看板 Steam
作者 kk9517 (ABo)
標題 [新聞] 夏日特賣 Day 4
時間 Mon Jun 23 01:07:23 2014


Borderlands 2 - $4.99  -75%

Save 75% on Borderlands 2 on Steam
The Ultimate Vault Hunter’s Upgrade lets you get the most out of the Borderlands 2 experience. ...


BattleBlock Theater® - $3.74  -75%
Save 75% on BattleBlock Theater® on Steam
Welcome to BattleBlock Theater! You’ve got no where to go but up...on stage. Play single player or co-op to free your friends and save Hatty Hattington! Jump, solve and battle your way through a mysterious theater inhabited by highly technological felines. ...


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™  - $4.99  -75%


South Park™ : The Stick of Truth™  - $40.19  -33%


Planetary Annihilation - $16.99  -66%
Save 66% on Planetary Annihilation on Steam
Colonize solar systems, smash entire worlds, and crush your foes in epic battles with multiple players and thousands of units. Don't just win, annihilate! ...


Outlast - $4.99  -75%
Save 75% on Outlast on Steam
Hell is an experiment you can't survive in Outlast, a first-person survival horror game developed by veterans of some of the biggest game franchises in history. As investigative journalist Miles Upshur, explore Mount Massive Asylum and try to survive long enough to discover its terrible secret... if ...


The Wolf Among Us - $8.49  -66%
Save 66% on The Wolf Among Us on Steam
From the makers of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead, comes a gritty, violent and mature thriller based on the award-winning Fables comic books (DC Comics/Vertigo). As Bigby Wolf - THE big bad wolf - you will discover that a brutal, bloody murder is just a taste of things to come in a game ...


Tomb Raider - $4.99  -75%
Save 75% on Tomb Raider on Steam
Tomb Raider explores the intense and gritty origin story of Lara Croft and her ascent from a young woman to a hardened survivor. Armed only with raw instincts and the ability to push beyond the limits of human endurance, Lara must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its ...


Flash Deal

Fable - The Lost Chapters - $1.99  -80%
Save 66% on Fable - The Lost Chapters on Steam
Each person you aid, each flower you crush, and each creature you slay will change this world forever. Fable: Who will you be? ...


Natural Selection 2 - $3.74  -85%
Save 75% on Natural Selection 2 on Steam
An immersive, multiplayer shooter that pits aliens against humans in a strategic and action-packed struggle for survival! ...


Sleeping Dogs - $3.99  -80%
Save 50% on Sleeping Dogs on Steam
Check out the just released "Nightmare in North Point" DLC! ...


Transformers™ : Fall of Cybertron™  - $14.99  -75%



Betrayer - $3.99  -80%
Save 50% on Betrayer on Steam
Betrayer is a first person action adventure game that takes you to the New World at the turn of the 17th century. The year is 1604. You sailed from England expecting to join a struggling colony on the coast of Virginia. Instead, you find only ghosts and mysteries. What catastrophe blighted the land  ...


Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut - $3.74  -75%
Save 50% on Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut on Steam
In this original and adult psychological survival horror, the masked protagonist must escape from a city ravaged by disease, by any means necessary. ...


Metro: Last Light - $6.79  -66%
Save 33% on Metro: Last Light on Steam
It Is the Year 2034. Beneath the ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro, the remnants of mankind are besieged by deadly threats from outside – and within. Mutants stalk the catacombs beneath the desolate surface, and hunt amidst the poisoned skies above. ...


Slender: The Arrival - $2.49  -75%
Save 50% on Slender: The Arrival on Steam
You're on your own. No one to come for you. No one to help you. No one to hear you scream. Slender: The Arrival is the official videogame adaption of Slender Man, developed in collaboration with Eric "Victor Surge" Knudson, creator of the paranormal phenomenon that has been terrifying the  ...


