看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 10月 處女座(原文)
時間 2018-10-01 Mon. 23:36:08

Virgo Horoscope for October 2018

Aug 23 - Sept 22
A Note from Susan Miller

October 2018

Dear Reader,

I am excited to tell you about my two appearances, first in October at the New Life Expo on Saturday, October 27, in New York City, and then in Carlsbad, California where I am doing a full weekend of yoga and astrology from November 2-4, 2018. In both cases, I will tell you all about the Year Ahead 2019. All the details about my two appearances are on my website. Check my homepage of AstrologyZone.com. Here is the short version of what I will do, and I hope you can come!

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

In New York, where I live, July and August represent our summer months, and I recently asked the young woman who was ringing up my morning coffee and muffin at the cash register how she felt the summer went for her. She didn’t know me but she smiled and said that it could be summed up in one word: intense. How right that word is, especially for you, dear Virgo. This year was cut in half—highly productive and happy in the first six months, and lots of slowdowns in the second half.

It is clear that you have been working harder than you have ever worked in recent memory. Mars, the action planet, has been in Aquarius since mid-May, circulating in your work-a-day sector (sixth house) for months, and is still there. Mars typically spends six or seven weeks in any one sign, but this year is different, because Mars has been in Aquarius since May 15 and will remain there until November 15.

The reason Mars is spending so much time in your assignment and project sector is that Mars went retrograde from June 26 to August 27, and that dramatically lengthened his stay. Mars in a weakened state put a spanner in everything you were doing , causing havoc in your work-a-day life.

Except for a brief period from August 12 to September 10, when Mars skated back so far he wound up in Capricorn (and your house of love), Mars has spent all his time encouraging more work for you to do. It’s flattering to be so very needed.

Once Mars went direct on August 27, you had to work even harder, if that was even possible, for Mars, in the sixth house, turned up the volume and the pace. Keep an eye on your health, for you are likely to run yourself down if you are not careful. Get a checkup, if your doctor recommends a flu shot, get it, don’t skip gym workouts, and generally keep yourself strong.

Mars spent all of September ramping up his strength, for when any planet turns retrograde and then awakens they stumble a bit, walk into furniture, need to get their bearings, and generally work on becoming functional again. Astrologers know when a planet has regained its normal strength by watching the mathematics of the planet’s speed in the table of planetary movements called an ephemeris. Many companies publish this table, including NASA. Mars will reach full strength by October 8.

The good part about this is that a strong Mars will allow you to be more effective when working on your projects. You won’t encounter as many changes to projects, VIPs will be more decisive, and you will see a faster pace. If you had experienced a crisis or two on a work project during July or August, you can expect things to go much more smoothly now.

    Sometimes an event you might label bad is really good—a golden opportunity in the rough—and until you allow for that possibility, the door to your new life will stay bolted shut. It will be up to you to find that brilliant diamond in the circumstance, for then, almost magically, the heavy door will swing open.

July and August brought three eclipses too, on July 12, July 27, and August 11, which, if one of those eclipses touched a planet in your chart, gave you quite a wild two months. You don’t have to do math to know—by now you can remember what happened. If those months were mild, then you didn’t feel those particular eclipses.

For now, we don’t have any more eclipses until January 5, a new moon solar eclipse in Capricorn, and January 20, a full moon lunar eclipse in Leo. I wish I didn’t have to impart the news that we have more important retrogrades on the way this month and next, but I might as well let you know now.

Venus will go retrograde from October 5 to November 16, and on its heels, Mercury, your ruling planet, will go retrograde from November 16 to December 6. At least we will have a dazzling December to look forward to enjoying, along with a strong and happy shopping season. Hold off on shopping until after December 6 when all systems will be go. It may cheer you to know that Venus and Mars won’t retrograde at all in 2019, making next year better, without so many obstacles to get around.

Venus rules beauty and love and also money. In terms of making any moves to improve your looks, sit tight and do not make any radical changes this month. Women readers, make no sudden change to your hair color or ask for a dramatic new cut until after December 6. Both men and women should not have cosmetic plastic surgery, fillers, or Botox during Venus retrograde. With Venus weak, you might not like the results afterwards.

