看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2018年 11月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2018-11-02 Fri. 14:31:42

Aquarius Horoscope for November 2018

Jan 20 - Feb 18
A Note from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

Tomorrow, I fly to San Diego to give my Year Ahead 2019 weekend seminar at the La Costa Resort & Spa in nearby Carlsbad, CA. I am doing a cool Yoga + Astrology 3-day weekend from November 2-4 with Alanna Zabel of AZIAM Yoga. Neptune will be trine the Sun, denoting extreme harmony and spirituality, making this the perfect weekend to recharge. This will be a calming weekend where we will set our intentions for the New Year 2019.

I will speak on Friday and Saturday evening, both talks different and very detailed, with plenty of time for Q+A. Men are invited too, of course—this would make a fabulous couples weekend.

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

The month opens with a heavenly aspect, a silvery beam between Neptune and the Sun—a highly inspirational, creative aspect that will allow you to be you, and to showcase your talents to people who matter. Neptune is currently transiting your solar second house of earned income, and the Sun is transiting your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. This aspect will peak on November 5, but you will feel its glow throughout the first week of November. If you have an important job interview as the month opens, show your vision and creativity, and keep it focused within the perimeters of the company’s overall marketing aims. That’s a winning combination, and you should ace the interview.

Speaking of jobs, you have one of the finest career new moons of the year on November 7, in Scorpio 15 degrees, that is set to light your tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. This is the house that allows you to take a major step up from your current job. (A new moon in the solar sixth house (your daily routine) won’t do that for you. It must be this new moon, the finest of the year, falling in your tenth house—precisely what you will have now.) This new moon will receive lovely vibrations from Neptune, again to underscore your natural creativity, and Pluto, suggesting an influential person behind the scenes will speak up for you, and all the while you may not be aware this person is such a supporter.

New moons are interesting. They open a portal of time, and what you do within the ten days that follow that new moon will have the power to change your life for a full year, or forever. I say a year, because once a year, you will have a new moon in that part of your chart. However, you need not leave your post, if you love it—each new moon can build on the one before, lifting you ever higher in prestige and admiration from peers and VIPs in your industry, and possibly in the world at large.

Pluto’s positive involvement with this new moon is important, because the new moon is in Scorpio, and Pluto is Scorpio’s ruler. This suggests you will likely have a fantastic outcome from your efforts. It is vital that you take action directly after this new moon appears, either to get a promotion or to start interviewing for a new position. If you are self-employed, you can bring in one or more prestigious clients this month. Take this new moon seriously, dear Aquarius, as it is a specially prepared gift for you from a loving universe.

On another note, Mars will move into Pisces on November 15, staying until December 31, and that spells higher spending for you. It looks like you will be quite generous with gift giving this year for the holidays. You don’t have to go overboard, dear Aquarius, for your family and friends will love you just as much if you spend a little less.

Because Mars will be moving out of Aquarius, where it has been for a long time (much longer than usual—months), you must use the final days of Mars in your sign to set up appointments and see as many important people who can help you on any level who will see you—before Mars leaves Aquarius on November 15. Mars won’t be back to your sign for two years. (He will help you in other ways, however.) Mars will be in Aquarius from November 1 to November 15. You need to get cracking!

The full moon this month will be in your truelove sector, when it appears November 22, in Gemini one degree. In America, that date falls on Thanksgiving Day, a day everyone has off, along with a four-day weekend. This is a wildly romantic full moon, to the extent that you might receive (or extend) a marriage proposal. Jupiter is nearly conjunct Mercury, the planet that rules Gemini, and the sign this full moon is traveling in now. Jupiter is also traveling close to the Sun, and the Sun rules your marriage house. You seem very happy at this time with a romantic partner or with a business collaborator, agent, or partner. I would like you to wait to make any commitment or announcement until next month, after December 6.

    The magical eleventh house rules hopes and wishes—your greatest dreams—and that is where Jupiter will reside for 13 months, beginning November 8. This coming year, you may grasp the dream you’ve long reached for, and when a break allows you to have it in hand, it may come as a wonderful surprise.

I say that, because this month, we have two important planets retrograde. Venus will be retrograde until November 16, a holdover from last month, when Venus first went retrograde on October 5. Venus is the natural ruler of your home sector. If you have been having problems finding the right house or apartment or felt stymied about other home-related plans, you can blame Venus retrograde.

Venus is associated with profits (among other things), so it wouldn’t have been the right time to get your asking price on a house or condo you were trying to sell or a new apartment or vacation home you wanted to rent. Things will get better.

Venus does rule good looks, but when she retrogrades, she does not take care of us on earth—her beams are muted and dialed way down. This would not be the time for a face-lift, plastic surgery, Botox treatment or an experimental dermatological procedure, a complete change in hairstyle or color, or cosmetic dentistry. Wait, dear Aquarius. If you want to buy diamonds for someone for Christmas, don’t buy precious jewelry while Venus is retrograde (until November 16). Venus embellishes all she touches, but not when she’s acting like Sleeping Beauty.

