看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 2月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2014年02月01日 Sat. PM 02:24:15

2月 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius

It's birthday time and that's exciting because it means you are about to start a fresh new chapter. Last month, you had many planets crowded into your twelfth house, and this indicates that in January you were finishing up loose ends and clearing the decks to bring new elements in your life. Now you are ready.

The universe sent you a new moon in Aquarius on January 30, just two days prior to the start of this month, February. A new moon is very powerful, and when it is in one's own sign, doubly so. Each year, you will only get a new moon in your sign a year, and when it arrives, you can direct its energy in any way you please. That is the promise being given to you from a loving universe this month.

This new moon is quite special in that your ruler, Uranus, will be in Aries and in perfect position to send a golden vibration to that new moon from your house of communication and travel. You may travel quite spontaneously should you suddenly realize you need a change of scene. If you do go, under this new moon, you will have a lot of fun. Uranus is the planet that brings excitement and enthusiasm, adventure and surprise, and these adjectives may well describe your experiences in the first half of February, even if you don't go away. You may get a surprise phone call with good news from a usual source, or an opportunity to enter into a new realm that you never even imagined would ever be offered to you. In early February, expect the unexpected!

Were you born on or within five days of January 30? Then the universe will be speaking directly to you, and you will enjoy this new moon twice as much as most Aquarians can do. If you have your natal chart, and you know you have Aquarius rising at 11 degrees, plus or minus five degrees, or a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius, at 11 degrees, with the same tolerance of plus or minus five degrees, you, too, will benefit at the full moon February 14.

Mercury will be retrograde this month, in Aquarius, from February 6 to 28, and as you enter February you are already too late to sign important papers or to announce a decision verbally. To be clear, in astrology, agreeing to a deal by signature or voice is considered the same thing, and in many states and countries a verbal consent is legally binding for a certain amount of time. Whether by signature or voice, to agree to something now would be to give birth to the project or position, but in February you would be starting at the wrong time. You need time to consider your options, listen to your intuition, and rework your strategy.

I feel you may take a short trip to a pretty setting to refresh your spirit during the first week of February. To enjoy it, you would not need to travel far or stay very long, for even a weekend trip away would be enough to have you returning back feeling new.

You seem to need an element of luck, because lately, although you are not a cardinal sign (Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn, which have been the signs beset with the most challenges lately), you certainly have had your share of difficulties. Saturn has reached the pinnacle point of your chart, and is either giving you career opportunity or challenge - or both. You can make a big name for yourself under Saturn's gaze, which will last until September 2015. Saturn in your tenth house of career success denotes leadership that is tested, honed, and ultimately recognized.

If you start a business under this trend (Saturn in the tenth house), you will experience the building of your business to be an arduous task, but you are so lucky to have Saturn standing at your side. Your hard work will ensure a solid foundation for even more future success. You will give your business all the effort you have to give, for Saturn would expect no less. Starting your own company is never a venture meant for nervous Nellies, but you seem to have the stout heart that is so necessary to keep going until profits start to roll in. Become knowledgeable about laws and keep your lawyer close to you, and rather than listen to the cacophony of voices around you about decisions you should and shouldn't make, trust your own instincts. Your instincts are more correct than you assume them to be.

Do not have a meeting on February 11, when Saturn will be at hard angles to the Sun - you won't feel that your voice is being heard or that your ideas are being fully understood. Convincing a VIP of the value of your new concepts and of your experience will be difficult, as will also be on February 18. Your very best day for talks with a VIP will be on February 27 and 28. Circle those two latter days in red!

Mars is traveling through your house of international travel, people, and places, and this ninth house of your solar horoscope also rules the dissemination of information, through broadcasting and publishing media (including digital forms), or through teaching or studying in college. This same house also rules immigration, legal matters, and the judicial process through the court system. As you can tell, it is a very intellectual house. One of these areas may be important for you now, but you may need to be patient, because I see a gradual slow down in the pacing of your ninth house. Here is why.

Mars, now in your ninth house, will go retrograde from March 1 to May 19, rendering Mars weak, so you won't make as much progress as you are used to making in a normal span of time. Any planet in retrograde is a resting planet, for while it sleeps, it withholds its best powers. Mars is the booster planet that ensures a solidly strong lift off to all big dreams and plans, but without Mars, you will have to do the heavy lifting yourself, which may not even be possible. If you have not yet started your business, do so after Mars turns direct, at the end of May at the earliest.

