看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 4月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2013年04月01日 Mon. PM 12:06:29

4月 Horoscope for Libra

Many planets are gathering in your opposite sign of Aries, and while you will cooperate closely with others to win your goal, you may have to make a few compromises along the way. Yet who is better to do that than a Libra? You practically invented the art of negotiation, dear Libra. There is absolutely no doubt that a partner - romantic or in the business sense - will be important to you this month. This person may be your spouse, or a client, or a buyer or seller, or even an expert you hire, or other collaborator.

The fact that Venus will be in your house of committed, established partnerships / marriage (seventh house) from the start of the month until April 14 tells me how strongly you will be focused on this other person. Venus is your ruler, so this planet carries much more weight in your solar chart than it would for most others. Uranus is part of the crowd of planets in your partnership house, too, so because Uranus rules alternating current of electricity, you can expect things to go up and down, hot and cold, from one or more partners in your life. If you assumed, for example, that a buyer for your house was a done deal, Uranus will show you that you can't quite count on sitting back until the check has cleared the bank.

You do have one spectacular day, when Mars and Venus will link in a very rare rendezvous in Aries on April 6 and 7, suggesting that this weekend might be quite romantic. This is considered a highly romantic conjunction, and we've not seen Mars conjunct Venus in this sign of Aries since 1985. This lovely day will benefit you the most if you are in an established, serious relationship. If you want to rekindle a relationship that has become a bit too predictable, then make this day special for the two of you by planning a trip out of town together, or book a reservation in a wonderful restaurant you both have always wanted to try.

The new moon, April 10, will be a big day for you, if you've been yearning to make an alliance official. You will have so many possibilities! The most apparent, and possibly even the most likely, is that you will decide to get engaged or married as a result of this glorious new moon, or you may sign papers with a business partner in the days that follow. If you are happily married, you may now draw up some exciting plans (quite exciting I would say, with Aries involved) that you both commit to doing together in the near future.

You may hire a specialist, such as a doctor, dentist, lawyer, broker, accountant, manager, agent, publicist, stylist, writing partner, or other such person, for the part of your chart that is lit brilliantly rules professionals of dignity. This new moon will help you plus one other person or entity (such as would be the case in a joint venture of two companies) reach an agreement so that together you can move forward. This new moon will set things in motion, and you will see things that had been stuck move forward with vigor. Aries is a fire sign, and fire energy moves very fast. Aries is also very adventurous and bold - Aries is not afraid of anything. Circle April 10 in red.

I should consider the possibility that you have, in your natal chart, planets I cannot see. It is also true that when you have many planets in the seventh house, you may encounter very assertive competitors, and that you would have to work very hard to overcome them. With Mars and Uranus in your seventh house, you will have to be ready for anything. If you are trying for an important job, and have made it to the finals, don't assume you are the only one in the golden circle - don't let down your guard, and fight for that job with every bit of passion you have in you.

I would not be overly concerned about this if I were you, but do have your antenna up, and have a few contingency plans should you face any strong opposition. If you are self-employed, you may find one of your competitors is suddenly very active in the marketplace, with a strong advertising campaign, and you'll need to come up with some clever ideas to counter this competitor. This is the fun of life, dear Libra - it's what keeps our minds sharp.

If your birthday falls on October 13, plus or minus four days, you will feel, and benefit from, this new moon the most, especially if you plan to combine energy with another person. If your birthday falls before October 13, something new will come up just after the new moon appears. If your birthday falls on or after October 13, then something you've discussed and perhaps launched (or tried to launch) will come into play, and again, it will involve a partner or expert. If you have natal planets at 6 degrees Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, or Aquarius, plus or minus five degrees, you will find hidden benefits to this new moon as well.

The second part of the month will be very different from the first - the tenor of the month will turn from exciting and experimental, to more earthy and practical. Venus will tour Taurus from April 15 to May 9, and the Sun will move into Taurus starting April 19 until May 20. Mars will be in Taurus from April 19 to May 31. From April 19 on, you'll become very centered on money.

This theme will be underscored even more once the full moon lunar eclipse arrives April 25 at 6 degrees Taurus. At this time you may be negotiating a major financial deal and reaching an end point. For example, if taking a new position, you may now nail down the salary and benefits package, or if you are selling a house you may get the buyer to agree to a final price. If you are in a divorce, you may now finalize the division of your mutual property. If you are awaiting word on student loans, the letter is apt to come in now. If you owe taxes, the news may be that you owed more than you expected, but be comforted that you can always offer the government a payment plan in accordance with what you can afford to pay.

The problem with this eclipse is that the moon will come arm-in-arm with Saturn, and together they will light your solar second house of personal finance. You may not be thrilled with the final settlement of any deal you make near April 25 because Saturn tends to keep things clamped down - in this case, that would be the money you'd receive (or have to pay). Alternatively, if you are negotiating a salary, you may be told a company wage freeze is temporarily in place. Mars will orbit with the Sun and Venus in your eighth house, so you may have a dispute about money with someone, as Mars will sometimes bring strife.

