看板 ott
作者 ott (寶貝)
標題 2010年諾貝爾物理獎介紹-石墨烯graphene「完美二維系統」
時間 2012年05月03日 Thu. AM 09:10:53






Andre Geim (左)和 Konstantin Novoselov(右) 

 2010的諾貝爾物理獎頒給了兩位英國曼徹斯特大學的物理學家,Andre Geim和Konstantin Novoselov。他們獲獎的原因,除了成功地製造了「傳說中的」二維[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=材料]材料[/url],也為實驗手法開創了一種全新的思維,奈米級的樣品竟然可以用在平凡不過的3M膠帶備製!他們不僅實現了理論中完美的二維系統,也帶出這個系統中各種獨特又迷人的物性。他們第一篇相關的論文在2004年發表,到去年得獎,也僅短短七年的時間。而相關的論文數目,也在這七年之間呈現指數型的成長[圖2.],可見石墨烯在科學界受到重視的程度。


石墨烯是蜂窩狀的單層碳結構,如圖3 所示。早在1947年,P. R. Wallance編寫的固態物理教科書中,已經出現石墨烯的理論計算,但是單層[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=原子]原子[/url]的二維結構會因為熱擾動變得很不穩定,學界甚至懷疑它無法單獨穩定存在。不過仍有科學家嘗試製造它,只是成果都不如預期。直到2004年,Geim團隊辦到了!他們使用3M膠帶,剝離出單獨且穩定的石墨烯,並放在有特定厚度氧化矽的基板上,利用光學干涉的方式辨識出單層的石墨烯。令學界感到驚訝的是,這個奈米級的產物,竟然在一點都不「奈米」的方法中誕生了。


Graphene is an atomic-scale honeycomb lattice made of carbon atoms.

圖4. 為[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=原子]原子[/url]力顯微鏡所取得的石墨烯表面形貌圖。單層的石墨烯其[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=原子]原子[/url]層厚度約為0.35 nm。但由於在大氣下水膜的影響,所測得的高度都略高於此值。利用機械剝削法的方式雖然可以得到乾淨純的石墨烯片,但是缺點為石墨烯的大小都約為10~100 σm左右。石墨烯的製造方式除了利用剝削法外,其它的可製造大面積的薄碳膜製方式陸續也被研究。例如將碳化矽(SiC) 加熱到1300℃退火時,此時碳將稀出於基板表面形成一薄碳膜,或是利用化學氣相[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=沉積]沉積[/url]法(CVD),將甲烷(CH4)於氫氣氣份下於溫度約1000℃以上裂解[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=沉積]沉積[/url]於銅或是鎳的表面。目前使用CVD方式已經可成長面板尺寸的大小的碳薄膜,提高了其未來應用性。  

石墨烯的電子結構可以看成六對互相倒立的角錐如圖5。在沒有任何摻雜的情況下,費米[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=能階]能階[/url]位在導帶與價帶間連接的點,在這個點上的電子有效質量等於零,[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=速度]速度[/url]是光速的300分之1。1984年,G. W. Semenoff用Dirac方程式描述佔據這個態的電子,也因此以這個點被稱為Dirac點。沒有質量的費米子在垂直入射[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=電位]電位[/url]障時,可以完全穿透(Klein tunneling)。值得注意的是,在沒有載子傳輸的情況下,石墨烯仍有一個最小的導電率σ=e2/h。石墨烯的電阻值會隨著外加垂值電場的變化而改變,稱為ambipolar field effect。例如圖6,利用改變閘極電壓來調控外加垂直電場的大小,可以發現在某個閘極電壓值時石墨烯有一最大的電阻值,當改變閘極電壓大於此值時石墨烯為電子參雜,當小於此值時為電洞參雜。所以可用閘極電壓的來控制石墨烯為N型或是P 型[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=半導體]半導體[/url],甚至可將它的能隙打開。而量子霍爾效應也可以在它完美的二維系統中展現,甚至可以在室溫中觀察到量子化的霍爾電阻與SdH震盪。


石墨烯其載子遷移率在理論上因受到聲學聲子的限制在載子密度n=10-12cm-2下其載子遷移率為μ=200,000cm2V-1S-1。其層數較多的石墨稀其塊材導電度約為0.96×10-6 Ω-1cm-1稍微大過於銅的導電度0.6 x106 Ω-1cm-1。在熱導方面也具有良好熱傳導能力約為5000Wm-1K-1,大約高過於在室溫下銅(401 Wm-1K-1)的10倍。石墨烯具有良好的透光特性,單層的石墨稀對於可見光波長的吸收大約只有2.3%。


因石墨稀它是個薄膜、機械結構又強壯、光穿透度又高並且又是個可撓式導體。且導電度可透過化學參雜或是電場控制的方式來調控,並且其載子遷移率也相當大。在未來可取代現有的Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO) 等透明導電薄膜,可應用於[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=太陽能]太陽能[/url],顯示器面板上。並且在應用於氣體偵測器上也有相當的潛力。是故石墨烯的發現除了帶來了在二維[url= http://highscope.ch.ntu.edu.tw/wordpress/?tag=材料]材料[/url]的物理特性研究上有更進一步的突破,並可作為未來光電等元件新的應用方向,所以其發現對人類的生活與科學有很大的貢獻。


1.        http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/2010/.

