看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 雙魚座(原文)
時間 2015年02月01日 Sun. PM 07:06:00

Pisces Forecast for February 2015

By Susan Miller

Your chart at the moment is filled with plans and surprises you are imagining for the future, and some things you still need to keep under wraps because they are not quite ready to be discussed, even though you'd love to shout those plans from the rooftops. To say you are doing well professionally is an understatement.

The full moon on February 3 will be a big moment in your timeline. Something you have worked hard to achieve will be ready to be unveiled and shown to the public or to influential people. The critical acclaim that will result from seeing your work will be enthusiastic and heartwarming. In fact, you may be amazed at how positive the response will be for your work. You are taking a leadership role in your industry now, but you may not even be aware of this truth yet, but later, in hindsight you will see how your career life took an important turn in the first quarter of 2015, and that you are clearly growing in stature and evolving into new and untried roles, the reason all this is so exciting.

This magnificent full moon in Leo, 15 degrees, will arrive arm-in-arm with Jupiter, the great good fortune planet, indicating that whatever occurs, profit won't be far away. You will be very happy - Jupiter will see to that - and it will be clear that all the hard work you've done over past years is creating an important tipping point. There will be much hard work yet for you to do ahead, as you have Saturn in your tenth house of fame and reputation, but it's all leading to the place you want to be. Leo is the sign ruling entertainment, teaching, luxury goods, and all industries devoted to children, tweens, and teens, so if you work in one of those industries, this full moon should give you a double dip of luck and even more reason to be excited.

The sixth house, where your full moon is falling in Leo, also rules health and fitness. If you have been under the weather, you may be gratified to see you are getting well at this full moon. Pisces who have been going through physical therapy may now come to the end of their sessions, as full moons bring closure and finish. If you have a more serious health concern, this full moon will receive a friendly beam from Uranus, indicating that a new medicine or new technique may be very helpful to you, so if you have not been able to find relief, investigate this possibility with your doctor. This full moon February 3 is filled with good news, and falling in a house that rules health means this is your time to confer with medical personnel. Do so within four days after that full moon appears. Mars in Pisces until February 19 will also work to increase your strength, so both Mars and the full moon bode well for good news. See what advice your doctor has for you.

Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius since January 21, but will turn direct on February 11. This tour of Mercury may not have affected you as much as other retrogrades, but everyone, including you, will always be happy when Mercury regulates its orbit. Avoid signing papers if possible when Mercury is retrograde, as anything you agree to prior to February 11 is likely to need to be renegotiated again later. It is always a no-no to buy electronics, appliances, a car, or any machines when Mercury is out of phase, as Mercury rules the moving parts within these products. After February 11, you will see the pace of your life pick up noticeably, and you will be able to get quicker responses from higher-ups who need to approve your ideas.

You still appear to be planning new things, and being filled with surprises and new plans, you will seem mysterious to your friends, like the cat who ate the canary, so to speak, happy and satisfied, but no one who knows you will be sure about what you are doing until you are ready to make your announcements. This is how it must be for now, but next month, with the gorgeous, friendly, new moon solar eclipse in Pisces on March 20, your professional life will be poised to break open like a big juicy coconut.

This month, you are so fortunate to have both Mars and Venus in your sign, a rare privilege, for Mars will raise your profile and make you more courageous, daring and assertive, and more likely to passionately defend and put forth your ideas with determination. VIPS and others will want to follow you, for your energy will attract more energy, especially from them. Mars will make you more attractive too, so you will have to get used to being fussed over. Having Venus in your sign too will be another big plus, so it's time to go shopping and to see your stylist / barber to find ways to modernize and refresh your looks.

How wonderful that Venus and Mars will be orbiting within two degrees in Pisces on Valentine's Day! The transiting moon will be in Capricorn, the sign on the cusp of your eleventh house of hopes and wishes. This all is adding up to an outstanding Valentine's Day weekend for you, February 14-15, so if you'd like to take a little trip out of town, you can to make it extra special, dripping with romance and fun. (See if Grandma would volunteer to look after your children if they are still small.) This should be your best weekend of the month, and possibly of the entire season.