Venus’ little brother, Mercury, otherwise known as little Dennis the Menace, decided he would go retrograde too, and has chosen the very same day Venus will go direct, November 16. Mercury will stay that way until December 6. This just is not a month to initiate, but to go back and reexamine, readdress, rethink, and revisit matters from the past. Do not buy holiday gifts until after December 6. Electronics are always troublesome items to buy when Mercury is retrograde, so you must wait. Do not buy a computer, headphones, a smartphone, vacuum cleaner, or even a car until after December 6. Finally, you simply should not sign a contract when Mercury is retrograde.

Now let’s talk about the biggest news of all—the move of Jupiter into Sagittarius, your eleventh house of friendship, from November 8, 2018, to December 2, 2019, a period of 13 months. Jupiter has not been in this part of your chart since November 2006 through December 2007, so this influence might feel brand new to you.

You will love this new influence in the coming months, for it will be highly social, and you will draw new faces to your circle. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck, expands all he touches, and for you, this means your contacts—friendships, customers, constituency, audience, and fan base—will grow enormously. Jupiter will be in the house that Aquarius naturally rules, your eleventh, so you will especially enjoy this phase. Also, Jupiter will be in a fire sign, Sagittarius, and will blend perfectly with your air-sign element—your Sun and Jupiter will be 60 degrees apart, a degree of opportunity.

During the time Jupiter spent in Scorpio over the past year, you wrote important documents and worked in a formal way. Now that changes, and it won’t be what you know that will be important, but who. It would behoove you to join a humanitarian or charitable organization, or a professional or social club. Make a conscious effort to get out of the house more often. Go to seminars, lectures, book signings, and trade shows, for the finest, happiest, and luckiest part of your life will center on your friendships—colleagues, contacts, and acquaintances will hold a key to your future in 2019.

I also urge you to get involved with social media, which I know you are already. Try a new venue. If you always go to Instagram, try Twitter—you get the idea. This year, your number of followers could explode. Don’t have someone write posts for you—be authentic and do it yourself, for it should be your voice.

The magical eleventh house rules hopes and wishes—your greatest dreams—and that is where Jupiter will reside for 13 months, beginning November 8. This coming year, you may grasp the dream you’ve long reached for, and when a break allows you to have it in hand, it may come as a wonderful surprise. The dream can be material (say, you want to buy your first house) or spiritual (you want a baby). I am only giving you two examples, but you can fill in those blanks. If the desire burns in your heart, this is the year you may be able to see that wish come true.

I had Jupiter in the eleventh house when the doctors were telling me I could not have a second child, after having had a harrowing birth with my first, Chrissie. I spent two long months in the hospital after her birth getting transfusions and was not allowed to even see or hold my baby—when you bleed internally, you have a small fever, so my baby went home without me, to be cared for by my husband and baby nurse.

I desperately wanted two children who would be three years apart. I got pregnant right on time with my husband (by accident), but doctors were screaming that it was too dangerous for me to go through labor. The tension in my life was unbearably high—friends were either for or against my idea, and both sides were vehemently voicing opinions. I had asked my mother if she would bring up my children, if things went very wrong with me, and she said of course. I love her for her response—we were so similar in nature. (We even looked almost identical.)

The doctors were terribly worried, but I bravely went ahead with the pregnancy. It was a very painful pregnancy, and I was on crutches the entire time, due to a congenital, circulation defect in my left leg. The rest of my chart was bad—as my mother said at the time, it showed the condition. The chart reflected the high level of tension and pain I was experiencing, but, she said, a chart could not predict the outcome. Only I could do that, and I felt sure I could have the baby.

Transiting Jupiter in my eleventh house—where you will have Jupiter in the coming months—came across for me, and I had a healthy, sweet, baby girl, Diana. This time, the doctor did a C-section, and the birth was easier on my body. To my doctor’s astonishment, everything went well, but to be careful, my baby went home without me again. This carries with it a sadness I still feel, but that seemed to be the bargain I had made with fate—what was important was having the baby. I have my younger daughter, Diana, and my older daughter, Christiane, and I knew I had all the blessings I would ever want in life. My life was a beautiful circle, and it was complete. I am not telling you to risk life and limb for what you want—no, everyone is different, and looking back, I was a little insane to take such a big chance. Still, I was very impressed with how Jupiter helped me, so if you have a far lower level of risk, he may stand by you, as he did with me.

Now let’s turn to another function of the eleventh house, as one of profit gained from work done in the year before (October 10, 2017 to November 7, 2018) for those Aquarians who are self-employed. If that describes you, and you worked hard and smart, you will see quite a financial bounty in 2019, much more than you’ve seen in years.

