華人留學生杨舒平在馬利蘭大學畢業演講,談論自由惹怒中國網民[全文] - YouTube 華人留學生杨舒平在馬利蘭大學畢業演講,談論自由惹怒中國網民 中国留学生杨舒平Charity在马里兰大学演讲:呼吸美国空气可以感受到奢华和自由



中國留學生畢業演講,誇讚美國空氣新鮮,被批“辱華”遭“人肉” - YouTube 美国马里兰大学最新一届毕业典礼上,一名来自中国的留学生在发表毕业演讲时称选择在美读书是因为“新鲜的空气”。她说在中国家乡城市出门都需要戴口罩,否则就会生病。这段演讲视频在中国社交媒体上引起广泛争议。



Good afternoon, faculty, students, parents, and friends. I am truly honored and grateful to speak at the commencement for the University of Maryland's class of 2017.
People often ask me why did you come to the University of Maryland; I always answer, fresh air. Five years ago, as I step off the plane from China and left the terminal at Dulles Airport, I was ready to put on one of my five face masks. But when I took my first breath of American air, I put my mask away. The air was so sweet and fresh and oddly luxurious; I was surprised by this. I grew up in a city in China where I had to wear a face mask every time I went outside; otherwise, I might get sick. However, the moment I inhaled and exhaled outside the airport I felt free. No more fog on my glasses, no more difficult breathing, no more suppression, every breath was a delights.
As I stand here today, I cannot help but recall that feeling of freedom. At the University of Maryland's I will soon feel another kind of fresh air for which I will be forever grateful: the fresh air of free speech. Before I came to United States, I learn in history class about the Declaration of Independence, but these words have no meaning to me: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I was merely memorizing the words to get good grades; these words sounded so strange, so abstract, and foreign to me until I came to the University of Maryland. I have learned the right to freely express oneself is sacred in America. Each day at Maryland, I was encouraged to express my opinions on controversial issues. I could challenge a statement made by my instructor; I could even rate my professors online.
But nothing prepared me for the culture shock I experienced when I watched a university production of the play: Twilight - Los Angeles. Twilight is a play by Anna Deavere Smith about the 1992 Los Angeles riots. The riots follow the quitter of four Los Angeles police officers in the videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney King. For six days, the city was in chaos as citizens took to the streets. In Twilight the student actors were openly talking about racism, sexism, and politics. I was shocked I never thought such topics could be discussed openly. The play was my first taste of political storytelling; one that makes the audience think critically. I have always had a burning desire to tell these kinds of stories, but I was convinced that only authorities own the narrative, only authorities could define the truth; however, the opportunity to immerse myself in the diverse community at the University of Maryland exposed me to various, many different perspectives on truth. I soon realize that, here, I have the opportunity to speak freely.
My voice matters; your voice matters; our voices matter.
Civil engagement is not a task just for politicians; I have witnessed this when I saw my fellow students marching in Washington D.C. voting in the presidential election and raising money to support various causes. I have seen that everyone has a right to participate and advocate for change. I used to believe that one individual's participation could not make a difference, but here we are, united Terps. Together, we can push our society to be more just open and peaceful.
Class of 2017, we are graduating from a university that embraces a liberal arts education, that nurtures us to think critically, and also to care and feel for humanity. We are equipped with the knowledge of various disciplines, and we are ready to face the challenges of our society. Some of us may go to graduate school, some of us may step into professions, and some of us may begin a journey of exploration. But no matter what we do, remember, democracy and free speech should not be taken for granted. Democracy and freedom are the fresh air that is worth fighting for.
Freedom is oxygen; freedom is passion; freedom is love, and as the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once said: freedom is a choice; our future is dependent on the traces we make today and tomorrow. We are all playwrights of the next chapters of our lives. Together, we write a human history. My friends, enjoy the fresh air and never ever let it go.
Thank you.

※ 引述《kcbill.》之銘言:

諷中國沒自由空氣髒 留美學生被中媒圍剿致歉

〔即時新聞/綜合報導〕來自中國雲南省的留美學生楊舒平(Shuping Yang),前天在美




4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
諷中國沒自由空氣髒 留美學生被中媒圍剿致歉 - 國際 - 自由時報電子報
來自中國雲南省的留美學生楊舒平(Shuping Yang),前天在美國馬里蘭大學畢業典禮上致詞時,談到她為何要來到美國留學,因為美國空氣是乾淨的,不像中國要戴口罩,而且還有民主制度能領略自由的感覺。但演講卻引來中國媒體排山倒海的批評,認為楊舒平根本是踐踏國格,而昨天晚間楊舒平也發表道歉聲明。中國官媒 ...



