看板 movie作者 JessKB24 (以身為科迷為傲)標題 [新聞] Amanda Seyfried 加入 Ted 2時間 Wed Feb 26 17:41:55 2014
Amanda Seyfried Joins 'Ted 2' - The Hollywood Reporter
Amanda Seyfried will star in Ted 2, Seth MacFarlane's sequel to his hit 2012 comedy, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. Seyfried will play the female lead in the Universal and Media Rights Capital film, which is slated for release on June 26, 2015. PHOTOS: From the Mind of Seth MacFarlane ...
Hell Yeah!!! The gorgeous Amanda Seyfried Cheese!!!
根據The Hollywood Reporter的確切消息,Amanda Seyfried即將加入Ted 2,並出演女主角
短評:那Mila Kunis咧??
Look at this CHEESE!!! Come ON CUH!!! It's time to make it #SPLASH
By Chris Smoove
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◆ From:
推 takasaki:這完全可以拍100集啊,亂拍,要拍成回到未來也可以吧XD2F 02/26 17:51
推 JackSmith:反正都有一隻會講話的熊了,你還能期待什麼合理性 XDDD3F 02/26 17:56
→ widec:Mila Kunis不要走!!!!!!6F 02/26 18:56
推 Parazicecum:女主角怎樣我不在乎 只要男主角還是麥特戴蒙我就絕對會自掏腰包進電影院8F 02/26 19:28
推 tkigood:把馬克華柏格講成麥特戴蒙只是個梗而已 理由不清楚
可能是長得像吧~11F 02/26 19:46
推 jehy:結果Amanda是飾演女Ted...13F 02/26 19:47
推 o6789:Ted如果還是麥特戴蒙我就去看15F 02/26 21:32
推 chocoda:Amanda配音女Ted....XD17F 02/26 21:37
推 awhat:她配女Ted邊唱Mama Mia我就進場18F 02/26 21:39
推 hhwang:女主角麥特戴蒙,男主角是要班艾佛列克嗎?19F 02/26 22:19
推 hopeblue:話說我阿姨從美國寄了隻R級的TED(小隻)的給我~真開心wwww20F 02/26 22:38