On the plus side, Jupiter, governing financial agreements and all good fortune, will be in the perfect angle to Mercury, planet of contractual agreements, on April 23. That day would be a fine time to sign papers or to have a serious handshake on terms. Jupiter is currently in your ninth house, ruling legal matters and the courts, academia and your efforts to get a degree, as well as foreign people and places (including people born on foreign shores who live in your country) and matters of immigration. All are blessed for you now.

This tells me that you will have a powerful element of luck in the areas I just listed above at month's end, so if you don't like the way things are going, there is some hope you can come up with ideas that can make the situation more to your liking. For example, if you don't get the financial aid you need from your college, send another well-written letter, appealing the decision. If you think a legal case is going the wrong way, offer a settlement to the other party before the court announces the final verdict. You get the idea. There's no harm in trying - all that can happen is that the other side says no, so you've not lost anything. I feel with Jupiter in such a strong angle, you have a very real chance of seeing success.

The last weekend of the month will be no one's favorite. Saturn will oppose the Sun, considered a very enervating influence. You must not plan anything strenuous over April 27-28, as Saturn will be wearing you to the bone. Money may be the main area of concern, as both the Sun and Saturn are in financial houses. Saturn is the ruler of your house of home and property, and so you and your partner may not agree about a strategy you've designed concerning the sale, purchase, or renovation (among other possibilities) for that property. Be ready for that and have your reasons your partner should agree with you clearly outlined should you need to defend your position.

I see a light at the end of the tunnel. May brings a whole new day for your finances at the new moon solar eclipse, May 9, so hang in there - the universe is sending in the brigade.

As a cardinal sign, you like to be in control. (Cardinals are Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn.) This month, you may find you need to bite your tongue and go along with the plans of a partner - or to go along with the plan of many in the group. You won't have the cards to completely trump others, so be conciliatory and cooperative, and don't sweat the small stuff. With the Sun, Venus, Mars, Uranus, and the new moon, April 10 (operative nearly two weeks), opposed to your Sun, you simply can't get things your way - not now, but think of this as "not yet." What you may be able to do, however, is forge a strong partnership with a very energetic, charismatic person. This month, so much will revolve around the bright new moon, April 10 and the ten days to follow.

In your love life, if you are married or in a long-term established relationship, your partner will play an enormously important role in April - news will direct your future for months, or even years. A residential, property, or family matter may be a bone of contention, and you may have to deflect quite a bit of static, possibly from a marriage or business partner or co-owner of the property.

The conversation will shift to money at the serious full moon lunar eclipse, April 25, that will crystallize a tax matter or large purchase (such as for a house or car), or finalize your share in divorce proceedings. It is also possible that you will get final word on a request for a salary increase or compensation for a new job. Saturn will orbit unfortunately close to this eclipse, so keep your expectations low - Saturn's presence usually means it will cap income and cash flow.

Your financial prospects won't always be this tense. A money matter will finalize within a week of this date April 25, one way or another, so it appears that you won't be able to delay things. (If you can, it will be one month, at most). Realistically, delaying things won't change the outcome very much, so go with the flow.

Speaking of delaying actions, you may have to put off acquiring something you dearly wanted to buy. Keep in mind that "not now" does not mean "never." Everyone will have some problems with this eclipse, as news will be weighty and likely a bit depressing. It will illuminate truth, so take that gift and use it to protect your interests. Full moon eclipses end things, quite decisively, without any road back the past. The only way to go is forward.

The good news is that another eclipse is due on May 9 next month, so any money you feel you "lost" now can be made up with that new moon. You seem to be on a course that money has to go out first, and then more comes in. Have faith you can eventually turn the tables in your favor, because very clearly, with a little effort, this will be true.

Dates to note Libra:

Most romantic dates: April 1, 6, 13, 14, 18, 19, and 23.

On April 6-7 if you are attached, your partner may be outstandingly romantic toward you.

If you are dating seriously, the new moon could bring a ring and commitment on April 10 (plus ten days).

Travel could be outstanding April 1 and 23, thanks to fine vibrations from Jupiter on both days.

Mars in Taurus will light your house of credit, loans, or other financial matters and may cause expenses to climb, from April 20 to May 30. Thankfully, after that, things will return to normal.

Money may concern you at the full moon lunar eclipse April 25, for it will light your second house of salary and savings.

Whatever comes up at the eclipse April 25 seems to be still on your mind over the weekend of April 27-28. When you may simply have to bite the bullet, be realistic, and design a plan to take care of what has come up in the last week of April.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-04-01 12:06:29
※ 編輯: MindOcean 時間: 2013-04-01 12:08:28
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MindOcean: [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 4月 天秤座(原文) - Zastrology板