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故事主人翁艾倫羅斯頓(詹姆斯法蘭科飾)是一位登山家,行事作風向來特立獨行的他,與家人朋友的關係,也是處於淡薄的狀態。 一日,他展開大峽谷攀岩之旅,途中風和日麗,甚至結識了三位女登山客,度過一段歡樂刺激的攀登。揮別這三個萍水相逢的朋友,艾倫逕行離去…,沒想到,一場生命中重大的劫難,就此降臨— 攀岩過程中,艾倫不幸遭落石卡住右臂,受困於大峽谷石縫之中,動彈不得,眼看時間一分一秒流逝,五天後,食物與水相繼耗盡,仍無人發現他的行蹤。 決定自救的艾倫,憑著過人的求生意志,執起小刀,忍著痛,一寸一寸,割斷手臂…。


有點不太想寫這部電影 :/ ... 因為我原本今天心情還不錯,怕寫了以後會突然憂郁起來~ 根據真人真事改編的「127 Hours」,是我的一位多年好友吵著要去看,我們喬時間喬了一個多月,終於決定昨晚去看。我的那位朋友是男主角James Franco的熱衷粉絲,我只有看過他的三部電影,那就是:蜘蛛人1,蜘蛛人2,蜘蛛人3... Orz~(其實他演過的電影還真不少!可為何我只有看過他的蜘蛛人系列?... 不要問我,我也不知道 XD)那位朋友很激動得跟我說:“我要看127 Hours!James Franco的演技一定很讃!他一直以來都很棒~ 又帥又有才華,偶像偶像偶像!!”(我很怕他會失控喊出來:“我要嫁給他~” 嘿!那我也算功德一件,幫這位娘炮朋友出櫃...)



2003年4月,登山者Aron Ralston在未通知任何人的情況下獨自來到美國Utah州的峽谷區域探險。可卻在探險過程中被一塊大石頭壓住右手臂,動彈不得。就這樣,在有限的食物和水的情況下,他被壓了整整127個小時,最終用小刀把自己的手臂切斷,獲得自由身。導演Danny Boyle在四年前就想以這個故事為主題拍部電影... 如今終於實現了。


此類小型電影的製作預算一向不高,這部電影的一千八百萬預算已算相當寬裕。我不懂,既然預算並不是少得可憐,而且主要演員也只有一人,為何還要接下一些很容易被看出破綻或者遭到觀眾投訴的置入性行銷?例如電影中有許多百事可樂公司旗下的產品特寫,特寫片段為數太多。這部電影的時間背景為2003年,可出現的Moutain Dew飲料卻是2010年最新款... 還有男主角的老闆出現兩次,每次穿的T-Shirt是一家網絡服裝公司的產品,可這家公司2007年才成立... 置入性行銷要小心運用,年份很重要,手法也很重要,不能讓觀眾感覺很刻意。

James Franco飾演的Aron在石頭下被壓五天,可這五天來,他的胡須長度都一樣... 導演應該注意到這點的~ 因為觀眾很容易看出這個破綻... 不過這只是微小的錯誤,電影整體並不會因此而被扣很多分。

電影中有長度約兩分多鍾的切斷手臂鏡頭,男主角左手拿著不怎麼銳利的小刀試圖割斷右手臂。那場戲真實感很強,坐我旁邊的可愛女生朋友看得直發抖還狂遮臉。我是沒在怕的!來都來了... 眼睛眨都不眨,從頭看到尾。但我心中其實是在吶喊著:“怎麼還沒完啊?!他割手臂需要這麼久嗎!心臓有點受不了了...” 也的確是有聽說很多觀眾看到這段鏡頭暈過去的 XD 值得一提的是,這個鏡頭只拍了一次,就通過了。並不是因為演員表現好到導演很佩服,而是... 只能拍一次,因為那只道具手臂只有做這麼一個~ 沒有道具讓他們再take two...