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TWOOOOOOOOOO: GG1F 05/23 07:23
pony666: 不道歉就綁回去 誰敢不道歉2F 05/23 07:23
MilkTeaMan: 太好了 可以不用回國了3F 05/23 07:23
johnhmj: 森77,居然變成美國人的形狀4F 05/23 07:23
GKKR: 幫你家人QQ5F 05/23 07:23
kurecarlos: 這個學生需要徹底的勞動思想改造6F 05/23 07:24
a176893: 回國要要過著比死還痛苦的生活了7F 05/23 07:26
lssmig: 再次驗證沒有言論自由 可憐8F 05/23 07:27
EasyVinus: 說實話不道歉就弄你家其他人的概念9F 05/23 07:27
shivaeye: 她現在在微博超慘,嘴與肉搜+環球官媒小編都來嗆聲10F 05/23 07:28
flux: 連說實話都不行11F 05/23 07:28
nicehsing: 哈哈巨嬰哈哈12F 05/23 07:28
shivaeye: ID:Admjeinsbt  <--各位鄉民有空再去慢慢看13F 05/23 07:28
gairion: 回國會被殺 申請庇護吧14F 05/23 07:29
shivaeye: 如果當兵出包是被釘到飛起來,這個應該是離開地球表面15F 05/23 07:30
amwkscl: 真的沒言論自由16F 05/23 07:30
kevinkeynes: 相信她演講都是說真話 但為了寶貴生命還是要道歉 不17F 05/23 07:31
delegate: 可以因此申請政治庇護留在美國嗎XD18F 05/23 07:31
cena0605: 垃圾支那19F 05/23 07:31
lions402: 他不用回國了XDDD20F 05/23 07:32
zz2895341: 巨嬰21F 05/23 07:32
goal56: qq22F 05/23 07:32
jacktypetlan: 被愛國23F 05/23 07:33
domotocat: 中國跟北韓本來就差不多啊
差別在北韓沒有霧霾24F 05/23 07:33
polyasia: 說實話的懲罰26F 05/23 07:34
watergreen98: 講實話而已XDDDDD27F 05/23 07:34
john30110: QQ 差不多了,中國要變北韓了28F 05/23 07:35
cms6384: 說實話是傷害祖國的行為29F 05/23 07:35
dddc: 可悲  不能說真話的狗屎地方30F 05/23 07:35
Azabulu: 中國的家人被查水表了31F 05/23 07:35
smartwe: 不能說真話,可憐32F 05/23 07:35
jjXie: 所以沒自由有講錯嗎?33F 05/23 07:36
Aidrux: 大理國自己不獨立,怪誰啊?34F 05/23 07:37
all0pha765: 被道歉了......垃圾中國只會欺負自己說實話的國民35F 05/23 07:37
armedlove: 到外國享受言論自由也要被鞭 中國人到哪裡都被綁著36F 05/23 07:37
botnet: 快笑死了37F 05/23 07:37
zp3m06: 道歉完中國空氣就變乾淨了?38F 05/23 07:38
chiguang: 當中國人最可悲的是只要說真話就必須道歉39F 05/23 07:38
lovelebron24: 糟惹 要被消失惹40F 05/23 07:38
AAPL: 支那不意外41F 05/23 07:38
sevenny: 說實話而已 到底是有多玻璃心42F 05/23 07:39
lanver1220: 不用回國了?!正好老子也沒打算回去43F 05/23 07:39
cloud7515: 就說不能講實話44F 05/23 07:39
gngn5566: 中二國45F 05/23 07:39
kinoyamato: 被愛國XDDDDDDDDDD46F 05/23 07:39
Azabulu: 支那輸慘 兩邊自由程度差不多 至少北韓沒有霧霾47F 05/23 07:39
coolorphen: 回去等著被勞改吧,可悲的中國人,只會解決發出質疑的48F 05/23 07:39
srxteam0935: 果然印證人家說的沒錯吧50F 05/23 07:40
lovejamwu: 身在美國但她忘了自己中國人 哈這種實話祖國不能接受51F 05/23 07:40
ilovealv: 不道歉先註銷護照,就再也呼吸不到新鮮空氣和沈浸在人52F 05/23 07:41
abc70340: 應該是打定主意不回國才敢這樣說XD53F 05/23 07:41
ilovealv: 的生活54F 05/23 07:41
lowkey9872: 說實話也要道歉55F 05/23 07:41
windersword: 羨慕嫉妒恨吧56F 05/23 07:41
shivaeye: 回中國愛國憤青都在肉搜她家鄉的家人與住址了57F 05/23 07:41
bookseasy: 回去會很麻煩,還有繼續待在美國吧。不過她家人會有麻煩…。都被肉搜出來了58F 05/23 07:42
joker6: 玻璃心又碎60F 05/23 07:42
clare: 崩潰啦61F 05/23 07:42
vlin6688: 中國沒PM 2.562F 05/23 07:42
c780412: 計劃通申請政治庇護?不然回去被自殺??63F 05/23 07:43
AtSeed: 脫支者64F 05/23 07:43
killla:  [url]http://i.imgur.com/brCbFBy.jpg[/url]65F 05/23 07:43
ogcman: 可憐 不能講實話66F 05/23 07:44
chiguang: 最後一段根本在講笑話…哈哈哈。你們本來就差不多啊67F 05/23 07:44
papawalk: 玻璃又碎了68F 05/23 07:44
et134226: 巨嬰生氣氣69F 05/23 07:44
serval623: 哈哈哈哈 要被支那人殺光了70F 05/23 07:44
dazzzlee: 巨嬰國想當強國還是算了吧 超玻璃 人家美國被各種嘲諷也是笑笑而已 這種才是真正強國 支那一邊尻槍去71F 05/23 07:44
neomaster: 推  8樓73F 05/23 07:45
haruka281: 祖國不能說實話 QQ74F 05/23 07:45
ogcman: 空氣比喝水還基本 真的很慘75F 05/23 07:45
deepdish: 中國人就是玻璃心76F 05/23 07:45
piliwu: 中國人聽不得實話77F 05/23 07:46
Enger: 要被消失惹78F 05/23 07:46
FatalLuna: 支那這麼棒喔  怎麼高官權貴的子女都送出國啊79F 05/23 07:46
icome: 難過中國人一到美國留學畢業後就不想回去80F 05/23 07:47
negfour: 中國人 笑死人XDDDD81F 05/23 07:48
xutsm788: 不道歉,滅家人82F 05/23 07:48
ogcman: 中國糞青因為忌妒她有好空氣可以吸 所以就崩潰了83F 05/23 07:48
bookseasy: 一般人很難留學美國,官二代不意外。不然就是錢很多的84F 05/23 07:49
iMANIA: 中共馬上印證中國的空氣是不自由的85F 05/23 07:49
bookseasy: ,要出的去也要有辦法。86F 05/23 07:49
Doukyusei: 髒水髒空氣髒人種不是靠愛國心就可以掩蓋過去的88F 05/23 07:49
asd70208: 在美國也不能講真話 可憐89F 05/23 07:49
