看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2019年 5月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2019-05-03 Fri. 09:26:47

Leo Horoscope for May 2019

July 23 - Aug 22
A Note from Susan Miller

May 2019

Dear Reader,

I am so excited about May I can hardly contain myself. It brims with happy, positive aspects, and brings many joyous surprises. I feel you will love May!

As we go through the month, I will continue to remind you of important, sweet aspects on Instagram (@AstrologyZone), Twitter (also @Astrologyzone), and on Facebook (Susan Miller’s Astrology Zone). Keep looking for the blue Verified check mark next to my name on all three social media platforms as some people are pretending to be me. I will post almost daily so that you will be able to use every sparkling aspect as they come up—there will be many!

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Your Horoscope by Susan Miller

You’re coming up on a major month for your career, for the May 4 new moon in Taurus at 14 degrees will shine brilliantly in your solar tenth house of honors, awards, and achievement. You’ll find this is the first and only time in 2019 this will happen. Be ready to press forward on a dream you have long held for your career, and be sure to act soon, within the ten days that follow that new moon.

All new moons are strongest the moment they occur and gradually lose strength as you move forward. Ten days later, by the time you’re within range of the full moon (four days prior to its appearance), the new moon will have spent all her energy, and the full moon will then take over as the dominant influence. That is why you must be ready to act during the week of May 4 to 10. Schedule a job interview, send a query letter, or if self-employed, launch an advertising, publicity, or social media campaign. Read trade and consumer trade publications for ideas on how you can make your next move to elevate your career.

I also love that this new moon will have solid support from Saturn, the planet of long-term security, and Pluto, a financial planet. Both are in your house of workaday projects. This tells me the quality of your work will likely be recognized and rewarded, and that a generous amount of money will continue to flow to you as a result.

Also sensational as the month opens on May 4 is that Mercury, the planet that rules your solar second house of earned income, is in entrepreneurial Aries and will receive a beautiful beam from action-hero Mars. Mars will be in Gemini and Mercury in Aries, so there will be what astrologers call a mutual reception between the two planets, powerfully strengthening their help for you. Mars is in your friendship sector, so a friend seems to have a big part to play in your career, perhaps by making an introduction to a VIP for you, acting as a reference, providing you with a valuable tip, or helping you polish your résumé.

Within your golden week to act on professional matters, mentioned earlier (May 4 to 10), there is one day I want to point out to you as extra special—May 9, when Venus and Jupiter will align in heavenly aspect. Venus is the ruler of your solar tenth house of fame, and Jupiter is currently in your creative sector—on this day, career and creativity go together like a cup and saucer. May 9 is a day you will shine in any career activity you choose to do: have a meeting, give a presentation, or sign papers—you decide. This day wins the award for my favorite day of the month, and you might agree.

On May 13, the Sun, your ruler, will be in magical angle with powerhouse Pluto—this is a day to meet with a high-level person about a new project. You are likely to make a great impression and be awarded the project.

    Your home (or another property you own or are looking to buy) will likely receive an exciting boost at the May 18 full moon in Scorpio. Family news near this full moon may thrill you, too. This is one of the sweetest full moons you’ve seen in a long time.

Another stellar day to meet with a VIP will be May 22. Mars will be in beautiful, supportive alignment to Uranus, bringing news from behind the scenes—you’ll make a great impression, and the assignment you pitch on this day is likely to go to you.

Now let’s turn to your social life for a moment. Mars in Gemini will be energizing your eleventh house of friendship, so the first half of the month, until May 15, will be your most enjoyable time to socialize. At the same time, Venus, the planet that works with Mars to bring love, sunshine, and happiness into your life, will be in the right place to help from the very start of the month until May 15. Here is another indication that the beginning of May will be your best for mixing and mingling with others.

When Venus leaves Aries to enter Taurus, May 15 to June 8, Venus certainly will work hard to see that you are popular with VIPs and subordinates at work—it will seem that everyone will want to work with you, and you may even see two departments vie for your services.

Your home (or another property you own or are looking to buy) will likely receive an exciting boost at the May 18 full moon in Scorpio. Family news near this full moon may thrill you, too. This is one of the sweetest full moons you’ve seen in a long time.

