看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 11月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2013年11月01日 Fri. PM 02:29:06

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)

Your November Horoscope by Susan Miller

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2013

By Susan Miller

You may have waited all year for November's sterling career aspects to arrive. You are now entering one of the very best months of all of 2013 for making a big leap up to a new and very prestigious position. All year, you may have been frustrated by the slim pickings of jobs that you've been able to uncover in the marketplace. If the right offers haven't come to you, or if one did come, but the one job was plucked away in a flash, it is easy to see why you are ready to scream. Now, all those conditions change for the better in November. A new position is very close to being yours if you give your effort your all.

We have a new moon solar eclipse on November 3 in Scorpio 11 degrees that will open a new career path for you. Eclipses are very powerful events, for they spark dramatic events that usually change the whole complexion of a situation or dilemma we have faced. Eclipses come in pairs, for eclipses always fall on full moons or new moons. Typically we only get four eclipses in any given year. (In 2013, we will have had five total, if you count the new one coming November 3, but no more will arrive until April 2014.) Eclipses in the Scorpio-Taurus family of signs are similar to the ones that came by in 1994.

Unlike last month, which brought an emotional full moon lunar eclipse in Aries 25 degrees, on October 18, this one, due November 3, will be calmer and easier for you to assimilate. Always pay attention to any and all eclipses, because they act like lightning bolts and shake up the environment you are working within, take you out of your complacency, and push you to move into new circumstances. This month's eclipse is very positive, so there's no reason to be concerned. This one will bring a change to your status and reputation in your industry. If you should lose a job, don't worry, as it may be the only way the universe can get you into something new and better.

All eclipses hinge on what you've done all along, leading to this month. Obviously, if you have worked hard, smart, and enthusiastically, you will likely get ahead now. If you are in the wrong job for you and never liked it, you might lose your job (or if self-employed, a client), but because this eclipse is positive and begins a new chapter, you can find a new, better position if you are determined to look for it. This is a big month! With Saturn traveling next to the eclipse, you will need to come across as serious, practical, and realistic.

Last month's eclipse October 18 may have sent you traveling, or you may have heard family news about your sister, brother, or cousin. Additionally, you may have had a contract, lease, or other paper to negotiate and sign. Or, you may have been to launch a website, cell phone app, software, or other such electronic / digital product. The eclipse of October 18 lit your third house and highlighted your ability to communicate, so you may have finished a writing assignment, or were asked to translate, edit, write, teach, lecture, or sell an idea, product, or real estate. That eclipse, October 18, favored you if your birthday falls on February 13, plus or minus five days, or have Aquarius rising or another natal planet at 25 degrees Aries, plus or minus five degrees.

If you did not notice any news at all last month about any of these matters, and were born within five days of February 15, the birthday that would most likely feel the October 18 eclipse, you may still hear dramatic news. It is possible the news of the eclipse will be delivered one month to the day later, November 18 plus or minus five days. In twenty percent of the time, this happens later. In only about five percent of the time, readers may feel the eclipse one day to the month earlier, September 19, plus or minus five days.

Do you wish you could read what I wrote for you in October? You can always read the previous month's report - in this case, October - by scrolling down on this page, to below my Summary and Dates to Note. You will always see the link to the "Previous Month's Forecast" there, just before you get to my P.S. (post script) of announcements below, on this page.

Hopefully, you were able to hold off signing documents or buying anything expensive, especially an electronic item, as Mercury was retrograde last month starting October 21, and will continue to retrograde through the first ten days of November. This Mercury retrograde period may have seemed endless, as you felt the characteristic Mercury retrograde slowdown as early as October 1, when the pre-retrograde period first began. You will be free to sign papers after November 10, the day Mercury goes direct. You are free to buy your electronic treasures too, but I would suggest you wait to act from November 12 onward, as you should always leave a little space of days before you resume activity.

Actually, if you have a big venture coming up and want it to ensure the success of the contract, sign on November 11 or 12 when Jupiter will signal the Sun in the most divine way possible. On these same days, November 11 and 12, you may also get news that you have a new assignment coming in, one that will bring you a lot of attention in your company or among others who have been following your work. Jupiter will also likely see that you get paid well for your work. On another note, you may get news that your health or overall fitness is improving at the very same time. In so many ways, November 11 and 12 are special.

