看板 Gossiping
作者 smartanko (誰能比我寬)
標題 [爆卦] GitBook團隊發文感謝柯P
時間 Sat Dec  6 15:47:38 2014

Taipei's new mayor writes a GitBook
Taipei’s (Taiwan’s capital) newly elected mayor, Ko Wen-Je, used gitbook to successfuly publish his campain’s official “whitebook”. ...



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Explore - GitBook
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Taipei’s (Taiwan’s capital) newly elected mayor, Ko Wen-Je, used gitbook to
successfuly publish his campain’s official “whitebook”.


Doctor Ko Wen-Je and his team won the elections this Saturday (see more on
the New York Times).

Earlier this week, around wednesday, they decided to publish and share their
official political agenda (“whitebook”) as a GitBook, as an act of
transparency and openness.


Their “whitebook” was widely successful, being read by nearly 250,000
unique readers, in less than 5 days, gathering more than 36,000 likes on
Facebook and millions of page views from Taipei’s citizens, just days before
the elections.


It’s interesting to see a politician take this path, embracing the digital
era and using e-books to openly share his plan and thoughts with the
citizens, this transparency enables debates and ultimately allows citizens to
give their thoughts and feedback on a politician’s campaign.


We see GitBook as a platform, that empowers everyone regardless of their
social status, age or experience, to openly write and share their ideas. We
hope that Dr Ko’s example will inspire many to follow in his steps.