電影上映後,廣受好評,在IMDB上還有8點多的高分,實屬不易。在國際大獎也獲得多次提名,我們就拭目以待吧!台灣似乎要明年才會上映,朋友們,記得去看呀!商業大片就讓它們去死吧!<<< 近日看完「The Tourist」和「Tron: Legacy」後很想發牢騷的苦主...

「127 Hours」,一部我覺得真實感很強的電影,十分值得一看。真人真事改編的電影通常劇本不會差到哪裡去,主要就是考驗導演的敘述故事能力。 割斷手臂的那段戲對於某些觀眾來說也許會太過血腥,所以觀賞前請先做好心理准備。男主角James Franco成名作不多,但魅力十足,把這位熱愛大自然,追求刺激感的冒險家演繹得十分成功。導演的上一部作品光環太大,導致來自於四面八方的壓力把他壓得喘不過氣來。你問我他的上一部作品是什麼?2008年奧斯卡最佳影片,描述印度貧民窟的困境... 這樣還猜不到喲?(那我只能建議你去google一下了 XD)



Between a Rock and a Hard Place

        A mountain climber who amputated his lower right arm with a dull knife in order to free himself from a boulder after an accident in 2003 will discuss his experience on Wednesday, Feb. 6, at 6 p.m. in Bowers Auditorium at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies.


        Aron Ralston, who documented his ordeal in the book Between a Rock and a Hard Place, will discuss the accident and what it taught him about leadership. His talk is free and open to the public.

        During a day hike in Blue John Canyon near Moab, Utah, an 800-pound boulder pinned Ralston’s right forearm to the canyon wall, crushing it. A rescue was unlikely because he had neglected to inform anyone of his whereabouts. After five days of trying to lift and break the boulder, a dehydrated and delirious Ralston bowed his arm and snapped the radius and ulna bones. Using the dull blade on a multi-use tool, he cut the soft tissue around the break. He then used the tool’s pliers to tear at the tougher tendons.

        After applying a tourniquet, Ralston rappelled 75 feet to freedom. After he was rescued, his arm was retrieved by park authorities and removed from under the boulder. It was cremated and given to Ralston, who returned to the boulder and left the ashes there.

        Ralston grew up in Colorado and graduated with honors from Carnegie Mellon University in 1997 with a double major in mechanical engineering and French. He moved to Aspen in 2002 to climb all of Colorado’s “14ers” -- 59 peaks that exceed 14,000 feet. After the accident, he reached his goal. Ralston, who wears a prosthetic arm, has continued to climb, is a professional speaker and has started a conservation organization in Colorado and Utah.

        Ralston will autograph copies of his book after the talk, which is sponsored by the student groups, WESTIES and 100% Club. For more information, contact Angie Rutherford, 208-691-0267.


127 Hours is a 2010 [url=/wiki/Biographical_film]biographical[/url] [url=/wiki/Adventure_film]adventure film[/url] co-written, produced and directed by [url=/wiki/Danny_Boyle]Danny Boyle[/url]. The film stars [url=/wiki/James_Franco]James Franco[/url] as [url=/wiki/Mountain_climbing]mountain climber[/url] [url=/wiki/Aron_Ralston]Aron Ralston[/url], who became trapped by a boulder in [url=/wiki/Robbers_Roost]Robbers Roost[/url], [url=/wiki/Utah]Utah[/url] in April 2003.


The film, based on Ralston's autobiography [url=/wiki/Between_a_Rock_and_a_Hard_Place_(book)]Between a Rock and a Hard Place[/url], was written by Boyle and [url=/wiki/Simon_Beaufoy]Simon Beaufoy[/url] and produced by [url=/wiki/Christian_Colson]Christian Colson[/url] and [url=/wiki/John_Smithson]John Smithson[/url] (both Beaufoy and Colson had previously worked with Boyle on [url=/wiki/Slumdog_Millionaire]Slumdog Millionaire[/url]). The music was scored by [url=/wiki/A._R._Rahman]A. R. Rahman[/url] who had also previously worked with Boyle on Slumdog Millionaire. The film was well-received by critics and was nominated for six [url=/wiki/Academy_Awards]Academy Awards[/url] including [url=/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Picture]Best Picture[/url] and [url=/wiki/Academy_Award_for_Best_Actor]Best Actor[/url] (James Franco).


