may design code for a new app, new website, or inventive new software. Clearly, everything in your chart is saying that you need time to concentrate to be your creative best. If you work in biology or medicine, you may do important research or come up with a radical new thesis or discovery.

You will have five heavenly bodies in Taurus - the Sun, new moon eclipse May 9, Venus, Mercury, and Mars. That is half the solar system crowded into one tiny sector of the horoscope - extraordinary! To make this energy work for you, you will need to be alone. Friends will distract you and may fill your mind with conflicting ideas. This month you need the purity of your own thinking, untainted by others' opinions. Your intuition will be very strong now, but you won't be able to hear that small voice within if you don't silence the cacophony of voices around you.

The time you will have all these practical Taurus planets to help you work in solitude will be relatively short. The first half of May will be very strong, but by the time you get to May 20, your attention will be drawn elsewhere. (More about that in a minute.) In the meantime you will have a golden opportunity to be highly productive and get started a project dearly important to you, one that stems from deep within your heart. You can accomplish so much this month, for your passion can be easily ignited.

The twelfth house is also connected with habits and the inner workings of the subconscious mind. This eclipse would help you to end a bad habit, whether it's eating potato chips at 4 PM every day (when you know you should have an apple instead), to a more serious concern, such as to end smoking or substance abuse. If you want to turn over a new leaf, you have your chance to do so. This eclipse will be conjunct Mars, giving extra energy and a sense of purpose. This is fortunate - you can see results. Start after the May 9 eclipse occurs in your strongest days, May 10-12. If those days don't work for you, you can go a little later than the ones I mentioned.

Mars will move over the precise degrees of the May 9 eclipse on May 16, a day to keep on your radar screen for developments to manifest from that eclipse. See what happens.

A third eclipse will come next on May 25 in Sagittarius at 4 degrees. This full moon lunar eclipse will represent the last in the Gemini-Sagittarius family. Think back to when this family of eclipses first started, June 1, 2011, and where you were then, and compare your life to where you are now. You have grown a lot since then, and chances are, you have since moved into a very different realm. Every six months a pair of eclipses arrived in this series, always two weeks apart (as a new moon and full moon), leading you to this month - May 25 - when the last eclipse in this series is due to arrive. After this, you can rest. There will be no more eclipses on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis again for nine years. Eclipses demand adjustment from us if they fall in mathematically significant degrees to your planets, so they can take a lot of energy. After this, you are done for a long time.

The eclipse will urge you to think about making a commitment to a partner if you have been dating a long time, and if you are not interested in ever making a commitment, to consider leaving. If you are already attached, you will have reason to think about the nature and quality of your relationship - how you feel, what you are willing to give, and what you expect in return. I am not speaking of material exchange, although that might be part of the conversation, but rather the spiritual, loving, emotional support as well as the give-and-take of any healthy relationship.

All sorts of partnerships are included in the realm of this eclipse, so alternatively you may be ready to sign a partner in the business sense. If you have papers to sign, slow down and read them thoroughly with your lawyer. Neptune will be in hard angle to this eclipse, so facts may surface that have been hidden from you until now. Neptune is in your career sector, so the information will be relevant to a deal you are about to make or to an important ongoing business relationship. Clues are likely to emerge by accident, in a casual way, but when they do, those emerging facts are meant to protect you. Even if you are shocked (possibly, but not necessarily), the episode may finally explain a mystery. Sometimes what is revealed is not adverse but flattering - it means you were the favored one in a long line of interviews, victorious over some very fierce competition!

The person you will be focused on will likely be your business partner, agent, or other expert you have hired. It may, alternatively, involve a major client. Because the seventh house (where the eclipse will fall) rules all serious one-on-one collaborations and formal partnerships, including personal love relationships, which is why marriage may occur, or you may make a promise to someone in a close relationship.

This very same eclipse will also get a sparkling beam from Uranus, so it has happy elements, too. You may get engaged - and if so, it may happen suddenly, in an exciting way. Or a friend may give you a tip for a new client, and that information could allow everything to fall into place.

If you were born on May 25, plus or minus five days, you will feel this eclipse more directly than if your birthday were in June.

I feel this eclipse will work very much in your favor, because only days later, you will have Jupiter, the Sun, new moon, Venus, and Mercury in Gemini. By May 31, Mars will also enter Gemini, a wonderful development, for Mars will give you the reins to drive your life in any direction you choose. Mars only comes by in Gemini once every two years, and having him at your side will give you passion, determination, and energy - all great qualities to see your dreams through to completion.

I love May 27, the day Mercury, your ruler, will meet with Jupiter in Gemini. This will be the only time in 2013 that Mercury will meet with Jupiter, and the only time in twelve years that these two planets will meet in Gemini. You should receive very good news - you may be dancing on the tables. This would be a wonderful time to travel, for Mercury governs trips, and coincidentally, May 27 is the Memorial Day holiday weekend, a popular time in the US for people to go out of town. If you are trying to decide whether to go away over Memorial Day or the Fourth of July, that's easy - Memorial Day weekend will be your time to go! Most of my readers don't live in the US (only about 40 percent are US) so if you are based internationally, you can, of course, see if you can take a long weekend off, May 24-27.