JT0624: 看老習一家也沒中國人 就知道這女的沒說錯90F 05/23 07:50
Whitening: 女生家人危險了!91F 05/23 07:50
newgpx: 提到不能說的自然現象已經是死罪 還提了自由民主 誅九族了92F 05/23 07:50
danmarch: 不要汙辱北韓好嗎?至少人家空氣比中國好93F 05/23 07:50
areett: 朕宣布第87屆被道歉大會正式開始
http://i.imgur.com/bLlSvpf.jpg94F 05/23 07:50
lonelyshit: 玻璃心碎了?96F 05/23 07:51
sps10513: 因為你畢業了,美好時光結束,請回骯髒卑劣的祖國吧97F 05/23 07:51
bookseasy: 自由行都有限制很多了,出國留學更難。98F 05/23 07:51
bomda: 不會嗆回去 道三小歉 有夠弱99F 05/23 07:52
TheRock0987: 被器捐 被自殺100F 05/23 07:52
k37440: 講真話的悽慘下場,使中國人人變成說謊大師101F 05/23 07:52
kruzin: 我們懷念她102F 05/23 07:52
jucupcup: 說真話也不行歐103F 05/23 07:53
comedian14: 玻璃又碎了XD104F 05/23 07:53
bookseasy: 官二代很多都拿歐美護照的,有錢人移民出去。105F 05/23 07:54
Murloc: 講真話被圍剿  這就是中國啊106F 05/23 07:54
Tuscany: 支那賤畜媒體森七七107F 05/23 07:54
zu00405479: 可憐,連在外面都沒有自由108F 05/23 07:55
polyasia: 對著霧霾說空氣清新就對了109F 05/23 07:55
PttXiangMing: 說真話都不行的國家   慘110F 05/23 07:55
GonVolcano: 只是叫你道歉,咱們中國還沒砍你呢111F 05/23 07:56
headcase: 結果去米國還是沒自由啊XDDDDDDDDD112F 05/23 07:56
jack2004501: 勞改了勞改了113F 05/23 07:56
stock168: 應該是家人都被抓了,又不像郭文貴一樣有中共的把柄,只能幫QQ了114F 05/23 07:56
shinyii: 唉我們圍打黃安的時候也差不多這樣 沒過激行為就算了吧~116F 05/23 07:57
hohohoha: 支那本來就沒自由跟乾淨的空氣 說錯了嗎117F 05/23 07:58
DarkyIsCat: 孩子你還是當美國人118F 05/23 07:58
kslxd: 現在不道歉 下次被失蹤119F 05/23 07:58
chang0307: 媒體印證了言論自由的部分120F 05/23 07:58
outofdate: 各大論壇都扣個漢奸大帽子給她   嚇死了121F 05/23 07:58
MoDerF: 被失蹤人口+1122F 05/23 07:58
leinru: RIP123F 05/23 07:58
silentence: 所以中國永遠無法偉大就是這樣124F 05/23 07:59
extrachaos: www125F 05/23 07:59
ogcman: 連呼吸權都被剝奪 這叫人要如何愛國126F 05/23 07:59
KAWASAKIYO: 事實127F 05/23 07:59
daniel815021: 說實話 支那賤畜就崩潰圍剿 真的很悲哀128F 05/23 08:00
ksksks: 不道歉回不去 家人也慘129F 05/23 08:00
powernba: 又是一個解決提出問題的案例。130F 05/23 08:00
gotohikaru: 支那媒體急著證明支那沒言論自由lol131F 05/23 08:00
john0450: 支那國  玻璃心132F 05/23 08:02
horking: 怎麼會有人拿黃安出來救援呢 他不是一直認為自己是中國人133F 05/23 08:02
TaiwanHero: 中國功夫又發功啦   精湛內力打的受西方反華勢力洗腦134F 05/23 08:03
s01714: 馬上就證明了沒有自由135F 05/23 08:03
mecca: [新聞] 台虎機師飛行中睡覺 副機師被查拍照動機136F 05/23 08:03
totogood: 完全沒自由137F 05/23 08:03
TaiwanHero: 的留學生又自我反省啦138F 05/23 08:03
silentence: 賤畜國在那生氣  也無法掩飾事實  廠廠139F 05/23 08:03
diaw: 中共國家主席的家族都示範了拿美籍!!奴才只能玻璃心 哭爸!!!140F 05/23 08:04
awesomeSS66: 幫中國噓 中國人是不可以講實話的141F 05/23 08:04
all0pha765: 拿黃安出來是什麼爛例子 這女的說了實話 黃安呢? 全142F 05/23 08:05
erc: 黃安是抓耙子 自稱支那人還回台灣用健保143F 05/23 08:05
all0pha765: 都是害人的謊話 害人被圍剿不是應該的嗎144F 05/23 08:05
GARIGI: 驗證了沒有言論自由145F 05/23 08:05
SonyXperiaZ3: 巨嬰國 呵呵146F 05/23 08:07
fhscyt: 了不起  負責147F 05/23 08:08
scotttomlee: 中國媒體直接幫她的話作背書,證明她沒說謊。148F 05/23 08:08
bemily32: 拿黃安救援的 真的很有事149F 05/23 08:08
Dreamer48763: 玻璃心150F 05/23 08:09
td770715: 中國快註銷她的公民身份阿 這樣就可以順理成章當美國人151F 05/23 08:09
wkheinz: 嚇死了吧152F 05/23 08:10
dream2: 瑪楠 : 小妹妹傻傻的 表面要嗆美國人 私底下再嫁給美國人153F 05/23 08:10
doremifasola: 連說實話也不行~154F 05/23 08:10
unGeNe: 就算不在中國也沒有言論自由欸155F 05/23 08:10
dream2:      這樣還能被愚民化的中國人當民族英雄156F 05/23 08:10
markoo: 所以真的有中國人認為中國空氣好 水質佳 社會民主自由?157F 05/23 08:11
magecanby: 說實話錯惹嗎158F 05/23 08:11
fallen01: 玻璃又碎159F 05/23 08:11
MichaelKiske: 在美國拿個tenure把家人接過來,就不用鳥這個土匪160F 05/23 08:11
Nojudge: 玻璃心碎滿地161F 05/23 08:12
peiring: 中國不能說實話162F 05/23 08:12
laukun: 記得穿鞋  滿地碎玻璃163F 05/23 08:12
hate56: 支那又心碎啦ㄏㄏ164F 05/23 08:12
fake0824: 要消失了嗎?165F 05/23 08:12
jfw616: 至少我也為磺胺說話過166F 05/23 08:12
jackie955093: 下一步申請政治迫害167F 05/23 08:12
qazwsx82128: 人在國外也無言論自由 真可憐168F 05/23 08:12
sheepbear: 家人都還在中國,根本像被綁架威脅,沒自由不是喊假的169F 05/23 08:12
a03520: 馬上證明中國沒有言論自由哈哈哈哈170F 05/23 08:13
snowone: 空氣髒 沒民主 難道不是嗎 這樣也森77171F 05/23 08:13
