看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
時間 2013年10月02日 Wed. AM 11:48:32

10月 Monthly Horoscope for Aries

Every once in a while things go haywire. This is nothing new, as you have found this to be true at many points in life. Here we get to October, one of those months where things are likely to go off the rails, so you'll have to be vigilant to try to keep things contained. Even so, we can't control everything in life, a point to bear in mind as you enter October. Don't worry about things you can't change - just focus on your response, for that you CAN control.

The first days of the month will be wild. First, Monday, October 1, we have Pluto in hard, square angle to the Sun, so a VIP is likely to be very pushy, and try to nearly force you to follow his or her plans, whether you agree with this person or not. Life is likely to get harder just two days later.

By October 3, when Uranus will oppose the Sun, your love life, as well as your creative projects, may bring a curve ball that you didn't see coming. Protect the needs of your children, as this day has the power to bring shocking news in regard to love, creativity, children, or pregnancy.

The new moon of October 4 would ordinarily help, but this month we have a witch of a new moon in Libra 12 degrees. This new moon will be in hard square angle to Pluto, denoting forceful obstacles. At the same time this new moon will get a direct opposition from Uranus, bringing confrontational, inflammatory news. These are harsh aspects. Occasionally, the manifestation is not emotional but physical, so be sure to protect your health throughout the month, as you will be under a strain, whether you know you are or not.

All of what you hear, see, or notice will be completely unexpected, but you will feel this news directly only if your birthday falls on or near April 1, plus or minus four days. If you were born at other points of the month, you won't feel the news as personally and directly, and if very far from this date, news may be mild, or you may be a bystander to events. I can't see the other planets in your chart, however - you are likely to have other Aries and Libra planets in your natal chart, at various degrees, and some may be near 12 degrees.

The problem is that a new moon sets up a trend, so the subjects that come up for discussion during the early week of October may be ongoing for a long time, for at least six months. Mars will move into Libra in early December to bring more energy to what is happening at the new moon October 4 now, and because Mars will go forward and backward, Mars will remain your opposite seventh house of partners / competitors for eight months. The situation that comes up be ongoing as long as July 25, 2014.

Your need for freedom and autonomy may be challenged this month by the person you report to - your boss or client - or someone you care about, including your sweetheart / spouse. When that happens, you may want to push back, hard. One way this may work out is that you simply need time to think and to explore different creative and travel possibilities. Your romantic partner may misread your need for space, so you will have to assure your partner that this is not a sign of lessening love.

Or it may be that your partner tells you some news that shows he or she has hit a very rough patch and will need your help. (If you are not attached romantically, you may have this in regard to a business partner.)

If you were thinking of launching a new business during the first week of October, wait until mid-November. This new moon is more likely to herald a new phase with a partner, most likely the one you are with now. It's also possible that your partner will make an announcement about breaking up and leaving, and if so, that will be news you never saw coming. If you have to act this month, do so near October 13-16 when you will have a small pocket of calm. Still, I don't like October any which way, so consider November 12 as a favorite day.

There is more. Your big moment of this month will be the full moon lunar eclipse in Aries, 25 degrees, October 18. Those Aries born on April 14, plus or minus five days (as early as April 9 to April 19), will feel this eclipse the most. This one will center you on an important decision and require quick action. Mars is your ruler, and will be well angled to this eclipse, thank goodness, so you are likely to find the pieces of your puzzle will fall into neatly place as a result of this eclipse. (This eclipse is far better than the new moon in Libra, October 4 - almost anything would be.)

At work, you will be busy, and you may be thankful for the move of Mars, your ruling planet, and his move into your sixth house of work projects on October 15. From then until December 7, you will be preoccupied with assignments. If you hoped to get a part-time or freelance job similar to work you've done in the past, you will have a chance to do that, for Mars will help you find the right opportunities.

Mars in the sixth house of assignments will get you work, possibly plenty of it, but it is not likely to be the kind of work that represents promotion to a new level of authority. (Your jobs would most likely be similar to the jobs you've done in the past.) If you want to make a move up the ladder of success, then explore possibilities on October 31, when Mars will be in agreement with Pluto. This is a powerful day for you, as Pluto is in your house of fame, and Mars will link Pluto to day-to-day assignments. Still, I don't want you to make any do-or-die moves that are sealed in cement - you need to keep flexible as many things are changing around you.

Make sure you have a clear definition of what is expected of you to do on the job, for with Mars opposed to Neptune on October 19, (an aspect with a wide span of tolerance) before and after this date, you might assume you are expected to do one thing, when in fact, you need to do another.