When a planet starts to get ready to go retrograde, it begins to slow down even before it reaches the official turnaround date. In other words, Mars is already moving at a snail's pace. Mars has not been normal since December, but Mars will slow down even more when he goes retrograde March 1. Once Mars goes direct on May 19, he will not be up to full speed again until mid-July. Everyone is in the same boat, so don't feel you are at a disadvantage. Why all these retrogrades?

The universe wants us to complete old business from last year, and that is why we are being saddled with so many retrograde planets. We can no longer hope that things will straighten out without direct intervention. As you work to finish projects and tie up loose ends, think about what you truly want to do in your career. As an Aquarius, you have a deep need to make a difference, and to contribute something of importance to the world. It takes a slow period to have time to think, which is, of course, always the prerequisite to our very best and most productive actions.

Now and in the coming weeks, be content with the gradual, but sure progress you will be creating. Your aim should be to build a very stable foundation for your ambitions. Pushing through this period with force would be the wrong idea. Take the time to reflect on things, and tweak what you need to change. Mars goes retrograde every two years, so we had a similar situation in early 2012. We all survived that period, and now you may even learn to find ways to enjoy a retrograde, for your schedule will open up as you encounter temporary delays.

Take care that you don't run yourself down near February 14, for Saturn will be in hard angle to that full moon, and you may feel you have too many things on your agenda to do, causing a tight time squeeze. You may leave yourself open to a heavy cold, so shore up your strength.

Your loving partner may be on your mind mid-month, on the full moon in Leo February 14. It's quite extraordinary that Valentine's Day falls on the full moon, for this has not happened in years. Emotions will be heightened, and hopefully your feelings of love and passion will come to the surface. You are a brainy sign, not given to big displays of affection, but this time, you may be in a sentimental mood and ready to confess your love. If ever there were a likely time for you to get engaged, this Valentine's Day is it! Venus is no longer out of phase, a good sign, but I wish Mercury in Aquarius were moving ahead, too. If you can wait to pop the question (or wait to accept the proposal) until February 28, so much the better! Commitment and partnering up will certainly be on your mind.

The full moon will be in Leo, and that is the sign of beauty and luxury, so if you are happily coupled up, you will want to arrange a dinner in a very special restaurant (most likely it will be an expensive establishment) to weave a memory that will last a lifetime.

Mars, from his perch in your ninth house of foreign travel, will be linked directly to that full moon, February 14, in a very friendly way. You may travel to a distant city with your sweetheart, or you both may be returning home from a whirlwind getaway in the days that circle February 14. Travel is, as you see, indicated all over your chart

Of course, not everyone is in love at Valentine's Day. Sometimes this day seems like one of those signpost days, a non-holiday that somehow annoyingly reveals to us where we stand in regard to a certain relationship and the contrast of where we hope to be. If you are not happy and have been trying to find the courage to leave a relationship, this full moon may make obvious what you need to do. This may be the moment you throw in the towel, knowing that you cannot wait or hope any longer that something will happen to move the relationship forward. If you feel that way, and you feel you've given the relationship enough time to blossom into something more, then it is time to call it quits.

I do love this full moon, however, in that the Sun and full moon will be beautifully oriented toward Mars, to nearly exact degree. This suggests that the vast majority of Aquarians will enjoy this day for lovers, and I dearly hope that this would be the case for you, too.

If your birthday falls on February 14, plus or minus five days, you will feel the benefits of this full moon the most, especially since Mars is in such a fantastic place in the sky for you. The same would be true if you have Aquarius rising 26 degrees, or have a natal planet of that degree in Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra. In any of these circumstances, you will also have a double dip of luck from this full moon. One more point: when you experience the rare occasion of hosting a full moon on or near your birthday, it means that your entire year will be filled with culminations. You will see several of your goals reach a high point, and it will be time to look at a new mountain to climb, and a new adventure to tackle.

The end of the month brings a truly wonderful new moon, February 28, in your house of earned income. This is one of the most important new moons of the year for helping you raise your income. Be ready to speak up on February 28, or at the very latest, March 3. The new moon will be in ideal angle to Jupiter, the astrological giver of gifts and luck, now touring your sixth house of projects. I feel you may get a temporary job, long-term project, or if you are self-employed, a new client. If so, you will likely find you can make excellent money from the assignment that comes up at this time. Not only will the compensation be generous, but you will likely be intrigued with the creative possibilities that you will be able to add to this project, too.

On this same day, February 28, Jupiter will reach out to the Sun in a "trine" position - considered the very best, most harmonious angle possible. This strongly suggests that your compensation will rise, but you will have to ask for the money to get it.