cloudpart2: 實話錯了嗎172F 05/23 08:14
sky1324: 掃玻璃囉173F 05/23 08:14
BB7G: 中國人 想改變這種狀況 只有革命推翻共產黨了 加油174F 05/23 08:14
hohohoha: 這叫什麼大國 請問亂抓台灣人放了嗎?到底什麼罪名?175F 05/23 08:14
moonchaser: 哈哈哈,又被道歉了,到底有多少人向支道歉過176F 05/23 08:15
hohohoha: 審了快兩個月 罪名還沒有?不是說證據確鑿?177F 05/23 08:15
lungerX: 玻璃178F 05/23 08:15
funfun789016: 講完馬上應驗…179F 05/23 08:15
smalljacky03: 土匪政府意外嗎?180F 05/23 08:16
live363789: 一出生就被褫奪公權了181F 05/23 08:16
brian10097: 想起對岸之前的愛國學生 全都嫁給外國人182F 05/23 08:16
a0919154169: 待太久。忘記不能講實話了183F 05/23 08:16
ed123123: 跟幸福都市 差不多 哈184F 05/23 08:16
betterday4: 深感不安  妳的不安來自你的祖國185F 05/23 08:16
dodoning: 道歉換留在美國 ok的186F 05/23 08:16
Boris945: 中國日常187F 05/23 08:16
holocaust: 說實話也要道歉 可憐唷玻璃心188F 05/23 08:17
qazwsx176: 等家人搬過去了再說吧189F 05/23 08:17
sparklekyu: 不能說實話的國家,QQ190F 05/23 08:17
HCPaulSC: 中國正常發揮,9.2的最愛哈哈191F 05/23 08:17
hohohoha: 說錯話就可能從地球上消失的國家 顆顆192F 05/23 08:18
chiangwei: 恐怖情人,誰跟這國家沾上關係就別想輕易分開193F 05/23 08:18
TaiwanHero: 支那人果然當台灣人是一家人 只有周子瑜被逼著拍影片194F 05/23 08:18
dinel7821967: 立馬映證195F 05/23 08:18
cloudin: 可憐196F 05/23 08:18
shinjangli: 可以不用回去?這麼爽?以後不就人人搶著罵?197F 05/23 08:19
Rektgg: 勞改囉198F 05/23 08:19
horol: 傻了嗎?對中國的抱怨,有些話只能爛在肚子裡,除非拿到美國綠卡。199F 05/23 08:19
j0928875963: 再次自己證明中國=北韓201F 05/23 08:20
Doug5566: 反之都回不去了,幹嘛道歉202F 05/23 08:20
vaiking0120: 沒自由,空氣髒,不是事實嗎204F 05/23 08:21
Plot3D: 本來就是事實205F 05/23 08:22
ming0803: 罰你以後回祖國不能戴口罩~!206F 05/23 08:22
HempCake: 可悲玻璃國207F 05/23 08:23
bryan406399: 有毛病喔 這種小事也要管 管太寬了吧!208F 05/23 08:23
einard666: 支那的聖潔務埋你敢不吸!209F 05/23 08:24
knight77: 要怪就怪自己生在這種可悲的國家210F 05/23 08:24
zombieguy: 中國真的是有病211F 05/23 08:25
JQK2: 這種國家竟然還有人說先進,根本跟原始人一樣212F 05/23 08:25
seuil: 中國人馬上就用行動證明她的論點是對的 哈哈213F 05/23 08:26
biglarge: 中國網民跟著罵,沒救了214F 05/23 08:26
JQK2: 如果把國家比喻成人,那麼中國就是一個歇斯底里兼躁鬱症的重度精神病患215F 05/23 08:26
lokesbirdman: 就說不要太誠實後217F 05/23 08:27
shinobunodok: 在中國不僅勇氣是超能力 說實話也是種超能力218F 05/23 08:27
skyringcha: 中國的行為不就證明他沒講錯嗎219F 05/23 08:27
ogcman: 我們習總 大姊在加拿大 二姊和弟弟在澳洲 空氣都超好耶220F 05/23 08:27
nova06091: 中國人只配吃黨的屎221F 05/23 08:27
ctes940008: 講實話222F 05/23 08:28
kenichisun: 幹話王,愛祖國一回事,戴口罩一回事223F 05/23 08:28
aitela: 中國人幾乎都是沒出過國的井蛙,換環境想法立刻改224F 05/23 08:28
ogcman: 祖國人民只能吸髒空氣 每個都是肺癌高危險群 慘225F 05/23 08:29
Asucks: 這個大概一回國就會被抓去勞改226F 05/23 08:29
Forthelife: 不知道什麼叫不自由?直接做一遍給你看227F 05/23 08:29
ltsart0515: 又被道歉了228F 05/23 08:29
ppon: 放心 回中國就會被自殺了229F 05/23 08:29
BAR21: 9.2 流著奶與蜜的應許之地230F 05/23 08:29
GrowUp: 好慘,在中國不知道真相,連到美國也不能說實話231F 05/23 08:29
Shichimiya: 太誠實了XDDd232F 05/23 08:29
Tawara: 哈哈強國哈哈  黨要妳變成什麼形狀妳就要什麼形狀233F 05/23 08:31
bomei: 中國人不需要民主,霧霾髒空氣是擋美國攻擊,爽吸讚讚234F 05/23 08:31
wsx26997785: 台灣應該把9.2集中起來流放中國235F 05/23 08:32
g8429310: 玻璃賤畜哭哭 官方又再耍手段236F 05/23 08:33
HsiaoHsiu: 可憐 可貴的自由意志者被打壓成這樣237F 05/23 08:34
citydiver: 說實話傷到祖國人民玻璃了238F 05/23 08:35
overfourbb: 很慘 出生在獨裁國239F 05/23 08:35
wtfconk: 該不會是故意惹毛祖國,然後再尋求米國政治庇護吧,厲害XD240F 05/23 08:36
dennisto: 事實啊 支那狗屎國241F 05/23 08:36
LaLaer: 中國就這樣啊 有錢往外跑還說超愛國242F 05/23 08:37
linceass: 趕快找個美國人嫁 就不用怕支那豬了243F 05/23 08:37
ucieric: 支那永遠無法面對事實244F 05/23 08:37
acolam: 中國人沒民主  悲哀  連空氣都髒的更悲哀245F 05/23 08:38
minron: 直接示範什麼叫不能自由的說話246F 05/23 08:39
butts: 果然沒自由247F 05/23 08:39
rave760422: 陳述事實還被自己人圍剿,悲劇248F 05/23 08:39
s595857: 自殺不能解決問題249F 05/23 08:39
oceanman: 只是呈述事實250F 05/23 08:39
john30110: 有種426就公佈64真相給他們人民,保證中國陷入內戰251F 05/23 08:40
HNO3: 支那人就是個笑話252F 05/23 08:40
tyr2004: 支那崩潰253F 05/23 08:41
colenken: 玻璃心碎一地254F 05/23 08:41
h73o1012: 中國超極自由空氣超級乾淨255F 05/23 08:41
ak904: 批評是希望中國能更好,圍剿的中國媒體都是假愛國。256F 05/23 08:41
