看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 5月 金牛座(原文)
時間 2015-05-01 Fri. 20:54:59

Taurus Forecast for May 2015

By Susan Miller

Your partner will be your full focus at the full moon, May 3 in Scorpio, 13 degrees, as the month opens. This full moon will be in lovely angle to graceful Neptune, so you may be invited to a beautiful party or have a very romantic episode with your one-and-only. Neptune will be in an ideal angle too, bringing inspiration and in a beautifully romantic vibe. You may promise to be exclusive, or get engaged or married. Mercury will be opposite Saturn, so you'll mean what you say - you won't change your mind. Saturn urges long-term planning, and certainly, you will be thinking about your life in years ahead.

If you are already in an established relationship, you may now give your partner much more attention. You may hear news now from your partner on this full moon, and it would be news that would affect you both. Pluto will be perfectly angled to the full moon (although a little too far to be a real aspect), but it seems to me you may go on a distant, exciting trip together early in the month too. It may be a honeymoon!

If you are not dating anyone seriously, this full moon may mark a moment when you and another person join forces in a business relationship. You may sign papers to make a business partnership official, or you may hire an expert, such as a lawyer, accountant, advertising director for your website, a publicist, stylist, ghostwriter for a book you are writing, or an editor. Anyone who can bring expertise to your effort comes under the seventh house of close partnership. When two people are dependent on the other for the success or failure of the venture, working together on a common goal, the contractual relationship falls in the seventh house, the place of the full moon.

If your birthday falls within five days of May 3, you will feel the full moon more directly than Taurus born at other times of the month. Having a full moon coincide with your birthday suggests many of the goals you've worked toward for years could be coming to fruition at long last. By your next birthday in 2016, you'll need an entirely new list of goals as you will likely have achieved something you've wanted to see happen for a very long time.

If you have your natal chart, look to see if you have a planet at 13 degrees Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo, or Capricorn (or within four degrees of that number) - you will also benefit from this full moon.

Saturn is edging backward toward your commitment house and will arrive next month on June 14. Saturn is the planet that makes us be realistic and helps us to think about our future. If you have been dating and want to marry, Saturn will urge you to either commit to the person you've been dating (assuming you've been dating long enough and know you want to wed), or if you finally conclude there is no future in this alliance, then you may leave. Saturn was in your relationship house since October 2012, but moved on to Sagittarius on December 23, 2014. Saturn is now retrograding back into your relationship commitment house for a short time, June 14 to September 17, and it looks like you will want the relationship to progress (if it has not up until now) during that time. Once Saturn leaves Scorpio on September 17, he will not be back to your relationship house until 2041.

Hosting Saturn in the seventh house is never easy. If you feel you have serious problems in your relationship (and Saturn certainly would have brought to the surface any difficulties that existed), you were being asked to think about how willing you were to fix things. This might have meant giving more to your partner. If you feel you had not given enough to the relationship, perhaps you chose to concentrate more on your partner, but if you felt you were the only one trying to make things work, then you may have thrown in the towel, or soon will.

Saturn is now moving toward 29 degrees Scorpio in coming weeks, and that's the degree of completion. If you have been unhappy and have not made your choice of what to do yet, the time is quickly coming due to announce your decision. You cannot remain in limbo forever.

The new moon will arrive on May 18, in Taurus, 27 degrees, so it is an important one for you. This new moon will help you begin an important chapter on a matter dearly important to you, and it may have to do with your relationship or another goal dear to your heart. Earlier, Mars will still tour your sign until May 12, so this means you will be very energized to get your life moving forward.

Saturn will oppose this new moon, however, slowing things down by putting an obstacle or two in your path. Saturn's presence suggests you will need to marshal all your strength and determination to get over whatever roadblock(s) you encounter. You will have to give your goal everything you've got to give, and to keep your concentration focused, without distraction. A new moon occurs once a year in one's birthday sign, so your work toward what you hope to achieve will need to be sustained that long - one year. Pace yourself, and provide rest in between, too.

If your birthday falls on May 18, or within four days of this date, this will be an important birthday, where you draw up many plans for the future. A new moon coinciding with one's birthday does not happen often, so it will be a year of new goals and new experiences.

Mercury will retrograde from May 18 to June 11, not a time to put plans in place or make any big announcements just yet. It is a good time to review your past and decide what you want to change for the future. If you are given an offer for a new job, don't accept until after you have thought thoroughly about it - do not accept before June 11. There is an exception, and that is if the offer comes from a person you worked with in the past, such as a former boss, which means you can accept - you would simply be continuing a former relationship. Mercury retrograde rewards us when we look back to re-address, reconsider, and re-examine things, but it is not a time to start anything new. Any contract you sign during the retrograde would have to be renegotiated again later, if you would still want the venture - it's doubtful!

My readers are always asking me on Twitter (@AstrologyZone) if the person they met just last week, one week prior to the retrograde of Mercury, can be considered someone they know from their past? That is so funny. No, that doesn't fit the test. It has to be a former relationship that was solid and that has some history. Ha, ha, you can't bend the rules.

However, if you are desperate for a job, take it, but realize the job may change after you are in it, and perhaps your duties will be very different from what you expected, and not in a way that pleases you. It's always easier to get a job when you have one (I know, it's not fair), so in that case, take the job if you need it, by all means.

Also, avoid buying any electronics during the Mercury retrograde period. If you need a new computer, get it now, at the start of the month, leaving lots of space between the date you buy your electronic treasure and the date Mercury will turn, May 18. We always feel the turn of Mercury retrograde about ten days before it actually happens. If you want to be safe and really enjoy your electronic item or appliance, buy it next month after June 11. Anything that is hard to return, such as furniture, would not be wise to buy now either.

