看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 11月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2018-11-02 Fri. 14:12:51

Leo Horoscope for November 2018

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

Tomorrow, I fly to San Diego to give my Year Ahead 2019 weekend seminar at the La Costa Resort & Spa in nearby Carlsbad, CA. I am doing a cool Yoga + Astrology 3-day weekend from November 2-4 with Alanna Zabel of AZIAM Yoga. Neptune will be trine the Sun, denoting extreme harmony and spirituality, making this the perfect weekend to recharge. This will be a calming weekend where we will set our intentions for the New Year 2019.

I will speak on Friday and Saturday evening, both talks different and very detailed, with plenty of time for Q+A. Men are invited too, of course—this would make a fabulous couples weekend.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You will be thrilled by your November forecast, because it will center entirely on improving your private life. From fixing up your apartment or house, to improving your love life, to fulfilling a dream to have a baby, you have one of the most beautiful of all forecasts, dear Leo. So much is going on, and all the opportunity will center on enriching your personal life. It will be up to you to find ways to make the most of the glittering aspects.

Let’s start with the new moon, November 7, in Scorpio 15 degrees, to light your fourth house of home and family. No matter what you’d like to do to improve your living situation, you can make things happen now, if you act quickly in the days that follow this sweet new moon. Do you want to move? You can find the ideal space. Do you want to renovate? Start getting estimates and choose a contractor who has the best references. Do you want to find a new roommate? Start asking friends if they know of someone looking to share, for you’re likely to find the perfect roommate. You can use this new moon on a small or large scale, so if you only need a new sofa, mattress, or new dishes, go out and browse.

The fourth house of home also rules your parents, so if you would like to help one of them in a substantial way, but have been frustrated by the options you’ve found, start looking again after November 7. A new moon is very strong for the ten days that follow, with the strongest days occurring immediately, and then becoming slightly less powerful as you get further away from the new moon.

On November 8, we will see the monumental move of Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, into Sagittarius, your fifth house of truelove, to stay for 13 months, until December 2, 2019. Jupiter will be in the sign he rules, Sagittarius, meaning Jupiter will be extra strong in that sign and exert his best qualities of happiness and generosity to you. The person you meet will have a good sense of humor, and you are most likely to meet at a party or other social event, but not at work.

If you are single, you will have one of your best chances of meeting someone new and special who will stay in your life a long time. If you are attached, Jupiter in Sagittarius will help you plan an exciting trip to a country that requires your passport for entry. You will get more attention from your partner, and both of you will feel more carefree and happy, like you did when you first met.

If you want a baby, this is among your finest placements of Jupiter to make that wish a reality.

Also, Jupiter in a fire sign is great news for you, for Jupiter will blend perfectly with your fire-sign element of Leo. This means you are likely to travel to a foreign country in the coming months, to a place you’ve never been before, but always wanted to visit. Jupiter in ideal angle to your Sun—a trine, 120 degrees—is considered heavenly. Lucky breaks are due to come your way, as increasingly you find yourself in the right place at the right time. You will be more optimistic than ever, and you will find your health likely to improve, too.

The fifth house is also associated with creativity, as is your sign, dear Leo. The coming months are likely to see your creativity expand and bring completely new work to the fore. Whether you are paid for your ideas or work on personal projects in your free time, it doesn’t matter—either, or both, are about to show big gains in the 13 months to come. Of course, you must put in the effort, but if you do, you will be generously rewarded by the satisfaction you’ll feel with the work you turn out.

    On November 8, we will see the monumental move of Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, into Sagittarius, your fifth house of truelove, to stay for 13 months, until December 2, 2019.

Venus started to retrograde on October 5 and will go direct this month, November 16. Venus retrograde is not considered a good time to start a new romantic relationship, but you may want to rekindle a former relationship, possibly with success. To start a new relationship, wait until after November 16.

Venus retrograde is not the time to have a facelift, schedule Botox, or have any other beautifying treatment on your body, including cosmetic dental work. Don’t make radical changes to your appearance, such as to go from brunette to blonde, or cut your hair in a dramatically different way. Don’t buy precious gems, like emeralds or diamonds, for example, for Venus rules all that embellishes you. Do not launch a product that is interesting to women until after November 16—Venus rules women. (Mars rules men.) No planet that turns direct becomes strong instantly, as it will need time to build its strength again. Venus will be at full power by December 17. If you can wait that long, that would be so much the better.

Now let’s turn to the full moon, November 22, in Gemini one degree, which will fill your eleventh house of friendship. In America, this will be Thanksgiving, so if you don’t live near your family, you may be celebrating the holiday with a group of friends. If you do live near family and are going there for Thanksgiving dinner, you might want to invite a friend or two who will be alone to come join your family. If you live outside the US and don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, you may attend an important social event that is luxurious in every way within four days of November 22. It appears you might have to travel a short distance to attend.

The problem with this full moon is that it will be in conflict with Mars and Neptune, both in financial houses. You may have a disagreement with a friend about money, so keep communication clear to avoid misunderstanding. I don’t see this as a major problem, for Mercury is so benefic at this full moon. Mercury is the ruler of Gemini (the sign of the full moon), and I feel the problem could be a simple misunderstanding, so do your best not to overreact.