mynameisian: 中國就是不民主 空氣又髒阿 有什麼錯257F 05/23 08:41
ALDNOAH5566: 言論自由XDDDDD258F 05/23 08:42
leveger0903: 說實話都不行 杯具中國259F 05/23 08:42
hellodio: 中媒的作為正好印證了她的演講。260F 05/23 08:42
AGIknight: 中國只是天氣狀況很多,這算造謠261F 05/23 08:42
a20050405: 垃圾支那,講實話也不行膩!!262F 05/23 08:42
x04nonesuchx: 爸媽被抓去當人質了吧263F 05/23 08:43
DENNISJHENG: 道歉道歉264F 05/23 08:44
pda2001: 滿滿得碎玻璃XDDD265F 05/23 08:44
minami77: 深感不安  所以要被道歉266F 05/23 08:44
OAO5566: 支那不意外,又在起肖惹267F 05/23 08:44
amritavoice: 陳述事實卻被要求道歉,幫QQ268F 05/23 08:45
Instru01: 在中國 誠實是有罪的269F 05/23 08:46
qk56: 講實話錯了嗎270F 05/23 08:46
xiaozudan: 支那玻璃心271F 05/23 08:46
ejiu835j6: 一堆崩潰要人道歉的才是踐踏國格吧272F 05/23 08:48
fyschen: 被河蟹了273F 05/23 08:48
llwopp: 她現在應該心裡很恐懼274F 05/23 08:49
Boyzone: 玻璃心275F 05/23 08:49
p1227426: 40276F 05/23 08:49
savishu: 這個道歉不就等於幫他的演講背書了嗎?XDDD277F 05/23 08:49
atsyuan4700: 被道歉278F 05/23 08:50
GreenMaple: 他說的第二點馬上就印證了啊 呵呵279F 05/23 08:50
stephenlin: 演講內容馬上得到印證280F 05/23 08:50
liudwan: 道歉了他的演講就完全得到印證了不是?傻必281F 05/23 08:50
dream2: 中國的國格  ??  先降低貴國移民美日的數量吧    lol282F 05/23 08:51
AetherG: 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,中國人真愛對號入坐283F 05/23 08:51
thomaschion: 哈哈,自打臉284F 05/23 08:52
gakkiaki: 黃安自稱支那人隨便 問題是他給路邊的小女孩潑糞285F 05/23 08:52
Ritual: 實話有啥好玻璃心286F 05/23 08:52
asd2260123: 哀 幫QQ287F 05/23 08:52
allenthai: 比一些說愛國,但早就拿了綠卡的偽君子好多了288F 05/23 08:53
haner1725: 最後一段本來就是事實啊哈哈哈289F 05/23 08:53
starport: 講實話也不行 支那人超煩的290F 05/23 08:53
kducky: 奇怪中國不是都說民主也沒多好不是嗎 怎麼這時又想要民主291F 05/23 08:54
tuna0214: 玻璃心292F 05/23 08:54
Moratti: QQ 難怪沒有中國人說實話293F 05/23 08:54
oyaji5566: 玻璃心碎了294F 05/23 08:55
riddle31: 不錯啊 中國也挺貼心還怕別人不信馬上用媒體證明有多不自由295F 05/23 08:55
fresh75515: 垃圾國家不回也罷297F 05/23 08:56
sendicmimic: 講實話給推!298F 05/23 08:56
iPhoneX: 馬上驗證沒有言論自由299F 05/23 08:56
rainbow321: 活在中國真的很悲哀啊300F 05/23 08:56
waokgla: 這種新聞大家最愛301F 05/23 08:56
abelyi100: XDDD302F 05/23 08:56
kenndy: 以後留學生規定必須宣揚:"中國自由空氣清新"XDDDDD303F 05/23 08:58
lyt5566: 說實話也要道歉QQ304F 05/23 08:58
waijr: 不能批評中國空氣髒...可是大家都知道是事實阿305F 05/23 08:58
saintmin1002: 不能說真話的垃圾國 不回去也罷306F 05/23 08:58
peter821201: 可憐 下輩子不要再做中國人307F 05/23 08:59
kakukakuka: 下次要找台灣素人幫你表達心聲~孩紙308F 05/23 09:00
Moratti: 給中國人說實話的自由 最終問題都會指向習近平和中共309F 05/23 09:00
AFM: 跟大家之前在K女F4有87%像310F 05/23 09:00
Moratti: 所以不能給中國人說實話的自由311F 05/23 09:01
school155312: 說自己國家的壞話就被罵,中國真的好自由喔312F 05/23 09:01
sid300: 道歉歸道歉  還是改不了事實  繼續戴口罩吧313F 05/23 09:02
ABA0525: 家人要被自殺了,惨314F 05/23 09:03
barttien: 道歉聲明:對不起,我不應該對玻璃心說實話!315F 05/23 09:05
willion003: 贊同的校長怎麼沒事!316F 05/23 09:05
jeff790923: 9.2最愛這味317F 05/23 09:05
andrew40907: 笑死318F 05/23 09:05
n94ap6999: 哈哈哈哈哈哈319F 05/23 09:06
drump: 說實話也要道歉 XDDD320F 05/23 09:06
mj116ysj: 我們緬懷她(?321F 05/23 09:07
dalipkid: 過不久就蒸發了322F 05/23 09:07
j7862278622: 支那玻璃323F 05/23 09:07
BJkiN: 國共一家親,ㄏㄏ。324F 05/23 09:08
youngsam: 說實話也不行,不要回去了325F 05/23 09:11
waythecsir: 完全體驗何謂自由 讓支那告訴你326F 05/23 09:12
mglynite: 被道歉 幫QQ327F 05/23 09:14
XDD: 9.2最愛中國 自願沒自由 只要跪舔中國就高潮328F 05/23 09:14
hw1: 支那人真悲哀329F 05/23 09:14
nmrsabc: 她是雲南昆明人,根本就沒有霧霾,哪裡有實話?330F 05/23 09:14
Tieniu: 八卦是中國覺得自己跟北韓不一樣331F 05/23 09:14
jyekid: 中國人不能講真話的 會被中共分子圍剿
出生雲南昆明 不代表沒去其他省分住過啊 用點腦思考OK?332F 05/23 09:15
freshego: 被道歉啊 所以你看看中國好棒棒這樣334F 05/23 09:16
jyekid: 就算他唬爛 中國北京上海等其他省分空氣髒是事實335F 05/23 09:16
orzorza3r: 一個需要為說實話而道歉的國家  支那336F 05/23 09:16
nicolaschen2: 雲南昆明沒有霧霾,空氣都爛成這樣,支那人真悲慘337F 05/23 09:17
mudee: 說實話也不行  巨嬰國不是蓋的338F 05/23 09:18
superflyy: 民主是人民爭取來的  支那人若沒種顛覆共產黨 就移民吧339F 05/23 09:19