明天有事情不會整理接下來的Flash deal跟社群之選

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1403456854.A.EA9.html
efreet:BattleBlock Theater可以收了XD1F 06/23 01:07
※ 編輯: kk9517 (, 06/23/2014 01:13:06
Grammy:Borderlands 2欸!2F 06/23 01:08
WASIJLA:Wolf among us 66% 感激涕澪!  O.Q3F 06/23 01:09
didi2931640:古墓已刷<34F 06/23 01:09
akilight:今日特價有一個看不見的是Metal Gear Rising, 50% off5F 06/23 01:10
user324352:請問一下,有沒有人投完那個社群之選後,沒有顯示之前6F 06/23 01:10
ycmm:BattleBlock Theater才出沒兩個月就-75%了QQ7F 06/23 01:11
Palaclin:METAL GEAR RISING:REVENGEANCE 這麼快就-50%8F 06/23 01:11
desun:鎖區的是特工神諜最新的雷電外傳,我決定掛VPN來買9F 06/23 01:11
user324352:投票次數的?因為剛剛投完發生這個狀況10F 06/23 01:11
Arietta:今天的超讚啊11F 06/23 01:11
wody:冷門遊戲勸拜一下咩 battleblock分數高 不知道是哪類型QQ12F 06/23 01:11
LayerZ:竟然有NaturalSelection 213F 06/23 01:11
user324352:http://i.imgur.com/j6Q98Ox.png 好像投票被吃掉一樣14F 06/23 01:11
ctes940008:Borderlands2 下手前請考慮清楚~~~可能容易膩喔15F 06/23 01:12
gn005066:鎖區的看起來很好玩阿16F 06/23 01:12
user324352:之前投完都會顯示你已經投過多少次的說17F 06/23 01:12
kevin8056:Kingdoms of Amalur 推薦嗎? 喜歡ARPG的遊戲18F 06/23 01:12
LayerZ:NS2個人推薦,也是對戰類型FPS19F 06/23 01:12
JOHNJJ:steam好lag 只有我會這樣嗎?20F 06/23 01:12
dmcn307:我覺得KoA超好玩21F 06/23 01:13
kk9517:好懷念NS 一代玩了好久22F 06/23 01:13
wody:borderland2不用考慮阿 大作又75%遊戲體驗很棒 endgame刷裝23F 06/23 01:14
hydebeast:請問古墓奇兵這麼多版本要買哪個好阿@@24F 06/23 01:14
ycmm:Behemoth的遊戲不冷門啊,battleblock是手指動作類遊戲25F 06/23 01:14
tropotato:=====以下開放被Borderlands2打臉宣泄=====26F 06/23 01:14
z90286:開始出現想買的遊戲了...27F 06/23 01:14
ycmm:尤其是coop模式超級有趣,畫面風格很可愛也有workshop28F 06/23 01:15
efreet:KoA沒甚麼難度(即使是最高難度),喜歡挑戰性的話別買29F 06/23 01:15
vincentpp:居然有神鬼寓言...XDDD30F 06/23 01:15
ctes940008:無主2其實10鎂的Goty很多次了……我討厭這種要重打的31F 06/23 01:16
TrIstaNa:BL跟TR都有了....PASS32F 06/23 01:16
gamesame7711:今天開始 的東西都還不錯33F 06/23 01:16
kita:borderlands 光玩劇情就值回票價了,刷裝就看個人了34F 06/23 01:16
howar31:今天的真不錯35F 06/23 01:17
LIONDODO:Metro: Last Light有人可以介紹一下嗎@@36F 06/23 01:17
howar31:鎖區的是MGRR 50%37F 06/23 01:17
ctes940008:所以我只買了本體XDDDDDD38F 06/23 01:18
akilight:Metro我覺得可以等Redux強化版特價再來買39F 06/23 01:18
wuhou:borderlands 只要玩劇情的話 刷主程式就好?40F 06/23 01:18
lover19:PASS41F 06/23 01:18
ctes940008:是的,不過每次重打其實有不一樣的劇情(後面)42F 06/23 01:18
brainbroken:borderlands 2較建議買GOTY版43F 06/23 01:18
IAMYAMAPI:pass44F 06/23 01:18
ppbigass:pass45F 06/23 01:19
efreet:Metro系列是近幾年最好的survival horror之一,不過加強版要出了,不建議買原版,除非不介意加強版的內容或再買一次46F 06/23 01:19
LIONDODO:好的,那我PASS等XD48F 06/23 01:20
