看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 8月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2015-08-01 Sat. 21:58:18

Pisces Forecast for August 2015

By Susan Miller

August will be a magical, enchanting month for you, dear Pisces. You are a tender, empathetic sign, and when you fall in love, you fall deeply. You are capable of swimming to the bottom of the sea of love, and this may be one of those points in your life that love is all you hoped it to be, the kind of love you see in the movies or read about in novels. August will mark an important turning point, where love turns from lighthearted to serious, and you may notice a yearning for commitment. You may now draw up plans for marriage, even if you have hesitated to embrace the subject in the past.

Male or female, you are about to experience a depth of love that may be completely new to you, and it will lead you on an emotional journey toward building a warm and loving closeness that you've never known, or if you have, not enjoyed in a long time. Very simply, Pisces will have the finest marriage aspects of any sign, and this is a trend that will continue more than a year from now. If you are single and not dating, you will begin to meet what your mother would describe as "marriage material." That is, a person of substance who might help you get over your fear of marriage, if you have one - the idea of breaking up would be too painful to imagine because that would be a sign that you truly love your partner.

The reason for this exciting news is that Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will move into your opposite sign of Virgo on August 11 and remain in that sign until September 9, 2016, a period of thirteen months. Jupiter will bring you happiness from being coupled up and show you that continuing to live your life solo won't compare to the joys of being together. Of course, having children could be a big part of your yearning to be married, or you may be attracted to the idea of saving for a house or apartment together. Or, before the children arrive, you may want to save for an important foreign trip, which will, incidentally, be quite possible for you both at some point in the coming twelve months - Jupiter will make it so.

This vibration is warm and expansive, and no matter how strong the bond you have together now, you will be even closer in the future. A year or two ago, you would not have been ready to take such a big step in commitment, but you have grown, and the life you lived in the past no longer interests you. You are ready for more.

You may apply this "couple up" energy to business too, by finding the right agent, business partner, manager, collaborator, writing partner, publicist, or expert to help you get ahead. If you do this, you will draw up papers to make things official between you both. Most people will feel this energy in a romantic way, but because you are considered the most creative sign of the zodiac, many Pisces work in their own businesses, or work in the arts, where representation is not only common but also necessary.

In the coming twelve months, you will find it easier than you have in the past to locate a person to help you with some of the aspects of your work, and their skills will complement yours. When I say the word "partner," I mean this may be an individual OR an entire entity you partner with and have a contract with, a company. Either way, this alliance will be very successful and lucrative, for whenever Jupiter is involved, considerable profits are never far behind.

As part of this wonderful news, we also have what I call the luckiest day of the year, due August 26, when the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, will align with the mighty Sun, giver of strength and life. This is an annual event that we all look forward to experiencing. The Sun will take the goodness of Jupiter, which is massive, and multiply it tenfold to allow you a breakthrough. Everyone of every sign will love this day, and each sign will enjoy it in completely different ways. For you, the Sun and Jupiter will meet in your house of marriage and partnership.

Normally I would recommend you get engaged or married on August 26, or if you are not at that level of closeness with a romantic partner, to use this day for a business purpose. However, Venus is still retrograde (a holdover since July 25), and because Venus is the planet of love, if you make an important move in matters of the heart, affection may be lackluster or completely missing in your relationship over time. I would much rather you take that big step at the end of October or better yet, in 2016. (Venus will turn direct September 6, but won't reach its former robust strength until mid-October, but that timing will coincide with a difficult new moon, October 15.)

Mercury, which rules contracts, will be retrograde from September 17 to October 9, also not a time to make an important commitment. I like March 12, 2016. (I know, it's enough to make you want to pull your hair out.)

Last July 2014, when my daughter, Chrissie, a Pisces, got engaged, her fiance enlisted Chrissie's best friend Hillary to come with him when he chose the ring and pick the date to surprise Chrissie. Mercury was at the end of a retrograde when Leo called Hillary, so Hillary asked Leo wait a bit before they would make the shopping expedition. Mercury went direct, the ring he chose is beautiful, and Leo surprised Chrissie on a romantic trip to Block Island to propose. What are best friends for? Hillary got everything right, and so did Leo - and I didn't know a thing about all this! I won't let Leo and Chrissie marry with Venus retrograde - thank goodness Leo is good natured and has been willing to wait through all these retrograde planets' phases to make Chrissie happy. This is a true test of love! Needless to say, I adore Leo, who, by the way, is born at the end of July - a dear Leo!

Going back to the discussion of the luckiest day of the year, how can you use this day to your advantage? You can start to talk about your future together. Before you choose a date for 2016, check the Astrology Zone (black) homepage and look at the tables of the eclipses and Mercury retrograde periods - avoid those dates. (Find the link to these tables directly under my Astrology Zone logo.) In a business sense, start to interview various individuals to find the one you feel would be best for you to make official.