UniversalGod: 駝鳥心340F 05/23 09:20
yoher: 這人太無知了 不知道自己的國家不能說實話341F 05/23 09:22
Cirton: 去美國還是沒自由,因為她是中國人 可憐342F 05/23 09:22
gaddafi: 事實啊 在那邊圍勦啥洨 幹連呼吸最基本的人權都做不到 操343F 05/23 09:22
df900127123: wwwwwwwwwwwww344F 05/23 09:24
sunnylai: 請、不、要、踐、踏、支、那、的、尊、嚴!345F 05/23 09:25
harrybbs: 說實話:沒自由空氣髒346F 05/23 09:27
mudee: 看過連發個在中國戴口罩的圖文  都有支那人出來崩潰  問對方什麼意思  是想指大陸怎麼樣  文章根本沒提到空氣怎麼樣  臺灣也一堆沒事在戴口罩的  支那人根本就沒有自省的美德347F 05/23 09:27
h11103: 笑死 說實話被罵350F 05/23 09:27
mudee: 了  只會處處仗勢欺人 來臺灣打人都可以說是台灣人的錯
  到底是怎麼樣的風氣跟教育可以教養出這種人種?351F 05/23 09:27
chaobii: 被碎玻璃包起來了353F 05/23 09:28
mudee: 最好笑的是 出來崩潰的那人  住在國外
                                  支那人354F 05/23 09:28
jerry072877: 哈哈中國哈哈356F 05/23 09:29
jeromeshih: 在美國還是不能說中國的實話,言論自由,呵呵357F 05/23 09:30
bankingpaul: 補上影片↑359F 05/23 09:31
alex01: 真是民主自由的國家....360F 05/23 09:31
iamjust150: 說實話臭了嗎?361F 05/23 09:32
tatata: 是跟北韓一樣沒錯啊362F 05/23 09:32
abccat0520: 說實話也不行哈哈哈哈哈363F 05/23 09:33
cheng31507: 要被消失了364F 05/23 09:35
mdkn35: 沒有啦~~ 他是說 沒有比"自由空氣"還髒~~365F 05/23 09:36
johnson10485: 瞬間驗證她的話 中國好棒棒367F 05/23 09:36
bungtw1024: 好玻璃心XDDD368F 05/23 09:37
tomstrike: 一片和諧369F 05/23 09:37
kokskuld: 玻璃心喔370F 05/23 09:37
jyekid: 一份報紙還必須煞有其事替他刊登道歉文 真的很好笑371F 05/23 09:38
shakesper: 滯台支那人心中理想的美妙國度372F 05/23 09:40
kokskuld: 能在youtube上看到中國人內鬥真是蠻有趣的 lol373F 05/23 09:40
a114261: 本來就是這樣,說真話結果中國崩潰374F 05/23 09:41
jaylong: 哈哈哈支那畜出牆就以為自由了,沒發現項圈還戴著,錯的不是妳的發言,錯的是你生錯國家,出生在世界最渣國家真可憐375F 05/23 09:41
LiN2828: 可憐  說實話還要被幹377F 05/23 09:42
a3294814: 事實總是殘酷的378F 05/23 09:43
ajan007: 來了來了,被道歉,支那水準379F 05/23 09:44
keroro00000: 不敢回國惹380F 05/23 09:46
shadleheart: 來不及了啦87381F 05/23 09:46
JetKnight: 中國就是比較富有的北韓阿382F 05/23 09:46
jyekid: 所以每次看到他們在嘲笑北韓 心裡都覺得納悶383F 05/23 09:47
winter0723: 自由時報:諷中國384F 05/23 09:49
marisaac: 中國就是大一些有錢一些物質上進步的北韓啊 有問題嗎?385F 05/23 09:49
kokskuld: 說真的雖然中國不完美 但她演說內容根本就在舔老美 也是386F 05/23 09:49
jur1512: 誰叫你說實話了387F 05/23 09:49
kokskuld: 挺噁心的388F 05/23 09:49
winter0723: 明明就是講實話,可以當成諷刺,呵呵389F 05/23 09:49
uno48: 天龍八部演過了,中國幾百年來一個樣390F 05/23 09:50
LunLin9590: 支那玻璃正常破裂391F 05/23 09:52
aromaQ626: 哈哈哈哈哈392F 05/23 09:54
chigi: 不回去就好啦,有眼界的年輕人到處都找的到頭路阿393F 05/23 09:54
li143: 剛好證實沒自由這一點394F 05/23 09:55
cRossdaRk: 直接跳機吧 別回去了395F 05/23 09:55
domiso: 哈哈哈396F 05/23 09:56
omega31perda: 實話而已 扯三小刻板印象 共產狗就是矯情397F 05/23 09:58
jacky199703: 被愛國 笑死398F 05/23 09:59
onelove: 好可憐 但他可以的話根本不想回他的國家吧399F 05/23 10:00
js52666: 再來要被返國了400F 05/23 10:00
MasCat: 支那日常401F 05/23 10:02
le87451: 可憐,講實話也不行,幫QQ402F 05/23 10:03
sunface: 實話錯了嗎403F 05/23 10:03
hohoms: 大陸網民直追台灣屁屁涕鄉民404F 05/23 10:03
teardropbox: 不道歉回祖國 就被自殺405F 05/23 10:04
tonyhu: 說實話的權利都沒有406F 05/23 10:06
xfive423: 說實話也不能 可憐407F 05/23 10:07
xxx773: 支那沒自由和空氣髒不是全世界都知道的事嗎?408F 05/23 10:07
Freedomlibra: 了不起,負責409F 05/23 10:07
vgpsbt: 道歉歸道歉,但事實依然存在410F 05/23 10:08
HAYABUSA1207: 這年頭說實話是錯的411F 05/23 10:11
zerochen: 1.中華人民共和國從文革只後就沒有文化了
3.一群愚蠢的對岸媒體和官僚412F 05/23 10:11
tsming: 呵呵415F 05/23 10:13
Momoko33: 最後一段是事實啊XD416F 05/23 10:13
gutalic: 果然是巨嬰國417F 05/23 10:13
sun770618: 脫支者418F 05/23 10:14
shuo19971203: 中國可以戴口罩?419F 05/23 10:15
archgon: 支那是最不能容忍實話的國家420F 05/23 10:15
ihsun: 幫QQ421F 05/23 10:15
smile053: 幫家人跟人身安全QQ422F 05/23 10:16
yonderknight: 髒就髒423F 05/23 10:16
ings: 原來還是有直率的中國人424F 05/23 10:19
ss5010593: 再驗證沒有言論自由了425F 05/23 10:21
ChangetheWay: 幫QQ426F 05/23 10:24
solarem: 中國文化市要弘揚文革後的嗎?那是什麼?哈哈哈427F 05/23 10:25
MyPetTankDie: 說別人空氣好也不行428F 05/23 10:25
leoinptt: 別笑人家,台灣人玻璃心一樣水準429F 05/23 10:26