Two friends told me they had scheduled experimental dermatological treatments during a Venus retrograde. These two women don’t know one another and don’t even live near each other, but both separately reported to me that they still carry small scars all over their faces from a treatment they had years ago during Venus retrograde. The scars can be covered with concealer, but both told me they know the scars are there, for they are reminded every time they remove their makeup at night. Until recently, I didn’t realize Venus retrograde could have such a powerful negative effect, so consider waiting until December to do anything you had planned to do to improve your appearance.

Venus rules love, too, so when it’s retrograde is not the best time to begin a new romantic relationship, nor is it the time to announce your engagement or to throw a big, lavish party. If you start a new relationship in October or November, you may see your relationship cool in affection after a short time.

The link between Venus and money is well known, as the old masters frequently depicted Venus in their paintings holding gold coins or having her silk drawstring purse for her money. Venus is associated with the finer aspects of life, such as precious jewelry, perfume, fine foods and wines, designer clothing, flowers, and the arts and music. For you, the emphasis on money is stronger this month than usual, because Venus rules your solar second house of earned income.

The plot thickens, for if you recall, Mars will regain his full power and strength on October 8, which is the same day the new moon will appear in Libra, 15 degrees, to light your second house of earned income. Mars in greater strength will likely bring in more business, but oddly the money made from your extra work will be slow to come in. Still you should try to increase sales or income, even if you find you have to expend more energy than usual.

Perhaps you will be working on big projects where you have to deal with long intervals between the first deposit payment and the final payment. If you have clients, friends, or an ex who owes you money, you may need patience while you wait for the payments to show up in your account. Those payments will come, but it may seem like watching maple syrup drip from a tree.

Still, there is a positive part to Venus retrograde. It would be a good idea to reconnect with former clients you’ve not seen in some time. Rather than look forward, look back, for that is where you will find your golden nuggets.

Retrograde planets ask us to look back and learn from past actions. In matters of love, for example, do you feel you experience similar patterns in relationships that you would like to break? Once you see the pattern, that’s half the battle—you can change and perhaps make a current or future relationship happier. Do you feel the cost of a relationship emotionally is too high or just right? That’s a question that most people can answer instantly, for you just know without knowing how you know.

Between the two planets, Mercury and Venus, Mercury will always affect you more, for Mercury is your ruler. This means you will have to work hard this month to make tracks and overcome delays, for on November 16, Mercury will go out of phase for a little over three weeks.

The full moon of October 24 might bring unexpected difficulties in travel and communication, because Uranus, the planet of unanticipated events, will conjoin the moon and oppose both the Sun and Venus. That is a lot of planetary energy packed into one little full moon. A love relationship is likely to be fragile, and in the emotional atmosphere that this full moon will bring, it would be best to listen more and say less. This is especially true if the relationship means something special to you.

This is a highly volatile aspect at this full moon, October 24, but Saturn will be in the perfect position to add stability and logic to the situation. That will be a big help to you, for Saturn will help ground you and help you remain realistic and practical.

Instead of having difficulties with travel from this full moon (which is very possible), a different area may be accented for you at this time, plus or minus four days. Those include these areas, for each is governed by the ninth house, where the full moon will fall: legal matters, the media (in terms of publishing, broadcasting, or the Internet), international work, import-export, immigration matters, including visa, green card, or citizenship, or your pursuit for an advanced university degree. One of these areas is likely to draw your attention.

If your birthday falls on August 24, plus or minus five days, you are likely to outwit this full moon by turning the tables and making it work for you and not against you.

I should say that it is possible that you will actually enjoy the events of the full moon, for with Uranus, you never can tell. It is the wild card of the zodiac, always completely unpredictable and sudden in the way he works. He is disruptive, idiosyncratic, independent, and breaks the bonds that have held you down. Uranus always brings an outcome that you have not considered, because you felt it was not even a remote possibility. Uranus works in extremes—either very good or very bad—with nothing in the middle. This planet sweeps out all that he deems not relevant to you any longer but helps you rebuild with something better and more modern.