Saturn and Pluto will be highly supportive of this full moon, so something is coming to a culmination, and all of it will please you. You may be closing on a house, signing a lease, buying land, or working on a big development real estate deal. Or, you may be finishing up a contracting project, repairs, or paint job. On the other hand, you may be awaiting the delivery of a gorgeous piece of furniture. Pluto’s involvement makes it ideal timing to work on the plumbing of your house, particularly the basement. Saturn rules structure, so you may be putting up a wall or taking one down with the advice of how to do it safely from your architect.

There is another way that things could work out at this Scorpio full moon at 28 degrees on May 18, plus or minus four days. You may be excited because someone in your family has big news—your sister might have a new baby, or your parents may move to a warm and sunny place that you’ll be able to visit. These are just two examples to start you thinking, but the point is, the news having to do with your home or family will likely be very welcome.

When Mars enters Cancer, May 15 to July 1, you will be very busy with projects. If you work for others, you will have a full list of things to do, and this will be a highly productive time. If you are self-employed, you will have lots of clients clamoring for your services. At times you might feel like the work is a little overwhelming, but remind yourself that it’s great to be needed and to have a job. If you don’t have a job currently, you will be able to find projects to do in the second half of May—maybe you will work on a freelance basis, or alternatively, you could see that enough work is coming in to justify starting your own business.

Saturn’s strong, sustained influence in your workaday sector suggests you will have a lot of details to oversee and check for accuracy. Saturn and Pluto will be in fine angle to Neptune, so a particular project might tap your creative side, and if so, you will be paid well, especially if you structure the deal on the basis of your performance, such as by commission, royalty, or licensing fee.


May will be an exciting month for professional advancement, and it is one of the very best of 2019. News is likely to come in the ten days following the new moon of May 4. You will have to do your part by showing the universe that you are open to entertaining career offers and willing to expend the energy to win them. If you do, encouraging planets twinkling above you will take things the rest of the way. You are in a period of enormous reward now, so any new job you discuss in May should clearly be a step in the right direction, with a better title and more power and responsibility. Uranus, the planet of all things unanticipated, will likely bring news you’d never have expected, out of the blue.

The new moon will reach out to Neptune, so if you are an artist, or work as part of the support staff of artists, you may win the role or assignment of your dreams, and it would come with generous compensation. Saturn and Pluto in fine angle to this new moon suggest that the new work you do will take you in a new direction and bring a comforting sense of job security. It will also help you learn a new skill, allowing you to enter into a more sophisticated professional realm. You will be able to use your knowledge in the future—it will turn out to be the gem in your crown. Give your new job all you have. I like that Jupiter and Mercury will be in sync—the money offered to you will make you happy.

Watch May 22 when a job opportunity will come out of the blue and thrill you. Keep your cell phone powered up! This will come thanks to a collaboration between Mars and Uranus, by then in perfect alignment. You will find the job or role will be tailor-made for you.

Your residential situation will bring closure at the full moon of May 18. It may be that you are moving to take advantage of your fine emerging job opportunities. On the other hand, you could find that you can upgrade your standard of living because your skills are in demand and you will be earning more money. If you are not moving, renovating, or accepting delivery of furniture, you could be thinking about your parent who may need you to recommend an answer to a dilemma they are struggling to solve this month.

A trip taken on May 2, perhaps to discuss a creative idea with a client based at a distance will go exceptionally well.

Finally, your social life will be bursting with invitations in the first half of May, while Mars spends time in Gemini, a continuation of the busy time you experienced with friends last month (April), for Mars first entered Gemini on March 30.

Your most magical, romantic day of the month will be May 9, when Venus and Jupiter align. Not only will your love life sparkle, but you may hear exciting news about a job or lucrative assignment on this day, too. On May 9, Venus, the planet that rules your solar tenth house of prestigious career success, will align with financial Jupiter. Venus will be in your ninth house of foreign people and places, so you may receive a special assignment from overseas or from an international company with an outpost in your country. Or, it may be that your luck will emanate from radio, television, the Internet, or publishing, for the same area of your chart rules the dissemination of information. If you are a lawyer, work in the court system, or have a pending case, May 9 will be one of your favorite days.

As the month draws to a close, if you work in the arts or entertainment, you may make an important sale on May 30, when Venus and Neptune will work together to make life quite glamorous and profitable.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2019-05-03 09:26:47
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