Edge5566: 某批中國人沒言論自由又自以為優越 不准任何人批評,別人懶得理做自己的事 他又跳出來製造衝突...430F 05/23 10:26
ga595528: 講實話,出不去中國的崩潰囉432F 05/23 10:26
TiggerLin: 就是愛自己的家鄉才會有這番體會說出口。中媒反應過度,突顯自我中心與專制思維。433F 05/23 10:27
steven910101: 我們懷念她435F 05/23 10:31
BusterPosey: 事實436F 05/23 10:31
dnek: 講北韓什麼優越感,半斤八兩437F 05/23 10:31
chencjj: 這還要批評 不是本來就這樣?438F 05/23 10:32
wu0h9685921: 哈哈中國哈哈 逃亡人生開始囉439F 05/23 10:34
greenday0827: 哈哈哈 沒有民主又空氣髒哪裡錯了 XDDD440F 05/23 10:36
miss81914: 這些動作證明了她講述的是事實441F 05/23 10:36
omegajoker: 玻璃心碎滿地442F 05/23 10:36
c24253994: 被媒體強暴443F 05/23 10:36
halfwing13: 沒有發不自殺聲明444F 05/23 10:37
roktzzt: 事實 中國人是要怎樣?445F 05/23 10:41
dodo577: 中國就真的是這樣啊,有夠玻璃446F 05/23 10:45
Shermie: 講事實也不行447F 05/23 10:46
Aussielover: 9.2魂牽夢縈的理想國度448F 05/23 10:49
lianlai: 真心話不小心讓國人心碎惹449F 05/23 10:50
johnny531123: XD450F 05/23 10:52
cookiecloud: 支那水準 XDDD451F 05/23 10:53


huzc0606:共慘國家就是如此~ 太多慘事,說出來,就要圍剿你~
讚 DrDisk:脫「支」者~   XD

英文 (自動產生)
0:00every year we we also have one senior
0:04who selected by a committee of faculty
0:06staff and students to give remarks at
0:11commencement and this year
0:13Schoop in yang has been selected so
0:18shook and where are you come on up now
0:23I get a little bit closer your parents
0:27are somewhere here do you know where
0:28they are
0:29well wherever the parents are do you
0:33mind just standing up and we will all
0:48you must feel very proud of your
0:50daughter we certainly are proud of her
0:53to come to this country and to learn
0:56English and you're majoring again what
0:59you told me I forgot psychology and
1:02theater psychology and see either with a
1:04minor in in German okay and with that
1:10here is huben thank you rock this
1:21good afternoon faculty students parents
1:26and friends I am truly honored and
1:30grateful to speak at the commencement
1:32for the University of Maryland class of
1:372017 people often ask me why did you
1:50come to the University of Maryland I
1:54always answer fresh air five years ago
2:02as I step off the plane from China and
2:06left the terminal at Dulles Airport I
2:09was ready to put on one of my five face
2:14masks but when I took my first breath of
2:17American air I put my mask away the air
2:22was so sweet and fresh and utterly
2:27luxurious I was surprised by this I grew
2:33up in a city in China where I had to
2:37wear a face mask every time I went
2:39outside otherwise I might get sick
2:44however the moment I inhaled and exhaled
2:50outside the airport I felt free
2:57no no more fog on my glasses
3:06no more difficult breathing no more
3:11suppression every breath was a delight
3:15as I stand here today I cannot help but
3:20recall that feeling of freedom at the
3:26University of Maryland I will soon view
3:30another kind of fresh air for which I
3:33will be forever grateful the fresh air
3:37of free speech people I came to United
3:50States I learn in history class about
3:53the Declaration of Independence but
3:57these words had no meaning to me life
4:01liberty and the pursuit of happiness I
4:05was merely memorizing the words to get
4:08good grades
4:10this word sounded so strange so abstract
4:15and boring to me until I came to
4:19University of Maryland I have learned
4:24the right to freely express oneself is
4:27sacred in America each day at Maryland I
4:32was encouraged to express my opinions on
4:36controversial issues I could challenge a
4:39statement made by my instructor I could