Mars will enter Gemini on May 12 to stay until June 24, focusing you on money and spending. You seem to have money that is burning a hole in your pocket, but this is not the best time to be acquiring expensive things, for your judgment will be off. You will be using a list of qualifiers in choosing what to buy, but those will change later, so in that respect, your assessment of the purchase will be flawed. It's amazing how waiting can clarify what you didn't know during the retrograde started. Mercury retrograde is always a sign that outside conditions over which you have no control are in flux - they just don't look like they are - not just yet. You will see the truth of this later.

Money seems to be on your mind in other respects. On May 15, action planet Mars (the planet that says "go!") will oppose cautious Saturn ("stop!"). Saturn will ask you if you can afford a certain outlay of cash, and so on second thought, it seems you may have to delay that purchase. A delay does not mean never, so stay cheerful.

One even more difficult day for finances will be May 22, when Saturn (ice) will oppose the Sun (fire). On that day, you may have to acknowledge a tough reality about money, for these two heavenly bodies will oppose one another from your second house (salary, savings) to your eighth house (credit cards, student loans, mortgage, loans, taxes, and other obligations). Again, reality will bite, but there will be no denying the truth that will be presented to you, and you'll have to adjust accordingly. No one will like this day, so don't feel singled out. Do not schedule a presentation or big interview for May 22 - almost any other day would be better.

Romantically and socially, you have some good news, especially if single. Venus, your guardian planet, will tour Cancer from May 7 to June 5, a sign very compatible with yours. Venus will be in your short-distance travel third house, suggesting you will have lots of opportunities to have fun on weekend getaways, and if single, on those trips you might meet someone new.

Your very best weekend to scoot away will be May 16-17. Venus will receive sparkling beams from Neptune - it does not get any more glamorous than that! Also the moon will be in Taurus, so this weekend should turn out to be perfect in every way for you. Venus will be in water sign Cancer, and Neptune in Pisces, so the choice of location is clear - go to a stunning setting near water.


This month, May, might turn out to be a turning point. First, it holds the full moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio, May 3, and will bring into focus the status of a current close committed relationship. It might be about a romantic tie, or it may be a serious long-term business relationship that you hope to form or leave. This full moon will show you if the relationship is strong or weak, and allow you the decision what you'd like to do next. Neptune will bestow its gifts of inspiration and creativity. Because Neptune is the "higher octave" of Venus and can bring your concept of love to higher level (if appropriate), this full moon certainly has possibilities. A weak relationship will become more obvious. Saturn is heading back to your commitment / marriage sector, for only a short stay, June 14 to September 17. It seems that if you are happy, it's time to commit, and if you have been very unhappy, it's time to leave - all will be decided by mid-September, if not now.

You will have to concentrate on finances, especially when Mars opposes Saturn on May 15, and again, a bit more strongly, on May 22, when the Sun does the same. You may feel worn out and overwhelmed, so don't choose those days for key initiations or for medical procedures. The exception if that if you plan to see your doctor for an urgent problem - in that case, forge ahead.

Mercury will retrograde in Gemini from May 18 to June 11 in your earnings, savings, spending sector, so checks due to you may be late this month. Don't be shy about reminding clients that they owe you. You may be able to secure a partial advance early in the month if you are self-employed and about to start a job. Put off spending on electronics, appliances, furniture and other high-ticket items until after the Mercury retrograde will be over next month, June 11. You seem to be working on improving the look of your apartment or house, so you may need a new electronic item, but those are never wise to buy during Mercury retrograde, as you will not enjoy the item you buy to the fullest, and may even ask yourself, "What was I thinking when I bought that?"

The new moon in Taurus May 18 will be your moment to shine. This will be your annual birthday new moon, meant to give you an opportunity to fulfill a long-term wish that you may have put aside for lack of time, or because you suffered a setback. That was then, and this is now. Saturn will be involved, so success won't easily land in your lap, but a new opportunity may come up to help you toward grasping that long-held goal. Saturn will keep you realistic and keep your expectations sensible. Mercury will be retrograde, so be sure to go back to that long-held desire rather than start a new one.

Dates to Note: Taurus

Your ruler, Venus, is now about to move to Cancer, making it possible for you to travel short distances and have lots of fun while you are there, May 7 to June 5. The end of the month will bring of your happiest travel moments.

The full moon brings a serious decision or commitment about a close relationship on May 3. You may feel stressed if you have had problems with this relationship, but if the relationship is strong, you will sail through it easily.

A major authority figure will smile on you on May 6, a great day for an interview, presentation, or negotiation.

Mars will tour Gemini May 11-June 24, increasing your everyday spending. Perhaps you planned to make important purchases and payments. Do so early in the month.

Mercury will go retrograde from May 18 to June 11 in your financial house. Remind those who owe you rather than sit in silence.

The new moon in Taurus May 18 will be your time to initiate an important action. However, with Mercury retrograde at the same time, you would do best to reactivate something you put aside some time ago, for lack of time or money. It would be the right time to try for reconciliation if you still care for that person.

May 22 may be a tough day for finances, when the Sun stands toe-to-toe to Saturn. It is not the day for you to travel, present an idea, or to have an elective health procedure. (If you have an emergency, do it - it may relate to teeth or bones.) Home-related matters and obligations may press on you and money may be tight.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-05-01 20:54:59
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