If the papers you are asked to sign this month are EXTREMELY important, and you can wait, I would suggest signing on November 27. By then, Mercury will be completely regulated, and Mercury and Jupiter will act like little loving relatives to make your agreement a success. This is a four-star day.

Now, going back to this month, on November 3 we will have a new moon eclipse, with the power of three new moons rolled into one. New moons open paths to a new place, and for you, it is happening in your prestigious professional sector. Along with the new moon eclipse, you will have the Sun, Saturn, and Mercury, also in this house. This suggests you are about to get an offer very soon.

Any position you discuss now will be a highly responsible one and the weight of that responsibility will weigh on you. This eclipse will arrive arm-in-arm with Saturn and the Sun, all in very tight mathematical degree, so as they say, "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." This is the kind of job you want, dear Aquarius - you will be at the top or near it! (And let's think positively - I think you can get it!) If you are an actor, you may audition for a very big role, and you will realize the success or failure of the film will rest on your shoulders. You will likely need to stretch and use all your skill to do a fine job, but that's the fun of this - you know you can do it.

If you have the interview on November 6, the day Saturn will conjoin the Sun, the interviewer will be tough - he or she will ask very practical questions, and you will need to come off as in command and quite seasoned, even if you are young. (Dress conservatively - this is a somber all-business type of day.)

You will likely have an older, senior executive nearby to help you learn the ropes, and although this person will have your best interests at heart, he or she will have a strange way of showing it. Nevertheless, although this person will be critical, exacting, and hard to please, clearly this person will want to help you. This mentor will show you how to reach for a new and high standard of excellence.

The planets in your house of fame are moving in the financially savvy of Scorpio, so you may work on budgets or be asked to do investigative research. Other professions associated with Scorpio are those that deal in secrets and espionage (CIA and FBI are some examples), law and order, police and attorney prosecutor, or home and homeland security. Scorpio also rules sex, so you may be a stylist for a very sexy movie star - you get the idea. (If you don't actually have one of these types of jobs, you may work in a position that supports these professions or, for example, if you work on a film, you may find the topic of the movie will be about one of those I listed here, such as law and order, or espionage.

Neptune will turn direct on November 13, and that will help you get money you need to forge forward on a particular dream. I say that because Neptune is the ruler of your house of earned income and has been retrograde since June 7. Until now, it may have been hard for you to get a loan, mortgage, infusion of venture capital, company benefits, bonus, scholarship or financial aid, a court settlement, child support, or other means of financial support, and you will like the change.

On another note, your mind will turn to your home or parents on November 17, due the impending full moon in Taurus 25 degrees. This is a friendly full moon, so you will be very productive in regard to any home-oriented project. A home-related renovation or move will come to fruition within five days of this date. You might host guests or give a party at home over the weekend of November 16-17. If your mother or father needs care, you can find the funds you need to help.

I am enthusiastic about how things will work out, because Mars, in your eighth house of other people's money, will be so sweetly angled to this full moon. You may be able to get a mortgage or home improvement loan agreed to at this time. Or, you may get a new work assignment that pays very well in a one-time fee. Whatever you hope to accomplish at home, it appears you will find the money to fund it.

I love Monday, November 18, too, when Mars and Jupiter will have their own conversation on your behalf, making it a dazzling day to schedule a meeting, interview, presentation, or pitch. Your chances of getting approval on a generous business deal are strong.

The following week will also be special. Mercury will be in fine angle to Jupiter, November 27, linking a project that you had done with care to your evolving and growing career reputation. If you did give your assignment your all, you can expect a great result on November 27. A top VIP may issue a press release on you, or you may be offered a promotion.

The same day, Wednesday, November 27, will be ideal for a quick trip, as Mercury is the travel planet and will be conversing with Jupiter, planet of happiness and profit. If you plan to work over this day, you are likely to find business brisk. In the US, the big national holiday of Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28, so many people will be on the road, in the air, or on the rails to be with family. This day would be ideal to travel, as well as the days prior, so by all means, visit grandmother or your sister for a wonderful family dinner. I am sad to say that during the holidays next month, between Christmas and New Year's, a number of cosmic storms will roll through, adding a lot of tension. It would be best to keep plans simple and low-key next month. This month, however, is made for travel over the Thanksgiving holiday, so by all means go!