4:44even read my professors online but
4:50nothing prepared me for the culture
4:53shock I experienced when I watched a
4:55university production of the play
4:58Twilight Los Angeles Twilight is a play
5:03by anna deavere Smith about the 1992 Los
5:07Angeles Riots
5:09the riots follow the acquittal of four
5:12Los Angeles police officers in the
5:15videotaped arrest and beating of Rodney
5:17King for six days the city was in chaos
5:23as citizens took to the streets in
5:28Twilight the students actors were openly
5:32talking about racism sexism and politics
5:36I was shocked I never saw such topics
5:41could be discussed openly the play was
5:46my first taste of political storytelling
5:49one that makes the audience think
5:52critically I have always had a burning
5:56desire to tell these kinds of stories
5:59but I was convinced that only
6:02authorities own the narrative only
6:05authorities could define the truth
6:09however the opportunity to immerse
6:13myself in the diverse community at the
6:16University of Maryland exposed me to
6:20various many different perspectives on
6:23truth I to realize that here I have the
6:29opportunity to speak freely my voice
6:36matters your
6:44your voice matters our voices matter
6:56civil engagement is not a task just for
7:00politicians I have witnessed this when I
7:03saw my fellow students marching in
7:06Washington DC voting in the presidential
7:10election and raising money to support
7:14various causes I have seen that everyone
7:19has a right to participate and advocate
7:22for change I used to believe that one
7:27individual participation could not make
7:30a difference but here we are united
7:34Terps together we can push our society
7:42to be more just open and peaceful class
7:47of 2017 we are graduating from a
7:51university that embraces a liberal arts
7:54education that nurtures us to think
7:57critically and also to care and feel for
8:01Humanity we are equipped with the
8:05knowledge of various disciplines and we
8:08are ready to face the challenges of our
8:11society some of us may go to graduate
8:16school some of us may step into
8:19professions and some of us may begin a
8:23journey of exploration but no matter
8:27what we do
8:29remember democracy and free speech
8:34should not be taken for granted
8:38democracy and freedom are the fresh air
8:43that is worth fighting for
8:49freedom is oxygen freedom is passion
8:58freedom is love and as a French
9:03philosopher jean-paul Satre once said
9:06freedom is a choice our future is
9:11dependent on the choices we make today
9:14and tomorrow we are all playwrights of
9:18the next chapters of our lives together
9:22we write a human history my friend
9:27enjoyed the fresh air and never ever let
9:32it go thank you
10:08Thank You pen you have gotten a
10:14wonderful universe Thank You pen you
10:24have gotten a wonderful University of
10:26Maryland education it was most inspiring
10:31and like you and your parents I also am
10:36an American by choice and you have
10:39expressed some of the deepest feelings I
10:42feel for this country what this is and
10:45will always be a shining city on the
10:47hill beckoning the most talented people
10:51of all backgrounds for all over the
10:54to help us continue to form a more
10:56perfect union





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