May 27 will also be a wonderful time to sign a contract, for Mercury rules agreements and contracts, and Jupiter rules profits. Perfect! If you have something to buy or sell, this would also be your time to do so.

Venus will move into Gemini on May 9, to stay until June 2, making you magnetic, charismatic, and dripping with charm. Having Jupiter in your sign, too, is superb for finding love, so you should make May and June your months to circulate, a lot.

This month, on May 28, you will be completely irresistible. Venus in Gemini will receive a visit from Jupiter, making for a breathtaking day for love, and for any sort of embellishment - the purchase of jewelry or clothing, or for making any positive change to your appearance. Venus and Jupiter won't meet again in 2013, and because it takes Jupiter twelve years to circle the Sun, you will wait a very long time for this day to be repeated. Adding to the perfection of this day, the moon will move toward friendly air sign Aquarius.

There's more good news about May 28 - Venus rules your fifth house, ruling children, so you may discover you are pregnant or that one of your children has good news to share, something that will make you proud. If you work in a creative field, this linking of Jupiter to Venus will also bring applause for sensational ideas that you contribute. Wow!

Dear Gemini, it all seems to be a landmark month, so make the very most of it!

The month of May finds you deep in discussion, working strategically behind the scenes. The first part of May will be quite private, where you will gently close the door to give yourself time to think and reflect on your present life, and what your next move will be. A bevy of planets are building in Taurus, in your twelfth house of confidential matters. If you are writing a book, a thesis, or doing research, you will have the ability to become a powerhouse of productivity, for your concentration will be high. Work on your project alone in the first three weeks of May. The new moon solar eclipse will give these matters extra importance, from May 9 extending ten days.

Sometimes a lot of energy in the twelfth house, where these planets will be based for much of May, will bring interaction with medical personnel. It may be that you will schedule a medical procedure for yourself or you may be called to help a beloved friend or relative who needs surgery and is depending on you to help. If it is the latter, your beloved relative or friend will appreciate your advice and the nourishing foods you bring, along with your cheerful conversation.

The month will change dramatically in late May, when migrating planets head to Gemini, giving you the spotlight and much control over the course of events and talks. By the full moon, May 25, a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, you will make a decision about a serious relationship. Mars, the energy planet, will soon move into Gemini, May 31, joining the Sun (authority, ego), Venus (love and attraction), Jupiter (luck), and your ruler, Mercury (communication) in Gemini, proving that any decision you make will be yours and yours alone, and give you great confidence. June will be a big month for you - you have every reason to be happy and secure in your choices.

Neptune will spread confusion at the lunar eclipse May 25, so be sure you have all the facts, and that they are accurate before you make any fateful decision. You won't be able to reverse things later, not with a lunar eclipse. You might be viewing the situation from the wrong perspective, so if you do have to make a decision (and it seems that you will), you might be best to hold off until you've had time to do a little digging and to ask questions. A lawyer may be worth his weight in gold at month's end. Look to a friend or acquaintance to help you sort out what to do, as Uranus will bring outstanding and unexpected luck from someone in your circle.

Two extra sweet days, when all news should be good news for you: May 27 and 28. A breakthrough in love, money, real estate, or progress on a secret desire could be yours on one of these two days.

Dates to Note for Gemini

Most Romantic Dates: May 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 27 (gold star), 28 (gold star), and 29.

The solar eclipse of May 9 may bring a secret to the surface. It will also mark a very important time for you to be productive behind closed doors. Solitude allows you to hear your inner voice now, a positive development. Your intuition will be working on a high level. You may visit a relative or friend who is confined in a facility, or you may seek medical help for yourself.

Venus will be in Gemini from May 10 to June 2, the time to improve your appearance at a great salon, buy some new things to wear, and step out.

The long weekend of Friday May 10 to May 12 should be outstanding due to the moon in Gemini and Jupiter so close.

Watch May 16 for news of all the topics associated with the May 9 solar eclipse.

The lunar eclipse, a full moon, in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, May 25, will help you make up your mind whether you want to commit to your significant other forever. If you are already married, you may commit to new goals.

One of the best days of the month for just about everything is May 27, when your ruler, Mercury, and fortunate Jupiter, will meet in Gemini, happening once in twelve years. Wow. Use this day to advance a dream dear to you.

May 28 will be out of this world, too - you will have Venus and Jupiter meeting in Gemini for an outstandingly romantic day. Buy new clothes or jewelry, or take steps to make yourself more attractive.

Mars will enter Gemini for the first time in two years on May 31 until July 13, a vital period for you. Be ready to have your priorities in order, for you will have a chance to reach for the stars.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-05-01 12:26:22
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 5月 雙子座(原文)
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