看板 kitsuneya
作者 kendofox (kendofox.bbs@ptt.cc)
標題 [外絮] Jeremy Lin Finding His Groove
時間 2014年02月05日 Wed. PM 12:03:26

※ 本文轉寄自 kendofox.bbs@ptt.cc

看板 Jeremy_Lin
作者 olivelee (no way..)
標題 [外絮] Jeremy Lin Finding His Groove
時間 Tue Feb  4 14:28:46 2014

 Jeremy Lin Finding His Groove

NBA Sunday: Jeremy Lin Finding Himself in Houston? | Basketball Insiders | NBA Rumors And Basketball News
Jeremy Lin may never be "Linsanity" again, but he's finding himself in Houston ... Why Andrew Bynum will work in Indiana after failing in Philly, Cleveland ... ...

 Jeremy Lin hasn’t exactly had an easy time since the month where he
 played such amazing basketball that the NBA world dubbed him
 “Linsanity.” Since becoming an instant star, Lin has moved across the
 country to Houston, dealt with a barrage of injuries that prevented him
 from playing his best and heard his name mentioned in months of
 trade rumors stemming from his inability to live up to his own hype.


 This season Lin finds himself in a position that is really ideal as he


“You know, I think I’m just trying to embrace whatever my role is with

   林對和Basketball Insiders 這樣說


 This week the Rockets had a big back-to-back in which they faced their



“That was very important for us,” says Lin. “We wanted to get both of
 those wins and it was not an easy task. It was definitely a team effort,
 with everyone playing really hard both nights.”


 Harden returned to Houston’s starting lineup to help them blowout the
 Cleveland Cavaliers, but the big stat was Lin’s first career triple
 -double: 15 points, 11 rebounds, 10 assists.








********** END **********


Regarding Lin, the ball is in his hands quite a bit in crunch time when it
 isn't in Harden's hands as the closer. Lin has earned a reputation of
 being Mr. 4th Quarter. So, yes, he may drive it and set up Harden,
 Howard, or another team mate, but he's looked at to take it to the rim
 and score as well, hit clutch shots, or get to the rim and get fouls and
 knock down the foul shots. I think the term "star" attached to Parsons
 is not fair to Lin as LIn plays an equal role to Parsons although he may
 not score as much, he'll carry the team at times and score a lot if
 needed. I find Lin and Parsons on the same level while Howard and
 Harden are the "stars" on the team.


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jim0814:推推~1F 02/04 14:36
tseng1304:感謝翻譯2F 02/04 14:37
wuchao:感謝翻譯:)3F 02/04 14:40
plzsmile:感謝翻譯!! 如果是以上場時間和出手次數來排,CP是老二喔4F 02/04 14:41
chiaomaster:推!!5F 02/04 14:43
henrylinsj:推6F 02/04 14:44
bhmok:鄉民講究的是球齡 所以DH排前二無誤7F 02/04 14:44
phix:林是嗨咖阿 打的越嗨越強8F 02/04 14:45
LTP:因為林算是playmaker9F 02/04 14:45
zujjee:推推,謝謝翻譯!!!10F 02/04 14:47
Aswind:謝謝你的翻譯!!11F 02/04 14:56
catalase:我非常佩服林總是能在上帝的考驗中獲得和成長。加油12F 02/04 14:56
bluesunflowe:感謝翻譯!!!!!13F 02/04 15:06
gabylovely:感謝翻譯!!!14F 02/04 15:08
bluesunflowe:扮演SG或PG在我們的系統沒有差別>>戰術板4箭頭 BJ415F 02/04 15:11
nancyh:感謝翻譯! 恭喜Lin在球隊扮演好救火隊角色XD       唉
還是覺得...所謂Lin無法有好表現 並不是因傷病所苦  BJ416F 02/04 15:35
avril0625:謝謝翻譯,對於在火坑的日子我只想說…小朋友加油!18F 02/04 15:58
akthebest:感謝翻譯。19F 02/04 16:28
verna312:謝翻譯20F 02/04 16:37
clauslee:推!21F 02/04 16:54
CTHsieh: 問題是關鍵時刻林常常是被冰的....22F 02/04 16:59
wuling1001:接下來有沒有轉變才是真的 說一套做一套也不是12天的事23F 02/04 17:01
JessicaA1ba:還是交易的好 留在火箭打再好也是被壓抑24F 02/04 17:09
verna312:接下來還是會重複迴圈吧 季初就看夠了 應該不會有任何改也對球隊無法產生任何期待值
關於他們使用LIN的方式就是 拜託快交易放生吧(回去數饅頭比較快XDDDDDDD25F 02/04 17:10
nancyh:也覺得會重複迴圈 +129F 02/04 17:22
jcchiou:信用一兩場, 接下來又冰第四節30F 02/04 17:35
leocheng:跟CP的地位怎麼可能相等 還有坐在板凳上要怎麼帶領球隊?31F 02/04 18:25
hutten:感謝翻譯  證明證明 到目前的表現還要證明甚麼嗎...32F 02/04 19:52
tseng1304:趕快放生卡實在33F 02/04 20:18
vilovej:離開火箭的限制,給他自由發揮他會嚇死大家,所以快交易!34F 02/04 20:43
yachuyachu33:感謝翻譯35F 02/04 22:36
natsuki123:感謝翻譯~36F 02/05 00:26
jt:謝謝翻譯 不用再證明什麼 火箭也不需要 還是快放生吧~~37F 02/05 01:22
peggie:無線迴圈的證明令人倦怠,還是各自放生,好聚好散吧。38F 02/05 11:07

kendofox: [外絮] Jeremy Lin Finding His Groove - kitsuneya板