Lightman Shards Overview
Next Jump: 4 hours 46 minutes 37 seconds
Fri May 15 2015 08:00:00 GMT+0800 (台北標準時間)
What are Shards?
Shards are items that are possessed by 1 given portal at any given time as opposed to any 1 given player. The "game" will begin with one target for the Resistance and one target for the Enlightened. Moving the shard to the target via links will earn a yet-to-be-disclosed number of points for the scoring faction. I.e. these things can help win, or lose, an anomaly.
Los Angeles, California. will be the 'blues' target for (at least) the first round (we don't know if there will be multiple "rounds" yet) and the Enlightened target is Peace Island, Taiwan.
General Rules
Shards can only travel between fully-deployed L7 or L8 portals.
As of Helios, Shards cannot travel back the link from which they came. So if you send A -> B at hour 12:00, and the link remains at 24:00, the shard will not travel back B -> A.
If a portal is linked to several portals that are all L7-8, the odds that it will travel to any one of those portals is equal. So if it is linked to 2 L7-8 portals, the odds it travels to one or the other is 50%.
As of Helios, A shard cannot return to a portal it has previously been at within the last 24 hours.
After remaining stationary for 24 hours there is a strong chance that an shard will "hop" randomly to a nearby portal.
Nearby is vague. Simply put, You cannot isolate them.
Specific Rules
Shards have the opportunity, to travel every twelve hours at midnight and noon utc, explicitly at the top of the hour.
The timing of shard movement is expected to accelerate.
It's expected that the alignment of the target ports will change half way through the persepolis timeline.
The end of the shard movement should be at the end of the Perspolis anomalies on June 20th.