[[url=/w/index.php?title=127_Hours&action=edit&section=1]edit[/url]] Plot


On April 25, 2003, [url=/wiki/Aron_Ralston]Aron Ralston[/url] ([url=/wiki/James_Franco]James Franco[/url]) prepares for a day of [url=/wiki/Canyoneering]canyoneering[/url] in [url=/wiki/Utah]Utah[/url]'s [url=/wiki/Canyonlands_National_Park]Canyonlands National Park[/url] as he drives to the trailhead at night. The next morning, he bikes through the park, aiming to cut 45 minutes off the guide book's estimate for the time needed to reach his destination. He is on foot, running along a bare rock formation when he sees two hikers, Kristi ([url=/wiki/Kate_Mara]Kate Mara[/url]) and Megan ([url=/wiki/Amber_Tamblyn]Amber Tamblyn[/url]), apparently lost. Ralston convinces the pair that he's a trail guide and offers to show them a much more interesting route than the one they had been trying to find. He leads them through narrow canyons, including a blind jump into an underground pool, where the three film themselves repeating the plunge using Ralston's video camera. As they part company, Kristi and Megan invite Ralston to a party they're holding the next night, and he promises to attend. However, they doubt he will show.


Ralston continues into [url=/wiki/Blue_John_Canyon]Blue John Canyon[/url], through a narrow passage where boulders are suspended, wedged between the walls of rock. As he descends, one boulder is jarred loose, falling after Ralston to the bottom of the canyon and pinning his arm against the canyon wall, trapping him. He initially yells for help, but nobody is within earshot. As he resigns himself to the fact that he is on his own, he begins recording a video diary on his camera and using his pocket multi-tool to attempt to chip away at the boulder. He also begins rationing his water and food.


As he realizes his efforts to chip away at the boulder are futile, he begins to attempt to cut into his arm, but finds his knife too dull to break his skin. He then stabs his arm, but realizes he will not be able to cut through the bone. He finds himself out of water and is forced to drink his own urine. His video logs become more and more desperate as he feels himself dying. He begins dreaming about relationships and past experiences, including a former lover ([url=/wiki/Cl%C3%A9mence_Po%C3%A9sy]Clémence Poésy[/url]), family ([url=/wiki/Lizzy_Caplan]Lizzy Caplan[/url], [url=/wiki/Treat_Williams]Treat Williams[/url], [url=/wiki/Kate_Burton_(actress)]Kate Burton[/url]), and the two hikers he met before his accident. After reflecting upon his life, he comes to the realization that everything he has done has led him to this ordeal, and that he was destined to die alone in the canyon.


After five days, Ralston sees his unborn son through a premonition. He gathers the will to apply enough force to his forearm to break it and severs his arm with the dull knife, fashioning a crude [url=/wiki/Tourniquet]tourniquet[/url] out of the insulation for his [url=/wiki/CamelBak]CamelBak[/url] tube and using a [url=/wiki/Carabiner]carabiner[/url] to tighten it. He wraps the stump of his arm and takes a picture of the severed portion he is leaving behind. He then makes his way out of the canyon, where he is forced to rappel down a 65-foot rock face and hike several miles before, exhausted and covered in blood, he finally runs into a family on a day hike. The family sends for help and Ralston is evacuated by helicopter.


The film ends with shots of the real Aron Ralston from his life after his ordeal — including several of Ralston's further adventures in climbing and mountaineering, which he continued following the accident — and of Ralston with his wife, whom he met years later, and their son.




※ 編輯: ott 時間: 2015-04-09 08:23:15
ott: 127.Heures. film complet french - ott板