看板 appetising
作者 clairecccc (幸福的小孩^^)
標題 麥特戴蒙
時間 2011年03月23日 Wed. PM 10:14:58

今天的advanced 課程是講麥特戴蒙 感覺Hereafter好像很好看

不過這不是重點 XD


Professionally, he's hungry to direct and is waiting for the right script.
Personally, he's a dedicated dad.
And philanthropically, he's the co-founder of Water.org,
a non-partisan organization that provides safe drinking water
and sanitation to people in developing countries.

三句以副詞開頭 逗點 從三方面去形容一個人

本來簡單的一句話 因為加長變得很驚人~


Professionally, I'm hungry to explore and is looking for the best medication.
Personally, I'm a dedicated daughter and sister.
And extracurricularly, I'm the main staff of PCE in 2007 IPSF,
a non-governmental, non-political, and non-religious organisation and is the leading international advocacy organisation of pharmacy students promoting improved public health through provision of information, education, networking, and a range of publication and professional activities.

但是偷偷說 IPSF 根本就不是non-political = =!

因為中共學生的壓力而打壓我們台灣藥學生 真是過分>"<~

明明就只是很單純的學生組織阿 幹嘛這麼政治化 ><!!!

我們要更努力 比別人更有競爭力 更專業 才不會被看不起


※ 作者: clairecccc  時間: 2011-03-23 22:14:58  來自: 114-39-5-190.dynamic.hinet.net
clairecccc: 麥特戴蒙 - appetising板