看板 NBA作者 linyi520 (☆雪の祈舞★)標題 [外絮] McHale:我們可以和任何對手競爭了時間 Mon Jul 8 10:43:58 2013
Kevin McHale: D12 makes us a threat
2013年07月08日 09:12 ESPN (原文:
火箭隊已經確定將得到 Dwight Howard,擁有全新陣容的他們也背很多人看好能在新
"We'll see. Let's get everybody together," McHale said Sunday of pairing
Howard with superstar shooting guard James Harden next season.
"I'm looking forward to getting together with the team and putting everything
together. I feel really comfortable we can compete with anybody."
「讓我們拭目以待,讓我們把所有人都融合在一起,」 McHale說道,
Kevin McHale目前正在奧蘭多觀看火箭隊的夏季聯賽,控衛 Patrick Beverley也參
加了這次比賽,他也談到了 Howard。
"Everybody knows he's the premier big man in the league," Beverley said.
"I'm glad [his decision] wasn't prolonged. The inside-out [dynamic] with him
and James, I think, is going to be perfect. It's going to be fun.
If you add Dwight, it's going to be a big boost. But no one has a crystal
ball. Everything takes preparation and hard work and dedication, and that's
what we're going to have to do."
「每個人都知道他是聯盟中頂尖的大個子,」 Beverley說道,
「我很高興他的決定沒有延期。他和 James(Harden)是非常棒的內外線組合,
我認為,這是完美的組合。這會非常有趣,如果你有了 Dwight,這會是巨大
正式確認加盟火箭隊之前,關於 Howard的一些報導也讓 McHale印象深刻。
"The crazy thing was Dwight was flying from Colorado and the 50-50
[speculation] and all this other stuff, he was a little bit upset about
that," McHale said. "He said, 'I didn't change my mind.' I had a pretty good
feeling, but when it's finally done, you're really happy and looking forward
to working with him after you sign him."
「最瘋狂的事情在於, Dwight從科羅拉多飛向了洛杉磯,然後說有對半開的
概率,所有這些事情,他對這些感到不爽,」 McHale說道,「他說,『我
沒有改變我的主意。』 我那個時候就有非常不錯的感覺,但是當這一切都
作為一名名人堂成員, McHale表示,儘管 Howard已經是一位7屆全明星球員,但是
"I think Dwight is in the process of evolving and changing," McHale said.
"He says he feels way better and healthier now than he has been. His back is
healthy. I anticipate him coming in and doing what he did for years: Being
the best, most dominant center in the league."
「我認為 Dwight正在不斷進化和改進,」 McHale說道,
McHale表示, Howard會很好地「適應我們」,並指出球隊已經建立了一套不斷轉移
球,擁有外線投射能力和利用 Harden創造力的體系。
"When Dwight is right, physically right, he dominates the game in a lot of
different ways," McHale said. "He's a unique guy. He can score 10 points and
totally dominate the game. There are very few players in the NBA that can do
that. He can bolt down the paint, block six or seven shots, get 20 rebounds,
roll hard and get people shots without touching the ball.
It's a good situation."
「當 Dwight一切都OK的話,身體健康的話,他會用不同的方式統治比賽,」
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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