To make sure you notice this lovely influence, a wow of a day is due, the luckiest day of the year, and an annual event. This lucky day always falls on a different day and month, and in a different sign. This year, the luckiest day will bridge two days, and when the great benefic planet, Jupiter, conjuncts the Sun, these two luminaries will meet in your friendship house. Everyone will feel the happiness of this day, but in different ways—for Aquarius, it is likely to be that you’ll attend a wedding, engagement party, birthday party, or a charity event. Or, you may have dazzling fun with a companion. You might travel with a friend, or you may visit one. Alternatively, your friend may go out on a limb to help you, and you may be deeply touched by the gesture. If you belong to a professional organization or club, the people there may help you in an extraordinary way. Friends and acquaintances will be fortunate for you in ways you can’t imagine.

On the day after the two luckiest days of the year comes another stellar day, Tuesday, November 27—Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, a wonderful day for you to travel, write, speak, edit, translate, do research, and work in any stage of communications or telecommunications. Mercury will still be retrograde, so I will still ask you not to sign a contract or buy electronic items, even though sales will be on.

Mercury will meet with Jupiter a second time, remarkably, on December 21, and by then, Mercury will have regulated his orbit. I believe retailers will again offer the equivalent of Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals, as competition heats up in December in the days very close to Christmas. I can’t guarantee this will happen or that the retailer will still have the model you hoped to buy, but it seems so, with Mercury and Jupiter making a conjunction on December 21. Let’s watch and see, for life is a big laboratory, and we learn in astrology by watching.


If you are looking to make a prestigious step up in your career, the gorgeous new moon of November 7 will help you find and win that position. This will be the most powerful moment of the year to find the job of your dreams. Start making calls and appointments for interviews in the ten days that follow. Before that new moon arrives, use the first week of November to polish up your résumé, and put together materials ready for show-and-tell.

Neptune, the planet of creativity and ruler of your second house of money, will send a decisive missive to the new moon, suggesting your new job will have plenty of room for your imaginative input. Best of all, the job you have your eye on will pay well. No job coming up? Scan listings, and contact a job broker. The first week of November is certainly your time to shine and show the depth of your imagination.

You still have Mars in Aquarius, a once-every-two-years privilege, and a place Mars has occupied for the lion’s share of the time since May 15 and will continue until November 16. (This is a turning-point day for many reasons.) Use Mars in Aquarius from November 1 to 15 to push forward on all your desires, for you will have a competitive advantage during the first two weeks. Mars will give you courage and drive, and you won’t take no for an answer. You will have heightened charisma, so use this advantage for all its worth.

While Mars spends time in Pisces from November 15 to December 31, you will be spending more money, but that’s what the holidays are all about. Fortunately, you won’t have prolonged spending, only six weeks—not six months like the Capricorns had to endure recently—coming at holiday time. Keep in mind, you don’t have to spend a lot to please family and friends. They love you, and it does not matter to them how much you spend.

Jupiter will move into Sagittarius on November 8 for a year’s stay, until December 2, 2019. Many astrologers, going back to ancient days, call the eleventh house the house of good fortune. Now you will have the planet of good fortune, Jupiter, in the eleventh house, which also rules friendships as well as professional and even casual contacts. It will be important to leave the confines of your house more often to make more friends and to attend professional conferences and trade shows. Consider joining a social club, humanitarian effort, or a charity drive. All your personal growth during the coming months will come from the friendships you make, their help to you, and all that you give to others.

To show you the kindness of friends, the universe is sending an alignment of the Sun and good fortune Jupiter from Sunday, November 25, to Monday, November 26. Mark those days with a gold star, as they are truly the luckiest days of the year. Watch for a friend, or even a casual contact, to go out of his or her way for you in a way that will surprise you and touch your heart. On these same days, you will have luck with long-distance travel, foreign people and places, the media, legal issues, and academia.

Backtracking a few days, you have the most tender, romantic full moon that you’ve had all year, in Gemini, and it’s due on November 22. Jupiter will conjoin the Sun right after, so be with your steady date or spouse, for this full moon will be outstanding. This day, November 22, plus the entire last week of November, will not be favorable for travel, for Venus, ruling your travel house, will oppose your ruler, Uranus. This aspect, reaching a peak on November 30, is likely to bring reverse news about money, so on this day avoid scheduling financial negotiations and decisions. Also, Mars, by this time in Pisces, seems to be forcing up your expenses near this full moon, November 22, and for the days that follow, so it seems you will have to keep on eye on how much you spend.

Nevertheless, this full moon of November 22 (plus or minus four days) can bring great pleasure, so plan a special day at your home base. You might buy tickets to a concert or Broadway show or book a special dinner out. Time spent with children will also bring happy giggles and memorable times.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2018-11-02 14:31:42
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