看板 movie作者 beckseaton (沒有運動會死)標題 [討論] 神鬼奇航5找到導演 明年一月開始拍攝時間 Thu May 30 14:45:23 2013
這個月稍早 迪士尼找過三位導演來執導神鬼奇航5
最後"康提基號:偉大航程"的導演Joachim Ronning跟 Sandberg確定執導傑克船長第五集
並請到神鬼交鋒編劇Jeff Nathanson來寫劇本 預計2014年1月開始製作
2015年7月15號上映 強尼戴普會繼續飾演史傑克
"Pirates of the Caribbean 5" Hires Directors, Filming Begins in January
Earlier this months, it was revealed that Disney is in talks with three
directors to helm the studio's fifth "Pirates of the Caribbean" film. The
directors include Fredrick Bond (The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman),
Joachim Ronning and Espect Sandberg (Kon-Tiki), and Rupert Sanders (Snow
White and The Huntsman).
At the time, the "Kon-Tiki" duo were the favorite to get the job. And now
comes word that they were just officially hired and will direct from a script
by Jeff Nathanson (Cach Me If You Can). Production is set to begin in January
of 2014 and then hit theaters on July 15th, 2015. Johnny Depp is set to
reprise his role.
Ronning and Sandberg received a Best Foreign Film Oscar nomination for
"Kon-Tiki." They also directed "Bandidas," back in 2006, which starred Salma
Hayek and Penelope Cruz.
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◆ From:
推 anjohn:勉強看完第三集後第四集完全沒興趣1F 05/30 14:46
噓 Nacia:第一集神作 第四集還好 其他垃圾3F 05/30 14:48
推 zero061:票房 票房 誰還管評價好不好........拍電影又不是賺評價5F 05/30 14:52
推 gssatan:1>>>>>>>4>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>2>>36F 05/30 15:06
→ finna0:之前還傳過說要5.6一起拍 我看完三部曲就沒興趣了...7F 05/30 15:09
→ onetwo01:這種鐵定大賣的系列作不拍才是笨蛋,哪需要管評價怎樣8F 05/30 15:13
推 qq999:拍到像黃飛鴻那樣沒票房才會不拍...現在根本穩賺的9F 05/30 15:14
推 star0504:看在強尼戴普的份上,可能還是會去看吧 (就是有我這種人10F 05/30 15:20
推 zero061:放心 像樓上的人一堆
不過這個系列可能美國本土票房會越來越低 海外會越來越高11F 05/30 15:22
→ opsddb:找最佳外語片入圍導演...是因為都是海上嗎??13F 05/30 15:31
推 ASlover95:希望劇本認真一點...1>>2>>>>>3=414F 05/30 15:45
→ MewGirl:1>>>>>>>>>>>>__________
其他都是靠Barbossa跟深海閻王在撐場面....15F 05/30 15:53
推 nerve333:神鬼二勢力導演 會再找小潘潘回鍋合作嗎~~~18F 05/30 16:09
推 sleepyrat:又一位北歐導演要受到好萊塢摧殘了嗎????19F 05/30 16:27
→ onetwo01:連魔鏡夢遊都可以在日本賣到翻掉,可見有多愛24F 05/30 16:57
→ onetwo01:所以結論是只要強尼戴普不換,這部戲就不需要人救XD28F 05/30 17:57
推 yeah8466:史傑克耶~當然還是要去看!!!29F 05/30 18:22
→ vlckcy:沒完沒了........30F 05/30 18:22
推 chiulove:雖然我看強尼但三四集實在難看到爆!第三集進電影院看完走完全不知道在演什麼...35F 05/30 20:26
→ bond30422:一二還可以,我覺得三的亮點是深海閻王好帥
四,嗯嗯....40F 05/30 21:46