You may now be interviewed in the press this month because Neptune, the planet of the silver screen, will be conjunct the new moon on February 18 and the days that follows, and on February 25, when the Sun and Neptune conjoin.

Let's talk about that new moon in Aquarius February 18 that will fall at 29 degrees and 59 minutes. Just one tiny minute later, that new moon would have been in 0 degrees Pisces. This means this full moon is cusp-y and will absolutely help you if you are a February-born Pisces, with a birthday near February 19 plus five days.

If your birthday does not fall within that mathematical tolerance, check your natal chart to see if you have a natal planet in Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn at 0 to 5 degrees. The planet that you find will be very lit up, so jot down notes afterward about what occurred, for in time you will begin to know your chart better in terms of how it works and the patterns that will emerge.

When Mars leaves Pisces on March 19 and enters Aries, and Venus does the same on March 20, you will be thinking quite a bit about finances. Mars will increase spending but with Venus standing by, Venus will protect your income and help you generate more cash flow. Jupiter is now in your sixth house of work projects and is about to receive an exciting beam from Uranus on March 3, but you will feel these two planets in sync now, much before they make their precise mathematical "hit."

The work you are doing will unexpectedly generate a lot more income, so do not spend time being worried about money. Simply get on the phone - you can stir up lots of work for yourself (especially if you are self-employed as many Pisces prefer to be). Everyone, it seems, wants you on the team. Name your price, dear Pisces, and don't be shy. This is your time to shine.

One set of days to pay special attention to will be February 20-23, when Venus and Mars will make a rare conjunction in Aries in your second house of earned income. (Remember, the money you will see is earned income - not money you would win, so don't buy lotto tickets!) You are likely to hear sensational news about a new assignment that will pay VERY well near February 20-23, so much so you may be amazed. These days are as rare as diamonds, worthy of five stars, so keep your antenna up to see what the world has for you, dear Pisces!


Saturn, the taskmaster planet, is now firmly ensconced at the top of your chart, where the "12" is located on the face of a round clock, so you are no doubt taking on new career responsibilities. The area you are working in appears to be new to you, so you will need to master all that is involved, an exhausting process, but the very newness of it all is what is rightly attracting you to this project in the first place. You will have plenty of room to grow professionally, and by December 2017, when Saturn is set to move on, if you work with Saturn and concentrate on all that is needed to be done, you will be a force in your industry.

Because Saturn is the highest elevated planet in your chart now, you may feel on display and at times open to criticism, but keep in mind, you will also garner praise and much respect. Pisces is not one to grab the spotlight, but from now on, you will need to get used to being in it. You have worked hard, and that is the reason you are being given the podium, a microphone, and a wide audience to listen to all you have to say.

As February opens, you will work up against a deadline to complete a very prestigious project, one that may earn you a surprisingly large sum of money and help you draw attention and praise from management or clients, or from the world at large. This comes due to the full moon, February 3, and because it is conjunct your ancient ruler, Jupiter, you will be gloriously happy with all that transpires. This full moon will be a very telling marker point, for it will show you that your hard work has led you up the ladder of success. It is time to bask in the limelight.

In terms of health, Pisces often has a fragile constitution, mainly because you are so compassionate and so oriented toward helping others that you often forget to care of yourself. If you were troubled by a health concern last year, the full moon of February 3 should send your spirits soaring and make you realize that all the steps you took to get well are about to pay off. If you would like to tweak your healthy lifestyle plan further, this full moon would be an outstanding time to start. Jupiter's presence will make your new program not only effective, but fun too. If you need to lose weight, start your new sensible eating program at the full moon. If you have a serious concern, Uranus, active at this full moon, will send a friendly beam and suggests a new technological breakthrough in procedure, medicine, or surgery may be the answer you have long hoped to see. Ask your doctor for news.