2.        A. H. C. Neto, Materialstoday 13, 1 (2010).

3.        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphene.

4.        K. S. Novoselov, D. Jiang, F. Schedin, T. J. Booth, V. V. Khotkevich, S. V. Morozov, and A. K. Geim, PNAS 30, 10451 (2005).

5.        “Scientific Background on the Nobel Prize in physics 2010,” The Royal Swedish academy of sciences, 5 October (2010).

6.        K. S. Novoselov, A. K. Geim, S. V. Morozov, D. Jiang, Y. Zhang, S. V. Dubonos, I. V. Grigorieva, and A. A. Firsov, Science 306, 666 (2004).


DaAiVideo 於 2010-11-13 上傳




中研院物理所助理研究員 李偉立:「他們用很簡單的方式,你石墨先把它黏到這個膠布上,膠帶的話用膠布交互的去剝它,把它剝到看起來已經蠻薄之後,單元子層的石墨烯,你肉眼用高倍率顯微鏡去看的時­候,肉眼是可以看得到。」



中研院物理所助理研究員 李偉立:「碳六十其實是1985年發現,在11年之後他們發現者拿到諾貝爾的化學獎,那這個基本上就是由石墨烯來萃取出來。」


中研院物理所助理研究員 李偉立:「電子在單元子層石墨片裡面傳輸的時候,它的速率是比光速少300倍,然後導電率也比銅,就是目前最好的導電的金屬,也比銅要高10倍以上。」


導電性 國科會 奈米碳管 碳六十 李偉立 蓋姆 柯弗瑟列夫 石墨烯 石墨 物理獎 諾貝爾獎
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ChemistryWorldUK 於 2010-06-21 上傳
A working touch screen display made from graphene. See the Chemistry World story here for more information http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/News/2010/June/20061001.asp 
Video copyright of Nature Nanotechnology
Graphene chemistry world chemistry touchscreen laptops electronics
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First graphene touchscreen

20 June 2010

Researchers in Korea and Japan have fabricated films of graphene - planar sheets of carbon one atom thick - measuring tens of centimetres. The researchers engineered these large graphene films into transparent electrodes, which were incorporated into touchscreen panel devices. The new work represents another milestone in the astonishing technological advance of graphene from its initial isolation only a few years ago. Experts predict that graphene will be found in consumer products within a couple of years.

The team, led by Jong-Hyun Ahn and Byung Hee Hong of Sungkyunkwan University, Korea, grew a graphene layer on copper foil by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) using a previously demonstrated technique.

Using a roller, the graphene face can then be pressed against an adhesive polymer support and the copper etched away, leaving the graphene film attached to the polymer. The graphene can then be pressed against a final substrate - such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) - again using rollers, and the polymer adhesive released by heating. Subsequent layers of graphene can then be added in a similar way.


Graphic of graphene film formation
The researchers built up a graphene layer on copper foil and then used rollers to transfer the graphene to a polymer support and then onto a final substrate

© Nature Nanotechnology

The researchers used this technique to create a rectangular graphene film measuring 30 inches (76 cm) in the diagonal. The graphene was doped by treating with nitric acid and in this form the graphene sheet can act as a large, transparent electrode and was demonstrated to work in a touchscreen device.

Typically, transparent electrodes used in such applications are made from indium tin oxides (ITO). The researchers say that the graphene electrode has better transparency and is tougher. 'The price of indium has increased by a few times over the past decades and this will be more serious as markets for display and solar cells expand,' says Ahn.'In addition, oxide materials like ITO are usually fragile and weak.' Because of this, ITO-based touchscreens have a finite life span, whereas, says Ahn, a graphene-based screen should last essentially forever.


Graphene film and graphene-based touchscreen
Left: A transparent graphene film transferred on a 35-inch PET sheet. Right: A graphene-based touchscreen panel connected to a computer

© Nature Nanotechnology

'In addition, the graphene production needs just a tiny amount of carbon sources without any rare materials, and the copper substrate is recyclable, so it is much more environmentally friendly than ITO production.'

Andre Geim of the University of Manchester in the UK, who is widely credited as being the founding father of modern graphene science having discovered isolated graphene around five years ago, says the new work demonstrates the astonishing rapidity with which graphene technology has advanced. 'This clearly shows that graphene is no longer wishful thinking as far as industrial applications go. People have gone from lab-scale to industrial-scale production unbelievably quickly. Within two years we will have consumer products.'

Simon Hadlington


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J-H Ahn et al, Nature Nanotechnology, 2010, DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2010.132


※ 編輯: ott 時間: 2017-12-24 18:40:45
ott: 2010年諾貝爾物理獎介紹-石墨烯graphene「完美二維系統」 - ott板