ppbigass:NS2房間很少 一代時房間比較多49F 06/23 01:20
brainbroken:多兩個職業還有4個DLC故事 還能升到lv6150F 06/23 01:21
w1000:決定先睡覺再考慮要不要買古墓奇兵51F 06/23 01:21
ctes940008:還好古墓奇兵在去年聖誕Amazon打臉祭就入手啦52F 06/23 01:22
fightword:請問其他輸的隊伍有供獻分數的話..不是會給一張卡片嗎?53F 06/23 01:24
efreet:要等一陣子,給卡片不是即時的,玩家太多了54F 06/23 01:26
langeo:幾乎都pass55F 06/23 01:26
Mahoutsukai:感覺都沒什麼新東西 是因為最近大作下檔比較慢嗎?56F 06/23 01:27
langeo:幾乎都跟去年聖誕節差不多 什麼時候有EU4或者DS2阿57F 06/23 01:29
petereight:想玩古墓的買主程式就夠了58F 06/23 01:29
Mahoutsukai:paradox社太保守了 很少看見掉節操大放送的59F 06/23 01:31
tamado9519:BattleBlock Theater其實已經在X360推出超過一年囉 XD60F 06/23 01:31
ofpurity:PASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS61F 06/23 01:32
cavitylapper:BL2那一堆dlc幾乎都是腳色造型嗎??62F 06/23 01:32
Mahoutsukai:BL2的DLC有資料片 有職業 有造型63F 06/23 01:33
aela1520:請問 FABLE有不好嗎64F 06/23 01:34
jl000046:睡狗推嗎?65F 06/23 01:34
sarraya:BattleBlock超可愛~66F 06/23 01:37
Mahoutsukai:FABLE 2 有在STEAM買過 挺不錯的 可是居然悄悄下架了67F 06/23 01:37
azumanga:搜尋 Sleeping 就有答案可參考。68F 06/23 01:38
jl000046:剛看完了 XD 謝謝69F 06/23 01:39
desun:睡狗不錯,遊戲時間只跑主線大概10個小時70F 06/23 01:41
nautasechs:今天的不錯,但跟去年聖誕節重複性太高了,pass71F 06/23 01:44
gn005066:OUTLAST DLC推嗎?72F 06/23 01:45
seiyaku:Fable那是一代失落之章弄上steam的版本 2代沒pc 3代下架了可能是因為game for windows live?73F 06/23 01:46
Mahoutsukai:阿 是三代沒錯 居然下架了狠感意外75F 06/23 01:47
※ 編輯: kk9517 (, 06/23/2014 01:49:06
tamado9519:BattleBlock Theater兩人包還是在50% OFF o.O!!76F 06/23 01:49
kintalo:速刷5款~大夥衝啊~77F 06/23 01:49
tamado9519:Fable記得在XBOX版看到的評價都是1>2>>>>3這樣78F 06/23 01:52
formoxa:看到第四天,商品跟折扣一天比一天爛...荷包safe :DDD79F 06/23 01:54
ice76824:3玩到結局只有"啊?結局了?"這感想80F 06/23 01:54
tamado9519:我沒玩過這系列啦 有興趣到XBOX版搜尋一下神鬼寓言 XD81F 06/23 01:57
Arietta:請問古墓的DLC值得買嗎?82F 06/23 01:57
bolue:之前爬文 好像不是很推薦XDDD83F 06/23 01:58
Kamikiri:古墓DLC都是多人模式  然後多人模式很爛  就這樣84F 06/23 02:05
beartim:BL2 DLC有四個故事的資料片,至少第四個那個很推,可是有雷得先破完一輪才能玩85F 06/23 02:10
liang1123:Can't Stop Laughing Bundle比單買還貴超多是怎麼回事==87F 06/23 02:15
rooo2012:古墓現在是最低點嗎?所有的dlc都不推薦嗎88F 06/23 02:29
peacedove:bl2主dlc(季票有含的)是有劇情啊89F 06/23 02:30
有FABLE~90F 06/23 02:31
s110269:古墓看過最低是75%off,買本體就好,反正是一回神作92F 06/23 02:37
Yen5150:Can't Stop Laughing Bundle價格已修正的樣子 75%off93F 06/23 02:37
rooo2012:感謝 找到版本差別http://ppt.cc/vjOS94F 06/23 02:51
【情報】《古墓奇兵 年度版》登上Steam (內含數位商店完整介紹) @古墓奇兵 系列(Tomb Raider) 哈啦板 - 巴哈姆特
Steam連結年度版含有所有目前釋出的DLC內容,有興趣可以參考看看。售價為29.99鎂。(2014.2.6 補充 因應年度版上架,普通版售價已降至19.99鎂) ...