The Sun will be conjunct Neptune, too, on February 28, suggesting that if you are creative or work in a support position to creative people, you will do well. If you do not work in a creative field, you may have to be very careful, as Neptune conjunct the Sun can add confusion or misunderstanding in regard to money. If you find you are negotiating a deal, you will need to ask a lot of questions. Certain facts may be withheld from you, so you may need to see backup data. Still, despite the occasional twists and turns to February, I see you coming out the winner, dear Aquarius. Happy birthday!
Birthday time has come, and as your gift, the new moon in Aquarius, has just recently appeared January 30. You get a new moon in Aquarius annually at the time of your birthday, and each time this happens, the vibrations surrounding it are different. This year's new moon is outstandingly positive, for your ruler, Uranus, the planet that comes filled with surprises, will act like Puck, willing to bring you all sorts of unexpected opportunities that will seem just made in heaven for you.

You will have to be willing to initiate soon the first step on the matter you feel is dear to you. Do so very quickly, as soon as the new moon arrives, from February 1 to 5, as new moons begin to deflate with each passing day.

Mercury will go retrograde in Aquarius from February 6 to 28, which is another reason you will need to get things done quickly, as soon as the month begins.

While the general rule of "never start new ventures when Mercury is retrograde" is true, there are exceptions. If you go back to interview with a VIP from your past, or to a project you started but had to put aside for any reason, then this month would be an excellent time to reopen that situation and move forward with it. Technically, if you think about this, you would not be starting something new, but rather returning to continue a situation or relationship from your past. Those endeavors are precisely what you should do during Mercury retrograde.

To make Mercury work for you, the endeavor or relationship cannot be something you started a few days go, as it really has to be a major project in which you have already invested time and energy. So, for example, if you were interviewing for a big job since November, you can continue to do so without fear you are aiming at a job at a very wrong time. Even so, if you take the job in February, with Mercury retrograde, the position you want may change in job description, and you may encounter delays. Have patience - by February 28, Mercury will resolve its orbit and you will be speeding along again.

This February 14 may be a big day for Valentine's Day, for it will arrive as a tender full moon in Leo - your opposite sign - and light your house of marriage. Rarely have you had a better chance to become engaged or married than you do now, right on Valentine's Day!

Single Aquarius will have special allure this month, and may meet someone on an airplane or other public conveyance. Travel is indicated now and in months to come, and you'd pack and go for a variety of reasons. Look your best when you head to the airport or train station, for Cupid might zing his arrow at any time, and you need to look your best. (Venus is now going direct so you can see about perking up your appearance the minute February begins.) University study will also be a fine place to meet a new romantic interest. If a friend or a family member (yes - a family member!) wants to arrange a blind date for you, agree, for you may be surprised by how well that introduction may work for you.

The month will end with a wonderful opportunity to make more money. The new moon, February 28, will bring up talks with executives at your day job, or concerning a side job. Either way, talks seem to turn out to be very much in your favor. In the ten days that follow February 28, you will see you've entered a lucrative time - much more than you may be assuming it would be! Jupiter will align with the Sun on the same day as the new moon, February 28, making this a day a blue ribbon winner. If asked to state your fee, do so, and do not be shy. Think big, and Jupiter will support you!

Dates to Note for AQUARIUS

Most romantic dates, and can be used for other purposes too (these are good days for you): February 2, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 26, 27, and 28.

Mercury will be retrograde February 6 to February 28.

It's birthday time and the universe is sending you a gift, a new moon in Aquarius, filled with happy surprises. That new moon occurred January 30 but will be very strong in the first week of February. Use its strong energy in any way you please.

Mars in Libra is urging you to travel far and wide from now through July 25. March 1 to May 19 may bring delays, however, as Mars will be retrograde during those dates. Take the opportunity to see a foreign country you've never seen before.

Legal matters, anything having to do with colleges, and your attainment of any sort of degree should go well in February, but when Mars is retrograde, progress will lag. Attend to those matters, and those involving immigration, green card, visa, or passports now. Publishing and broadcasting ventures do well this month as well.

The full moon in Leo on Valentine's Day, February 14, may crystallize an important moment in your relationship. You may decide to be exclusive, move in together, and get engaged, for example. It is a glorious new moon, filled with good energy from Mars in Libra, so you can make plans for the future. Mercury is retrograde, so don't seal anything in stone, but you can talk things over.

Your finances will be the topic of the new moon, February 28, and with such fine vibrations, it's the time to ask for a raise, or if self-employed, raise your fees.

The Sun and Jupiter will be in elegant angle February 28 as well, and that will help you make a big step forward on fitness and health. Get started improving your lifestyle on that day with better nutrition and more exercise. Make appointment for tests or exam at doctor.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-02-01 14:24:15
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