Sometimes an event you might label bad is really good—a golden opportunity in the rough—and until you allow for that possibility, the door to your new life will stay bolted shut. It will be up to you to find that brilliant diamond in the circumstance, for then, almost magically, the heavy door will swing open.

I listed possible tensions of this full moon so that you wouldn’t feel broadsided by certain events, should they occur. Happy events are easy to take in and need no preparation. Let’s hope this full moon won’t be as jarring as it could be, but instead sparkle with very good news. In your summary, I will give you a vision of some of the fun it could bring.

As you get closer to month’s end, you have a sensational day, October 29, when Jupiter, the give of gifts and luck, will conjoin your ruler, Mercury. This is a gorgeous day to travel, hand in a manuscript, start a publicity or advertising campaign, or sign a contract. Venus will still be retrograde, but this aspect, I feel, overrides all in your chart. Sometimes that happens, and although rare, I am so glad to be able to tell you about this lovely aspect.


Finances are on your mind as October opens. Uranus will directly oppose your ruling planet, Mercury, in your house of income on October 10, so an unexpected expense, large enough to rattle you, may come up. You may also hear career news that might bring a setback, but only temporarily. No need to worry, the new moon on October 8 will simultaneously help you find new sources of income.

Be ready to convince a VIP of your worth or for the salary you ask. Self-employed? Business will roll in quite abundantly through mid-November, but with Venus retrograde, the increased income may arrive late, so prepare for some temporary cash flow difficulties.

Come October 8, Mars will no longer retrograde and will be in the same strong condition he was last May, so your attempts to find new work should be rewarded. Something I did not mention in the main body of your report is that there is some indication that a friend may also be quite helpful in finding new sources of income for you by giving you a tip or making an introduction, and this will be true whether you are self-employed or you work for others.

One day to avoid is October 10, when Mercury and Uranus will be at 180-degree opposition, somewhat like two cowboys at the old corral getting ready for a shoot-out. As you will see, Mercury, your ruler, will be very active this month, and so will surprise-a-minute Uranus. While this day could be helpful for brainstorming for creative ideas, I would never recommend that you sign papers on this day or launch any major initiative. This is a day that might rattle you about something, possibly about money or a trip that does not go well.

Speaking of travel, you may travel over the full moon of October 24 in Taurus. Uranus, the planet of spontaneity will be prominent and coax you to go. If you do, batten down the hatches, by making sure your accommodations and air tickets are in place. If you go for pleasure (romance), it appears you’ll opt for beautiful, luxurious accommodations and have fun with your sweetheart. Watch weather reports as you get close to the day of departure, though, for you may encounter delays and some heavy rains or even snow.

If you need to travel for business, see if you can delay your trip and leave on your best day, Monday, October 29. Your client will have many questions, but if you are thoroughly prepared with accurate information, you can reach accord and come back with a signed work order. If you’re the client, Jupiter and Mercury working together on October 29 will richly protect your interests, and you will be pleased with the deal you hammer out together.

Venus will be retrograde from October 5 to November 16, and Venus in weak mode will have two different influences on you. First, payments due to you may be delayed, whether from insurance companies, clients, or your ex, or concerning an approval for a loan, whether for a mortgage or regarding an application you may have made for university study. You can send gentle reminders to your clients who owe you. Also, call to check in with your banker or anyone who is assessing your application. The officer in charge may require more paperwork from you, so it’s worth checking in to see how things are going.

Second, Venus also is influential to your appearance, and you should not make dramatic changes to your looks until after December 6. Next month, the day Venus goes direct, November 16, will also be the day that your ruler, Mercury, will start to retrograde, November 16 to December 6. Plan to shop for holiday gifts and make major changes to your appearance not in October or November, but after December 6. Romance will be best for you after December 6 through most of January, so wait to circulate socially for now, for you’re sure to receive lots of invitations for holiday parties where you will cause a buzz—it will be fun to go.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-10-01 23:36:08
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