The month will end on a spectacular note. Your ruler, Uranus, will signal the Sun on Saturday, November 30 and bring all sorts of fun with your friends. You may travel very spontaneously to a nearby city to see them, and if so, you'll enjoy the time you have away. This weekend is for creative sparks and fun, for not sticking to anything preplanned.

Romance will be tricky. With Venus in your twelfth house, orbiting close to Pluto mid-month, you may get involved with someone new who is not completely transparent. This person may not be available, and worse, may want to manipulate you to do as he or she says. This is obsessive energy, and although the chemistry will be powerful between you and this new person, electric chemistry does not guarantee that this person is good for you. You must find out if your new love is not being honest. For that reason, go slowly and be wary about getting involved too quickly. Remember, you are the prize. Next month is your big month for love.

Once you see Mars enter Libra next month on December 7, to stay a very long time, until July 25, you will see your love life pick up. This month, neither Venus nor Mars are in the right spot to help you.

I do like Saturday, November 30 best, an ideal night to mix and mingle, for that evening will be filled with surprise

I listed many days in November that will benefit you on several levels in Dates to Note below, and you should be in a happy-go-lucky mood on those days. By all means consult those dates and choose from that list. At the same time, make a mental note that next month, December, will be better!

In the meantime, this month, focus on your career all month, and near the full moon, November 17, on your home life, the two major areas where you will make the biggest gains and be proudest of what you accomplished.


This will be one of the most critical months of the year for your career, so keep your eye on the first week of the month for sudden developments. You will have the Sun, new moon solar eclipse November 3, along with Mercury and Saturn, creating a powerful professional presence in your life. You should not have any problems getting the attention of higher ups now, for the solar eclipse of November 3 will shuffle the deck and in the fluid atmosphere, bring sudden professional opportunities to the surface. With Saturn in conjunction to the Sun, the competition for any job you discuss will be fierce, and the questions an older executive asks of you, difficult. That should not faze you - you are up to this kind of pressure, and you know you can ace the interview process.

Even if you don't change your job, a lot of assignments will pour in now, and your experience and skills will be in high demand. If you are self-employed, you will have plenty to do, and that has to be gratifying too. Better clients will be beating their path to your door, and your status will steadily rise in your industry.

November 11, 12, and 13 should bring superb news about your work projects, for any new assignment discussed on those days would be a prestigious one. On November 18, you may be negotiating with a client for a generous commission. Life keeps getting better! On November 27, a day when Mercury and good fortune Jupiter combine forces, you will have your best day for signing a contract or making a presentation to a client near or far.

Financially, you seem to be going through a lot of money since the second half of last month, but you seem be almost finished with your higher-than-usual spending. You may be in the throes of a lifestyle change, and that might account for all the check writing you've been doing since October 15 and will continue to do now.

Your attention will turn to home and other property you may manage, for the full moon, November 17, will bring events to culmination. This full moon will be beautifully oriented toward Jupiter, so the full moon should bring happy news. You may receive special support from family, moving, or seeing some sort of change within your residence. The outcome should be quite positive. If you need to help a parent and need funds to do so, you can find them if you look hard enough - that seems obvious in your horoscope.

Dates to Note: Aquarius

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other things too: November 4, 8,-10, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 27, 28, and 30.

Your career may bring superb opportunity as a result of the solar eclipse November 3.

If a top boss criticizes you on November 5, don't take it too much to heart. You may simply be overtired and therefore overact to what is being said.

Jupiter will go retrograde November 6. A project may need another look and some tweaking.

Mercury was retrograde since October 21 and will now turn direct November 10.

November 11 or 12, or even 13, would be an ideal day for an important job interview or to present the final stage of project.

Neptune will move direct on November 13, so you will find talks about salary speed ahead. Financially, this is good news.

November 16 has a grand trine in earth signs involving the planets moon, Venus, Pluto, and Mars, a wonderful day for everyone. Your home-related plans will get a boost, or you may even see a bona fide breakthrough.

If you are in your own business, a lucrative client may ask you to do a project on November 18. If you work for others, the assignment you get will please you.

Your ruler, Uranus, will reach out to the Sun on November 30, making that weekend an ideal one for unexpected quick travel and for seeing friends.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-11-01 14:29:06
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