To add to the confusion, Mercury will be retrograde soon after the eclipse, starting October 21 and continuing until November 10. Mercury will retrograde in your payment sector, so if you expect to be paid by a company, your ex, or anyone else who owes you, that check is likely to be late, if it comes at all. Send out reminder statements early in October - don't be shy about that. Sometimes we do everything we can, but we can only go just so far. If someone does not want to pay you, they won't, but in that case, see if you can set up a payment plan. Because Mercury will retrograde in your financial quarter, you may lose things, so make sure you keep very good track of all your electronic treasures, eyeglasses, sunglasses, wallet, and other things you would be devastated to lose. Keep your business card attached to everything.

As you see, the second half of the month will be about sorting out news that you receive as a result of the eclipse. You may make a major lifestyle change this month.

In terms of love, with Venus in Sagittarius, a fellow fire sign, you will have a bit of luck on October 16, when Venus is in perfect angle to Uranus in Aries, planet of surprise. If you do meet someone special (and chances are good that you will) you will be completely taken back - this is not a chance meeting you'd ever expect.

Also, the first half of the month, with Mars in Leo, until October 1 to 15, you will have an outstanding chance to meet a new romantic interest. You had this energy since the end of August, so you may have already met someone new, a great time to do so. Look your best, dear Aries.

The first week of October brings a troublesome new moon on October 4, revealing soon after just how unstable one close relationship has become. This will come as a shock, because someone you have trusted in a close love or business partnership has been careful to keep details of his or her behavior hidden. Now those details seem to come to the surface with the power of a geyser. On your mind may be a love relationship, conflict over a child, or how a creative project must be handled.

There is another way events may manifest instead, in a scenario where no one is to blame - in this case, you may be concerned about the wellbeing of the person you committed to in this relationship. No matter what comes up, you will not see this coming, and now will have to decide how to handle things.

In the first week of October, emerging financial or career news may frustrate to you too, making you feel boxed in, without many options. A high level VIP will be obstinate, dictatorial, and unyielding, just when you need most to see an attitude of flexibility, openness, and understanding. Aries born near April 1 will feel this influence more than most, but everyone, of every sign, will feel tensions in the air.

By the full moon, lunar eclipse in Aries, October 18, the future course of what to do will be squarely in your hands, but you won't have a lot of time to choose a direction. Take the emotion out of the situation and deal only with facts, as hard as that might be to do. The aspects at play will test you, and for some, cause separations, but as always in astrology, nothing is predetermined. All eclipses bring news we need to have to protect ourselves, and it is delivered quickly in an unexpected way. When it comes to eclipses, in most cases, there is a feeling of finality about what is to be done. Keep your health up to par, as October will be one of those months where many demands will be placed on you and you will need all your facilities to keep up.

As an Aries, you are action-oriented, but with your ruler, Mars, moving all month toward an opposition to Neptune on October 19, you won't have all the facts because they will be obscured. Mercury will be retrograde from October 21 to November 10, adding more emphasis to the truth that it is not a good time to announce final actions. Besides, eclipses come in pairs, and your next one, a more friendly solar eclipse in Scorpio, will arrive November 3. Wait until it has spoken. In times like this, holding back is often the best course of action, for conditions are shifting. When the dust settles, you will know what to do.

The picture has bright points too, for your ruler, Mars, will be in Leo until October 15, and will work hard to support your interests. The fact that Mars is your ruler means it has extra weight. If you feel you need to defend your position during the first half of October, go ahead and speak up, and be confident that your words will be heard and noted. Taking a trip may be a good idea, for traveling to a new setting may allow you to put events back in perspective. Venus will be in your travel sector from October 8 to November 4, so take full advantage, and go away to unwind amid blazing fall foliage.

On October 16, with Mars' move to Virgo, you will be ready to roll up your sleeves and work on a flurry of assignments that will start to come in. If self-employed, business will be brisk. Mars will be in beautiful angle to Pluto by October 31, so the VIP who proved so difficult in early October may soften and be more amenable to your suggestions by then. Or, the new and improved VIP may be just that - a different person who arrives on the scene to help you.

Dates to Note for ARIES

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other things too:
October 8, 12-13, 16-18, 26, 27, and 31.

You may experience some instability with your relationships during the new moon in Libra on October 4 + two weeks.

A difficult night for love may turn out to be October 3 when the Sun opposes Uranus.

Mars will tour Leo and your fifth house of true love from October 1 to 14, so positive for love!

Mars will tour Virgo on October 15 until December 7, increasing the number of projects in your office.

When Venus signals Uranus on October 16, you might take a spontaneous long-distance trip.

October 18 will change your game plan. As one door closes, another one will open for you.

Mercury will be retrograde from October 21 to November 10. You may find that checks due to you run late - send reminders.

Halloween, October 31, will be a fun night out, with your ruler Mars in perfect angle to Pluto. Start making your costume early in the month.

Also on October 31: A project you've been working on may catch the eye of a VIP and win you praise.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-10-02 11:48:32
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 10月 牡羊座(原文)
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MindOcean: [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 10月 牡羊座(原文) - Zastrology板