Next year, Mars will retrograde April 17 to June 29, 2016, and when Mars is retrograde on the date of a marriage, sex is often lacking. (Just being honest.) You would want to choose the best date possible for your wedding so that the birth of your future together is given the best chance for success. In a business sense, Mars retrograde would lower motivation, passion, drive, and an ability to compete well, so it's not good to lock in a business collaboration then either. Venus retrograde, which is taking place now through September 6, portends not only a lack of affection, but in terms of business, also a lack of profits. (Many people are surprised to Venus is linked to money, but she is. Alas, so you see, Venus retrograde would not be the time to start a business partnership either.)

This date, August 26, would be a superb day to meet with a high level person who can possibly help you with contacts and advice. It would be the right day to give a presentation of a big idea, or to discuss possible budgeting for an upcoming project. Jupiter is the natural ruler of your solar tenth house of fame and honors, so actions you take to increase awareness of your work in your industry would be a very wise move. The Sun rules your sixth house of work assignments, so you will see a direct link between your recent work, and exciting publicity that you may get at this time, on or near August 26. This would also be a superb day to have a consultation with a doctor or other professional.

Now let's talk about the other theme of the month, work and health, which also will form a big part of August. Last year, Jupiter was moving through your health sector and helping you to find the right professionals to help you feel better. Jupiter in the sixth house of your chart also likely brought you superb assignments, some with a touch of luxury associated with them, so they must have been fun. Pisces loves to work, and you must have seen a steady stream of assignments come in. Now Jupiter is packing his bags and preparing to leave, but don't be blue.

If there is still an assignment you'd like to pitch, you can still do so this month. A group of happy little planets are gathering in your sixth house of work assignments and health to wish Jupiter good luck as he departs for Virgo and your marriage / partnership sector on August 11. In the meantime, those little cute planets have cooked up a whole bag of treats for you, with one day after the other sending you all kinds of opportunities. I want to show you them now, for you will have plenty to look forward to in August.

I am afraid you won't get much time for relaxing, but then again, it will be thrilling to be in such high demand. You will have more time with your sweetheart / spouse in September, and you can travel in late October or November. All things come in time.

The month starts with the energy of the full moon, July 31, still very strong as August opens. That full moon fell in Aquarius, 8 degrees, so you may want to take things a bit slower than usual. Your health may be at low ebb, so working quietly on your computer or on a creative project alone might sound just right. I liked that full moon because it was in perfect angle to Saturn, giving all that you do at that time extra stability and sense of longevity.

Even though August 1-2 is a weekend, it appears your creative subconscious will be working overtime, lighting up the idea center of your right brain in a big way. Mercury will be in sync with Uranus, so social scientists say if you spend 90 uninterrupted minutes on your project, you will reach a breakthrough, for tests show that inspiration hits every 90 minutes. The problem is, you don't know where in the 90-minute cycle you will enter, so you must spend at least 90 minutes on your assignment to be sure you experience it. You'll know when that sweet spot hits! There will be no question about that!

That weekend of August 1-2 will continue to feel the powerful influence of the July 31 full moon, so clearly something is about to end. If you have not been happy with someone you have dated, you may break off a relationship. It need not be unpleasant - these days are good ones.

A superb, four-star day will be August 4, the date when Venus aligns with Jupiter, an event that typically happens once a year. These two luminaries will meet in Leo in your assignment house, so you are likely to get good news about a project that you are working on. Because Venus is the natural ruler of two of your solar houses: (1) the third house of communication, your assignment may involve writing or speaking, OR you may get an exciting email or phone call, or need to take a trip, and (2) Venus also rules your eighth house of finances, so you may negotiate a substantial fee for the job. Any money you discuss as compensation for you will be generous.

More news will be on the way on August 8, when Mercury and Jupiter align, another four-star day that will happen only once a year. News about your family and your partner will be positive too. Lots of new assignments are flowing in, so keep your cell phone powered up - and when estimating the time it will take to do the projects, add a bit of elasticity to the job so that you can keep pressure at bay.

Once Mars enters your workaday area (sixth house), you will be awash in assignments, possibly more than you can comfortably handle. You will need to be very organized to handle them all, lest any detail slip between the cracks. Mars will start to pick up the pace at the office at this time, and continue to do so until September 24. Keep your health strong, because Pisces often forgets to eat, or if you do, you may not make the right choices. Stock your cupboards with all the right foods, dear Pisces.

All these themes regarding your assignments will reach an even greater level of sophistication after the new moon, August 14 in Leo, 22 degrees. After this new moon, demand for your services will practically explode. What is interesting about this is that the calls you will be getting aren't what you expect, because Uranus, the planet of surprise, will be so very active at this new moon. If you are self-employed, this all will make sense to you. If you work for others, you will find that management will ask you to take over the plum assignments - the ones that have a lot riding on the outcome and that VIPs only want you to handle.

No doubt, you'll be running from pillar to post to get all your projects done, but you will do a superb job on them, and clients will be beaming. Projects ruled by Leo (as these will be) always have an elegant sheen to them, so you will enjoy the high-end stylishness you will be imparting to these projects. While the dates I gave you earlier will be very important, this new moon in Leo on August 14 will have you hitting the ground running. Mars has not been in Leo and your workaday sector in two years, so the fact that these two elements are coinciding also tells me how busy you will be.