Finally I would to congratulate Dr Ko and his team for their election and I
wish them the best of luck for the coming years, hopefully they will help
Taipei grow and propser as an international city.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1417852073.A.3D2.html
n791116: I know1F 12/06 15:48
justmydesign: 推!!2F 12/06 15:49
Boyzone: Good3F 12/06 15:49
apteekki: 推4F 12/06 15:49
Comebuy: 推喔5F 12/06 15:49
kuso74125: 推!6F 12/06 15:49
ericjc:  I Do7F 12/06 15:49
ludan7972: 推8F 12/06 15:49
athpro700: 媽~我在這9F 12/06 15:49
jyekid: 水唷 ㄟ 選前還有人說過柯P無法國際化唷10F 12/06 15:49
kansanamida: 大家一起關心台灣...11F 12/06 15:50
gg889g8: 推12F 12/06 15:50
nickstarwind: 國際化 國際化 國際化 國際化 國際化 國際化 國際化13F 12/06 15:50
ssaw5166: 推14F 12/06 15:50
pipiball: 第一次國際化就上手15F 12/06 15:50
Moshiba: 介面很讚 推!16F 12/06 15:50
ducatio: 這才是國際化17F 12/06 15:50
VincentQQ: 連D表示:連外國人都要欺負我~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~18F 12/06 15:50
yaya: 國民黨一倒 台灣人吃飽19F 12/06 15:50
retriever33: 勝文的國際化政策好像是計程車司機學英文,20F 12/06 15:51
basketkdash: 這才叫國際化好嗎21F 12/06 15:51
lucy07030703: 媽~~~我在這!!!(揮手)22F 12/06 15:51
pipiball: 幹 好像真的國民黨倒了 一些外國人都靠過來了23F 12/06 15:51
retriever33: 然後又酸了一下計程車司機不願意學這樣24F 12/06 15:51
rogerli: 柯P確實無法國(ㄓㄨㄥ)際(ㄍㄨㄛˊ)化呦,啾咪。25F 12/06 15:51
BF109Pilot: 勝文的國際化就是老爸掏錢讓他出國洗  全世界都很清楚26F 12/06 15:51
guardian93: 推一個  搞不好他們會因為這case壯大27F 12/06 15:51
charlietk3:28F 12/06 15:52
pm2001: 因為計程車司機不會英文會被開槍打死(抖29F 12/06 15:52
CLANNAD: 這就是告訴你什麼是國際化30F 12/06 15:52
a032100: 國際化很難?31F 12/06 15:52
xien721: kmt還在搞line....xdd32F 12/06 15:52
log9527: 太神啦!   柯P Carry~~~~~33F 12/06 15:52
freetsubasa: 太強啦XD34F 12/06 15:52
mithuang: 推35F 12/06 15:52
yunchelsea: 推36F 12/06 15:52
choudong: 國際化很難 人家還沒上任就達到了 XDDDDDDDDDD37F 12/06 15:53
traumer: 酷!38F 12/06 15:53
liiiiiiiio: 國民黨還在用line群組就笑死人了39F 12/06 15:53
gg889g8: 真 . 國際化40F 12/06 15:53
kizu1124:41F 12/06 15:53
avgirl: KMT還在搞賴~~~~~~~~~~~~~~哈哈哈42F 12/06 15:53
sheepfeather: COOL~43F 12/06 15:53
domo307: a媽 我在這44F 12/06 15:54
rayonwu: 推45F 12/06 15:54
ian90911: 太神啦46F 12/06 15:54
GN01283319: 連外國人都讓勝文不開心~47F 12/06 15:54
kaslrca: 推推48F 12/06 15:54
sabrina2597: 推 XD49F 12/06 15:54
urdie: 剩蚊連這個都輸了 做個政策電子書應該不難 還敢說國際化XD50F 12/06 15:54
blacktooth: 看看什麼叫國際觀好嗎51F 12/06 15:54
patoo: 一個55歲的人都跟上時代了 KMT你還在學用LINE52F 12/06 15:55
PePePeace: 勝文:山 就是mountain那個山53F 12/06 15:55
apple00: 送蛋黃哥就考慮加賴54F 12/06 15:55
AAPL: 推!55F 12/06 15:55
jaguars33: 這才叫國際觀 KMT洗洗睡吧56F 12/06 15:55
assunny1012: 台灣之光57F 12/06 15:55
weimr: 國際觀....連D還是洗洗睡吧58F 12/06 15:56
SlimeKnight: 又在網路霸凌我們家文文了 哭哭59F 12/06 15:56
SamuelLuo: 大推60F 12/06 15:56
RodrigueZ810: 抓到了 柯P圖利Gitbook 不退選嗎?61F 12/06 15:56
mithuang: 所以GitBook是什麼62F 12/06 15:56
s155260: KMT689看不懂英文63F 12/06 15:57
Vassago: 哈哈,國民黨還在用line,可能還會擔憂line的資料外洩吧64F 12/06 15:57
smonkey:65F 12/06 15:57
simata: 媽…我在這…66F 12/06 15:58
winterjoker: 這才叫國際化、連勝文還是乖乖吃甜甜圈吧!67F 12/06 15:58
qaz545rain: 貢獻流量推68F 12/06 15:58
biteyouoh: 怎麼這麼棒69F 12/06 15:58
mococofo: 推!70F 12/06 15:58
wmwmx: 推71F 12/06 15:58
bugmens: 那gitbook靠什麼賺錢72F 12/06 15:58
n131419: 國際化!73F 12/06 15:59
THKLuga: 這個Git跟版本控制的Git一樣嗎...?74F 12/06 15:59
boyen3: 反觀連D陣營不會用Goolge還自認為被駭75F 12/06 15:59
B4after: 大推~76F 12/06 15:59
rockmanx52: Line在從NAVER分出來之前真的鬧過資料外洩事件...77F 12/06 15:59
resetmymind: 推啊78F 12/06 15:59
hstf: ===========房價高 物價高 九趴總統+國民黨就是幹==========79F 12/06 16:00
Leoreo: 腎文:80F 12/06 16:00
blaz: 媽,我在這81F 12/06 16:00
VieriKing: 讚82F 12/06 16:00
nht: wow83F 12/06 16:00
rockmanx52: 不過那是洩給南韓政府跟三星公司就是84F 12/06 16:00
alice801111: 推啦!85F 12/06 16:00
waqw: 這流量頗可觀86F 12/06 16:01
Refauth: ╮(﹀_﹀")╭ 連勝文敗得有理啊!87F 12/06 16:01
drigo: 剛看這網站, 是今年在美國成立的新創公司, 滿有趣的服務88F 12/06 16:02
qoo1991: 阿文交卷了89F 12/06 16:02
robertchun: 勝文:柯文哲不夠國際化.........................QAQ90F 12/06 16:03
n131419: 推91F 12/06 16:03
SHIU0315: 推推92F 12/06 16:03
colorbest: 9.2:誰管你的,這才不是真正的國(中)際(國)化!93F 12/06 16:03
stiles: 9.2 表示: "GitBook 是綠的!"94F 12/06 16:03
tsuping: 水哦95F 12/06 16:03
tracy1991621: 抓到了GitBook是綠的96F 12/06 16:04
drigo: 連自經貿爭議書都有, 簡單講就是可以出版自己做的懶人包XD97F 12/06 16:04
arcc: 國際化新定義,kmt的國(中)際(國)化洗洗睡吧98F 12/06 16:04
SHIU0315: 帥99F 12/06 16:04
全法條摘要、各章節要點整理、十四個經典爭議,讓你一手掌握自經區當前爭論所在! ...

bbstalk: 大推245F 12/06 20:09
amury: 哈  s1962說的沒錯! 看到KMT現在想搞line群組真的是食古不!246F 12/06 20:37
cococooo: 進步的城市要開始起飛247F 12/06 20:43
clarafly:248F 12/06 20:53
tttggg: 馬英九:說好的終極統一呢?249F 12/06 21:15

(smartanko.): [爆卦] GitBook團隊發文感謝柯P - ott板