看板 movie
作者 enricore (Enri)
標題 Re: [請益] 鐵娘子的一句台詞
時間 Tue Feb 28 01:43:25 2012

是這一段嗎? 看中文感覺這段比較接近你要的 :)

中間三行可以省略 XD

people don't "think" anymore,

they "feel". "how're you feelings?"

"oh, i don't feel comfortable with that"

"oh, i'm so sorry but we, the group were feeling..."

do you know one of the great problems of our age...

it's that we are governed by people who care more about feelings

than thoughts and ideas.

now thoughts and ideas, that interests me.

(有錯誤再告知)  :)

※ 引述《miq (nothing here)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《Induction (孤鴻海上來 池潢不敢顧)》之銘言:
: : 以下發問有些微雷, 請考慮是否要壓下page down
: : 鐵娘子劇中老年柴契爾夫人與心理醫師確認其是否擁有幻覺的對話中提到:
: : "現在的人只注重感覺, 卻不在意理念與想法. 而理念與想法才是重要的"
: : 意思大概同上述, 不過有沒有板友記得確切的台詞呢? 中英皆可, 非常感激.
: : 這部片讓我非常感動, 透過電影也對柴契爾夫人驚人的意志力感到佩服與景仰.
: : 希望能夠求問到這句台詞, 我覺得這部電影比心靈鑰匙跟大藝術家還更能打動我.
: : 萬分感激.
:     Watch your thoughts for they become words.
:     Watch your words for they become actions.
:     Watch your actions for they become... habits.
:     Watch your habits, for they become your character.
:     And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny!
:     What we think we become.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: enricore        來自:      (02/28 01:47)
Induction:BINGO! 大大感謝 <(_ _)> 好喜歡這段話.1F 02/28 02:06
krier:覺得這段很棒+1 聽了心有戚戚焉2F 02/28 11:15
destination:我和我妹看也好喜歡這段話3F 02/28 16:24
Topanga:倒數第三行...it's 應該是 is4F 02/28 17:34
hoperkey:超愛這段話!!5F 02/29 01:41
boc:奇萌子時代6F 02/29 22:48
BF109Pilot:真的現在大家都太注重感受了7F 04/02 08:10

(enricore.): Re: [請益] 鐵娘子的一句台詞 - cukebox板