If you have been having a health concern, this new moon of August 14 will set you off in a new direction. Your doctor might recommend a new treatment or medicine that was recently approved by the government to treat your condition. With Uranus active, all things just out of the lab - or that represents new technology - will tend to be favorable for you this month.

Financially, if you recall, one important day for happy financial news that I pointed out earlier will be August 4 when Venus and Jupiter will combine energies - circle both on your calendar. After that, look to August 19 for news about a project that will have the potential to bring in a large influx of money. August 19 could be a day that tickles you with news that surprises you and makes you smile. Venus in Leo in your house of workaday projects will be in ideal angle to surprise-a-minute Uranus in your second house of earned income - how lucky can you get?

Also at the end of the month, August 29, the year's only full moon in Pisces will occur. Your feelings will be soaring, doubly so if you are a February-born Pisces. Something of enormous importance is about to crest, and all that makes you so happy seems to involve a close relationship. Neptune will be very prominent, so make sure you don't become carried away with the emotions of the moment - Neptune can cloud judgment. Admittedly, it will be a very glamorous moment. Neptune also involves artistic expression, so if at month's end you present a creative idea or finish an artistic project, you'll have many reasons to celebrate. This month seems made for you!

If your birthday falls on February 26, plus or minus four days, you will feel this full moon more directly than other Pisces, and benefit from it too. If you know your natal chart, and you know you have Pisces rising, or a natal planet within four degrees of 7 degrees in Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio, you too will feel this new moon in a remarkable way.


As you enter August, you will need to slow down and pace yourself. Many assignments will soon be heading your way, and you will need to have the strength to do them, and the wisdom not to take them all if the deadlines clash. You will have four planets in your workaday project sector, all of them sweet - Venus (happiness and profit), Jupiter (good fortune), Mercury (news and communication), Sun (authority), and also, once you get to August 7, Mars. This indicates you will like your new assignments, but that you will need to be organized to be sure you can get them all out the door on time. You seem to be the one everyone wants on these assignments, and you will have plenty of room to add your touch of creativity and modern style.

The new moon will show you the full force of this theme, and that will appear on August 14, making the end of August prime time for concentrating on important jobs that will have your name on them. If you are self-employed, customers will be clamoring for your goods and services. Don't take a vacation during this key time to make a name for yourself and, depending on your compensation arrangement, to earn good money.

Your health will also be accented this month, as Jupiter, the great healer, has been protecting your health over the past twelve months. If you say you have had a tough time with health matters over the past year, Jupiter's presence in your health sector indicates that, if you did your homework, it's likely you have been consulting distinguished doctors who understand your condition and who were in a position to help you. Listen to them. You may follow a new medical protocol after the new moon of August 14.

This month, watch August 26, the luckiest day of the year, when the Sun will conjoin Jupiter in your collaborative seventh house. The Sun is the natural ruler of your health sector, so you may get good news about a health matter, too, or you may consult with a new doctor you like very much on this day.

This same day will also be superb for collaborations and for making a commitment of marriage. However, Venus, planet of affection, will still be retrograde. Delay an engagement, marriage (if possible), or, because Venus is also linked to profit, the signing of a business contract until after Venus goes direct on September 6. You may follow a different medical course after the friendly new moon of August 14.

Jupiter, the planet that has a way of always giving you an abundance of goodies, has been in your sixth house of work and health since July 2014. You may have found the assignments you received were not your usual fare and were edging on the high end, toward the luxury market or that allowed for lots of creativity. It is alternatively possible that you were targeting the children, tween, and teen market.

You learned from those projects, and your experience expanded. If you put all your energy into them over the past year, your fine performance will put you in line for substantial reward, with a bigger title and greater responsibility. When it comes to prestigious career advancement, your potential is limitless, so give the assignments you get in August all you have to give. By December, when it's time to decide who will get a promotion, you will make the VIPs' enviable short list of talented people to groom for bigger and better things.

Financially, you have an exciting day in store on August 4, when you may see a bonus, or other funds come to you, and on August 13 and August 19 when you may hear news about your salary or a fee that is heading to you and makes you happy.

When it comes to romance, Mars and Venus will orbit in close proximity, a rare situation, and create an ideal time for finding new love. This aspect will peak in the wee hours of the morning September 1, but you will feel the glow a day later, September 2, and during the last three days of August, too. It's likely you will find love at the office with an attractive co-worker or with someone who frequently calls on your company. Look your best! It is also possible someone at the gym will catch your eye.

If you are attached, Jupiter will enter Virgo on August 11, 2015, until September 6, 2016, and will make you the most fortunate sign for marriage. This is a theme you will see at play for nearly thirteen months, plenty of time to grow closer to the person you may be dating or living with, and to set your wedding date.

The month will end on a fabulously important full moon in Pisces 7 degrees on August 29. Something of enormous importance is coming to fruition, and it could be a big moment in your timeline. Neptune, your ruler, will come conjunct this full moon - the only full moon in Pisces this year - and the moon and Neptune will partner with the Sun and Jupiter across the skies. I have a feeling you'll long remember this moment - enjoy it, dear Pisces.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-08-01 21:58:18
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