Mercury will be retrograde this month from November 16 to December 6, another reason miscommunication could cause havoc. If you want to surprise a family member with a new computer, smartphone, car, dishwasher, or any other electronic gift, you need to shop next month, not this month. (I never like to buy expensive items when Mercury is moving into a retrograde, like it is in early November, because you always feel the effects more beforehand than you do later.) During the retrograde, do not sign papers—put that off until after December 6. Don’t close on a house during this period, or later you may regret your decision to buy the house.

The luckiest days of the year are coming this month, November 25 and November 26, and these exciting days are an annual event, when the mighty Sun meets with good fortune Jupiter. These two titans of the zodiac will meet in your fifth house of truelove (which also rules children). If you are single, plan to be out on Saturday, November 24 (as the aspect grows) and on Sunday, November 25. Go with a friend.

These are five-star days, so be out circulating socially, if you hope to meet someone new. (Venus will go direct on November 16, so you can go out, even if Mercury is retrograde.) You are lucky that we are in the holiday season when parties will proliferate. The Sun is Leo’s ruler, so these days may mark a breakthrough of some sort.

The following day, Tuesday, November 27, Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, a four-star day. These two lovely planets are cooking up benefits for you in your house of true love, creativity, and children. You may get a text, letter, or phone call or run into someone special. Mercury will still be retrograde, so your romantic episode is likely to have something to do with someone from your past. Want to see someone you still hold a torch for in your heart? Do so on the days that span November 25-27.

As you see, all the aspects this month point to improving your private life. How sweet is that? Once we get to December, we will be out from under all the retrograde planets, and you will see life push forward with great energy. In 2019, Mars and Venus, which have been retrograde for long periods during the second half of 2018, won’t retrograde at all. You’ll have an open road, dear Leo.


You have some of the most exciting news for romance that you have seen in years, possibly the best in over a decade! Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, will enter your fifth house of love on November 8 and stay 13 months, until December 2, 2019.

Your outlook has rarely been this cheery for romance. Think back to the time from December 2014 until December 2017 when you hosted Saturn, the planet that would rather see you work than play, in your house of love and fun. Saturn had posed a kind of astrological oxymoron, for in this house, Saturn put a cap on your love life. From 2014 to 2017, you may have had to endure an enforced separation. For example, the person you were dating and cared for deeply may have had to go to a university at a great distance from you or may have had to travel a great deal for work.

A more serious situation might have involved a partner who was married but promised to become free soon. You may have waited a very long time to find out if that promise would come true. By now, you know, and moving forward, you should see a complete change to that situation. You either saw your patience rewarded, or you have since left the relationship. Now you have Jupiter, the great, good fortune planet, coming to your aid to bring lasting love. If you want a real relationship with staying power, you can have it. Don’t stay with anyone who keeps giving you excuses, for it would be a shame to use your gorgeous star power on a relationship that won’t be going anywhere in the future.

Here’s great news! This month holds the luckiest days of the year, November 25-26, and everyone of every sign will enjoy this annual event that involves Jupiter’s alignment with the Sun in Sagittarius. The mighty Sun will take the goodness of Jupiter and multiply it many times over. Use this day for a first date, or if attached, to plan a festive occasion together. This would also be a superb time to discuss expanding your family with a baby. The same area of your chart that glitters so beautifully will also encourage startling creativity, and you will have a full year to show the world what you have to give.

Venus was backtracking last month and will continue in weak retrograde orbit during the first half of November, making it not the time for formal plans regarding love and romance, so it would not be the time for an engagement. For that, the year-end holidays would be a better time. Venus will normalize her orbit on November 16, but on that same day, Mercury will go retrograde until next month, December 6. The universe is being clear—it’s not time to launch serious plans for the future, but rather to reflect on the past and gather information, so you can make key changes next month. Think about how things have gone for you during this past year, and start to plan for 2019.

If you still love someone who got away, this is the time to reunite to see if you can make the relationship work. Any retrograde planet will ask you to go back and see if you can make something more of what happened in the past.

If you need to move soon, or if you’ve harbored dreams to renovate or redecorate your home, the new moon in Scorpio of November 7 will be your friend. Start looking at your options, for solid ones are likely to come up within the ten days that follow that new moon. If you find the right space to lease, sign instantly, prior to November 16.

Wait until mid-December to close on a house or condo or to sign papers to avoid difficult retrograde planets in November. Pluto will be friendly to the new moon, so if your improvements will include work on the plumbing or structural changes in the space (such as to add or subtract walls), or if you plan basement remodeling and/or bolstering the foundation of the house, Pluto will make the changes smooth and to your satisfaction. You can do any of this kind of work this month (any time), but it is especially favored November 7 to 15.

You may be invited to a large gathering at the full moon on November 22. Jupiter will partner with this full moon, making this party or event extra special, with a touch of luxury. This event seems to allow you to joyously combine family with friends.

By month’s end, November 30, Venus will oppose Uranus, indicating travel could be quite difficult, and if you take a trip for business, things are likely to go awry. At the same time, you may face a temporary setback in your career, too. (If so, you will have chances in the weeks ahead to correct the matter that went off the rails, so stay optimistic.) If you must travel, go earlier, near November 26-27, when your outlook for any travel will be sunny and bright.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-11-02 14:12:51
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