看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 3月 天秤座(原文)
時間 2015年03月01日 Sun. AM 03:21:22

Libra Forecast for March 2015

By Susan Miller

You've had ups and downs in love and relationships, but this month, it looks like your love life will be strong, smooth, and happy. Friends will form part of the activities of the month, for good fortune Jupiter will occupy one of the three legs of a glittering golden triangle that will appear in the sky. Jupiter will work directly with Uranus, planet of surprise, in your house of partner, and both will work with Saturn in your third house of travel. This configuration is as rare as it is positive, making it a glorious month to take a quick escape with the one you love.

Several planets will be moving through the Western part of your chart in your opposite sign of Aries, indicating that you will need to be cooperative and conciliatory to partners and even adversaries, as you will not have full control to get things just the way you want them to be. This need to compromise won't always be the case, as planets are always on the move. There could be a silver lining to this - you may find it a relief not to have to manage everything - sit back and let partners contribute their ideas, as you may find them quite agreeable and wish you had thought of them yourself!

On March 10, bring your partner to a gathering of friends, perhaps for a dinner in a favorite restaurant. On March 11, a partner is likely to surprise you in a way you'd never have imagined and you'll be delighted.

On another note, your house of the subconscious will hold the full moon, March 5, bringing on a strong need for peace and rest. Take good care of yourself during the first week of March, for you may feel a little run down at this time. If you have thought about learning about meditation, this full moon will give you the motivation to get started.

The good news is that your health will be assisted by the new moon solar eclipse of March 20. This would be a wonderful time to begin a new fitness program that you will stick to, thanks to friendly vibrations from Saturn. If any part of you needs medical attention or physical therapy, you would now be able to locate the right practitioner who will understand your condition and offer you a course of action that you may find very helpful.

This same solar eclipse may bring in new clients, especially if you are self-employed. You will likely receive many new assignments in weeks ahead and many will allow you room for you to add your special brand of creativity. In another way the eclipse may work out, your company may move to new headquarters or you may see your office get a needed facelift. You may get new computer equipment or excellent software to help you do your job more efficiently. A co-worker may leave, however, and you will miss him, for at eclipse time, we see people come and go, quite out of the blue. Someone new will be recruited to take your co-worker's place and fortunately, this will be someone that you'll enjoy working with on the many projects that will continue to come to you at a rapid pace.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2015-03-01 03:21:22
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[運勢] Susan Miller 2015年 3月 天秤座(原文)
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