iwcuforever:又PASS了95F 06/23 03:15
ooooo11111:推睡狗96F 06/23 03:47
bbkingck:推睡狗+197F 06/23 03:49
tallhands:OUTLAST DLC推 因為他跟本傳有關係 時間重疊不同主角
請問已有METRO LL想買LL的DLC要怎麼買,不考慮強化版
是直接買Season Pass嗎98F 06/23 03:55
KaiJii:捏住等metro重製版 -"-101F 06/23 04:48
chinhan1216:今天的一樣爛pass102F 06/23 06:08
han72:今天也不爛吧  只是大作很多人有了103F 06/23 06:28
nanan2468:有沒有越來越給力的八卦?104F 06/23 06:40
fightword:The Wolf Among Us ign分數滿高的..105F 06/23 06:59
dick20018158:不用買FABLE啦 微軟在重製1代了106F 06/23 07:30
nautasechs:我買了fable107F 06/23 07:39
dimrain:borderlands2  hitman  古墓  睡狗都很推  但想玩時再買就好了  每次特賣都一定會出現的遊戲108F 06/23 08:23
Searle:隊伍pk果然是假的..110F 06/23 08:26
nuko:樓上那句話讓我想到我表弟跟我說 聖誕老人果然是假的...111F 06/23 08:59
frafoa:The Wolf Among Us 超棒的112F 06/23 09:02
nuko:文明帝國5 -75%!!!!!!!!  快投右邊阿!!!!!!!!113F 06/23 09:02
o07608:奇怪?請問一下為啥現在沒出現八小時限定的特價遊戲?114F 06/23 09:03
statue:Civ5已買 投左邊~115F 06/23 09:04
fightword:我也沒出現也~~116F 06/23 09:05
statue:http://steamdb.info/sales/ <- 這邊可以看特價117F 06/23 09:05
Steam Summer Sale 2014 ·  US ·  Steam Database
This page is tracking sales of all apps on the Steam Store. Find the best deals! ...