You have favor in other parts of your chart too. Mars is in Pisces, an advantage that started January 12 and that will continue until February 19, giving you over-the-top energy and drive. Astrologers know that having Mars in your sign is considered ideal for launching new ventures and starting new relationships. The problem is, the stars are sending mixed messages. Mercury went retrograde on January 21, and the time while Mercury is out of phase is often not the right time to start anything new, not unless you had started the project a long time ago, put things aside, and are now resuming work on your dream.

Things will improve when Mercury goes direct on February 11, so prior to that date, write your plans in pencil, as they may be subject to change. Plan to make your biggest initiations from February 12 to February 19 for best results. Within that period, the new moon on February 18 will be your most important date.

The new moon on February 18 will conjoin your ruler, Neptune, making it an ideal time to start work in earnest on a creative project. Neptune protects you in its role as your guardian planet, and as patron planet of the arts, will help you develop quite original ideas, whether you work in music, art, film or photography, dance, design, or any of the visual arts. Indeed, this new moon will encourage you to elevate your artistry to an entirely new level.

In astrology, what matters most is when you begin, so although you may need to work diligently on your project for weeks, months, or even years, what matters most is that you plant your seeds on or after February 18. Saturn will be in hard angle to this new moon, so as you work, an older, more experienced VIP may suggest that you tweak your project to make it applicable to a wider audience. Listen to advice, and integrate it into your project. With Saturn and Neptune at odds, it will be very important to work with what "is" rather than indulge in wishful thinking.

Your financial outlook this month could not be better. With your rising status comes a greater clamor for your services, and lo and behold, higher salary or fees to you. Watch for good news about an influx of cash near the meeting of Venus and Mars in your second house of earned income, on or near February 20-23. The conjunction of these two wonder-planets will occur on Saturday, February 21, but you may feel the glow of this aspect as early as February 20 or as late as February 23.

Romantically, the cosmos will make you the darling of the zodiac during the first three weeks, because Venus will be in Pisces until February 20, and Mars will be in your sign until February 18. When Venus and Mars are together in your sign (a rare happenstance), they heighten your charisma and help set off sparks with new romantic admirers.

It's time to circulate, dear Pisces. With Mercury retrograde during the first half of February, if single, you may want to see if you can rekindle a former relationship. If you still are in love with a former lover, make the contact. If you are happily attached, you may want to travel, perhaps choosing to revisit places that are sentimental and meaningful to the two of you. A little nostalgia is good for the soul, especially for you, dear romantic Pisces.

Dates to Note for Pisces

Think of the full moon in Leo, February 3, to be your cornucopia of good news. You seem to have finished a big work project that is about to get enormous applause for work well done. This same full moon may bring good news about your health.

Mercury has been retrograde in Aquarius from January 21, but will go direct on February 11.

The new moon in Aquarius 29 degrees 59 minutes will find you filled with plans and surprises you are stirring up, but you may not be able to discuss any of those exciting projects quite yet. By next month's new moon solar eclipse March 20 you will, and that's when all the confetti will fall all over you, dear Pisces.

If your birthday falls near February 19 plus five days, you will be influenced by that cusp-y new moon for it will arrive just one degree away from 0 degree Pisces. You will get a blast of enormous energy that you can use and harness for projects dearest to you.

Mars in Pisces will be a big advantage to you until Mars leaves your sign on February 19. Mars will raise your profile, and have you come off confident, strong, and determined. Mars has not been in Pisces in two years - this is a great time for you!

Venus in Pisces will make you hypnotic and memorable in matters of love. It's the ideal time to shop for new things and to find ways to improve your appearance.

Mars and Venus will be in Aries and your second house of earned income, from February 19 through March 31. Your expenses may climb, but it seems so will your income. Stay positive.

When Mars and Venus make their legendary conjunction, a rare event, in your earned income house February 21, you should see some sort of amazing news about money coming your way. February 21 is a Saturday, so keep watch over February 20 through 23.

A day to concentrate on a creative project to generate new and very imaginative ideas will be March 25, when the Sun and Neptune will combine forces.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-02-01 19:06:00
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 雙魚座(原文)
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MindOcean: [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 2月 雙魚座(原文) - Zastrology板