看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 11月 魔羯座(原文)
時間 2014年11月02日 Sun. AM 09:57:58

Capricorn Forecast for November 2014

By Susan Miller

Last month was slow, due to Mercury retrograde, but Mercury is back on track, and you are feeling ready to hit the ground running. The wonderful energy you are exuding is likely due to Mars' rare appearance in your sign that started October 25 and is due to extend to December 4. Having Mars in your sign is a great privilege, for Mars is the warrior, undaunted by challenge, known for stamina, courage, and drive. The ancient astrologers would write that projects started with Mars in one's sign increased the likelihood of success many times over. You are clearly in a golden phase, and with Pluto in Capricorn too, you will be a force to be reckoned with this month.

Your home and family sector are ruled by Mars, so you may have a plan you need to get started on that involves improving your living space. If so, begin investigating your options early in November to give yourself plenty of time to sort through estimates. Some Capricorns have moved more than once recently, a testament to the uprooting effect of Uranus, planet of unpredictable conditions. Uranus will remain in your home sector until 2019 - hopefully Uranus will not ask for any more moves of you. You need not move to take advantage of Mars' favor of you this month - you may have any home-related plan, and no matter what it is, it will now proceed faster than you think possible.

One day NOT to do anything property-oriented will be November 12, when Mars in Capricorn will be at sharp odds with Uranus. Nothing will turn out right, so you might as well wait for better days.

In love, good news! The full moon of November 6 will seem to have been designed by angels exclusively for you. This tender moon November 6 will bring a love relationship to fullness. You may talk of the future, and make a definite plan now to take a step, large or small, to bring you closer. If you have no one to love now, be sure to circulate from Thursday through Sunday, November 6- 9. If you were to meet someone new, it would happen quickly at this full moon. If you do meet an interesting person, as you move forward, you may have to gently put on the brakes on your alliance, as to not let the relationship gallop forward too fast.

Mars in Capricorn will add to your allure, making you more attractive and popular. Venus will collaborate, too, by gliding in Scorpio from November 16. Scorpio is a water sign that blends perfectly with Capricorn's earth sign element. With Neptune sending loving greetings from your third house of travel, you may be attending a party in another city and need to drive to get there. With Neptune, Mars and Pluto, all working like little relatives who want the best for you, you seem not to be able to go wrong over this exceptional full moon.

By month's end, with so much socializing early on, you'll want to treat yourself to privacy and rest, a feeling brought on by the new moon, November 22. The holidays will be here soon, so take a quiet moment to take a breath and center yourself. This would also be a good time to check in with your doctor, or to end a habit you know you need to delete for the New Year. You need not overcome your dependence alone, as the world is filled with qualified people to help you. Choose one.

Dates to Note for CAPRICORN

Luckiest days for luck but also for other purposes in your life: November 1, 2, 3, 6, 15, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29.

Mars will be in Capricorn all month - a real plus, for it will give you great energy and drive. Influential people will be more likely to listen to you and approve your ideas.

November 1 would be a great day to focus on working on artistic ideas, or to enjoy cultural activities due to Mars in Capricorn in perfect angle to Neptune in Pisces.

The full moon of November 6 will fan the fires of love. This day, and November 7-8, may bring a very romantic episode.

You will come on very powerfully on November 10 when Mars is conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Careful not to come on too strongly.

You may encounter a difficult situation with a family member or in regard to your property when Mars and Uranus are at odds, November 12.

Neptune will go direct on November 16, a boon to your creativity.

Saturn will conjoin the Sun on November 17-18, a potentially arduous or deflating day. You deal well with these type aspects, as Saturn is your ruler, but nevertheless, don't overdo. Not a day to schedule for important events.

The new moon of November 22 will stimulate your subconscious. You intuition will be at an all-time high, so listen to your small voice within. It's a great time to overcome a bad habit.

Venus will glide in water sign Scorpio from the start of the month until November 16, a highly compatible place for Venus to be for you. Now that Mars is in Capricorn, Venus and Mars will work together to see that you do well in matters of love during the first half of the month.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-11-02 09:57:58
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 11月 魔羯座(原文)
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