efreet:幫投右邊,推Dominions 4,非常hardcore118F 06/23 09:05
fightword:嗯。。現在出現了119F 06/23 09:06
TassadarGau:Warlock II跟昨天每日一樣50%OFF而已,不過還是投右邊120F 06/23 09:07
efreet:Spelunky不錯,喜歡roguelike的話,非常殺時間121F 06/23 09:07
o07608:騎馬與砍殺80%,亮點大概就這個122F 06/23 09:07
efreet:在有人問之前....X Rebirth別買123F 06/23 09:08
o07608:X Rebirth看起來不錯......可是樓上給的評價似乎很低0.0124F 06/23 09:11
wuhou:Darksiders II 跟之前亞馬遜包差不多錢了嗎?125F 06/23 09:12
efreet:去google就知道去年發售的時候發生甚麼事,把連beta狀態都稱不上的遊戲直接當正式版賣126F 06/23 09:13
o07608:......靠腰128F 06/23 09:13
wurenben:買X3+資料片就好129F 06/23 09:15
mu8086:請問 Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 的 DLC 值得買嗎?130F 06/23 09:18
o07608:Planetary Annihilation 是星海爭霸2.5嗎......131F 06/23 09:20
eva05s:終於給我等到文明5啦!132F 06/23 09:21
efreet:Total Annihilation的精神續作133F 06/23 09:21
wurenben:吸錢續作,超高的"EA"價,更新慢優化也差134F 06/23 09:22
o07608:Tomb Raider值得買嗎阿阿阿阿阿阿????!!!!135F 06/23 09:25
kintalo:Tomb Raider有啥好問的?光臉就值了啊~136F 06/23 09:27
user324352:o大可以去搜尋本板文章代碼#1JTya4z4對這款遊戲的心得137F 06/23 09:28
o07608:樓上XDDDD138F 06/23 09:28
musichour:Tomb Raider是滿值得買的拉 不過臉其實多數時候都很慘吧139F 06/23 09:30
可是他有n種版本0.0要買哪一種阿?140F 06/23 09:32
kintalo:買4.99的就好了 dlc全都pass無所謂142F 06/23 09:35
o07608:DLC都這麼鳥喔0.0那那些大包是怎樣的東西?143F 06/23 09:35
KYLAT:Borderland2的DLC也超推薦啊!不過劇情幾乎都是接續在主線後面,建議本體主線破完再玩DLC144F 06/23 09:37
kintalo:o07他的dlc基本上都是一些武器衣服多人地圖角色之類沒用的衣服沒一件能打的…都穿得比原本更多 不買也罷…
就上面有人說的一次通關神作 破一次就封印了 那些不用買XD146F 06/23 09:45
o07608:原來如此= =感謝......我還以為是新增爛劇情
預算嚴重超支阿OAQ 這就是夏季特賣嗎?149F 06/23 09:51
kintalo:我也是第一次參加夏季特賣 已經買了5500台幣了還在增加中如果是主機遊戲5千大概就5~6款 我現在是22款啊!!
有不敗的理由嗎?沒有~想要的就買~~~(殺紅眼狀態)152F 06/23 10:07
o07608:囧,我還想把花費壓在1500裡咧......155F 06/23 10:09
formoxa:不要擔心啦,近來的特賣越來越沒看頭,你的荷包君會活著156F 06/23 10:10
kintalo:說錯 我目前買了25款遊戲 現在的社群之選打算四款都買157F 06/23 10:11
o07608:你好財阿,求包養158F 06/23 10:13
kintalo:呃 只包養妹子…屁啦…魯蛇哪來的錢包養 沒女友只好買遊戲159F 06/23 10:15
Yen5150:把Spelunky拿掉的話那一排根本是糞作特賣160F 06/23 10:23
desun:kindola大,第一年大家都這樣~(笑),比較建議那種沒有高額度特價的最後一天再買,一來會確定不會被打臉,二來到時會比較冷靜思考倒底是不是真的需要購買,也能重新省視自己的預161F 06/23 10:55
wuliou:bolderlands2 tomb raider PSN+上個月免費xdd165F 06/23 11:18
hi9060604:COD會特價嗎??只想買這款166F 06/23 11:24
petereight:COD可以等看看 不過大概只會有50%折扣 價錢硬的很167F 06/23 11:46

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(kk9517.): [新聞] 夏日特賣 Day 4 - lawi板