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作者 sampsonlu919 (SNL應該在PTT有專版)
標題 [外電] IMDB回顧:2013十大成功票房行銷操作
時間 Sat Dec 28 14:54:02 2013

Top 10 Box Office Success Stories in 2013
IMDb | Year in Review | Top Box Office Success Stories in 2013 See the top box office success stories in 2013, part of IMDb's 2013 Year in Review. ...

是情商姊妹站BoxOfficeMojo的負責人Ray Subers,

Ray Subers評選此榜單的標準並不單純看影片的累積票房,



以下是Ray Subers認為十部美國票房比他預期還要好的電影:

鋼鐵人3 Iron Man 3:
Typically, the third movie in a franchise earns less than its predecessor at
the domestic box office. That wasn't the case with Iron Man 3, which wound up
being viewed more as a spin-off of mega-hit The Avengers than as a sequel to
the underwhelming Iron Man 2. While Iron Man 3 was the top movie of the year
at the domestic box office (over $409 million), the real upside was overseas,
where its $806 million haul was more than double that of its predecessor.
Worldwide, the movie's $1.2 billion total ranks fifth all-time. ”


神偷奶爸2 Despicable Me 2:
Building on goodwill from the beloved first movie, Despicable Me 2 became one
of the most successful animated movies ever. Domestically, it earned over
$366 million, which is $115 million more than its predecessor. It saw even
bigger gains at the overseas box office, where it is ending its run with over
$551 million.


飢餓遊戲2:星火燎原 The Hunger Games: Catching Fire:
Expectations were high for Hunger Games sequel Catching Fire, and it did not
disappoint. Its opening weekend was a bit higher than The Hunger Games, and
thanks to a strong Thanksgiving weekend it should ultimately top its
predecessor’s $408 million domestic total. It’s also making major gains
overseas, and should wrap up with over $800 million worldwide.


地心引力 Gravity:
While it seems like a no-brainer now, Gravity could very easily have been a
flop: two actors, both over the age of 45, alone in space isn’t exactly a
slam dunk at the box office. But director Alfonso Cuaron made a must-see
movie, and Warner Bros. delivered a strong marketing campaign. With nearly
$250 million at the domestic box office – and over $615 million worldwide --
Gravity is by far the most successful original movie of the year


麻辣交鋒 The Heat:
In a summer packed with successful comedies, the biggest of them was June’s
The Heat($159.6 million). Starring Sandra Bullock (appearing twice on this
list thanks to Gravity) and Melissa McCarthy, and directed by Bridesmaids
helmer Paul Feig, The Heat wound up being a great option for under-served
female moviegoers.


全家就是米家 We're the Millers:
Benefiting from good scheduling and a strong premise, road trip comedy We’re
the Millers got off to a solid start in early August. The movie then held
well thanks to strong word-of-mouth, and ultimately became the highest-
grossing movie of August 2013. To date, it has earned over $150 million at
the domestic box office.


厲陰宅The Conjuring:
With a confident, aggressive marketing effort, The Conjuring kicked off its
run with $41.9 million, which is the highest opening ever for an original
R-rated horror movie. From there, word-of-mouth was so strong that it managed
to overcome the horror genre's front-loading problems, and consistently had
weekend drops below 50 percent. The Conjuring wrapped up its domestic run
with $137.4 million, which made it the top supernatural horror movie in over
a decade.


出神入化 Now You See Me:
Opening on the heels of a handful of high-profile sequels, it seemed like Now
You See Me was going to get lost in the shuffle. Instead, what appeared to be
a scheduling disadvantage turned out to be the opposite: tired of big-budget
franchise movies, audiences flocked to this original magician thriller. By
the end of its run, Now You See Me had earned $117.7 million at the domestic
box office and over $234 million overseas, which makes it Lionsgate/Summit's
highest-grossing movie ever outside of the Twilight and Hunger Games


白宮第一管家 Lee Daniels' The Butler:
Recognizing that there was nothing to fill the mid-August adult
counterprogramming slot, The Weinstein Company moved Lee Daniels’ The Butler
up from October. That turned out to be a shrewd move, as The Butler dominated
the box office during the second half of August. It continued well in to
September, and will close with around $116 million.


重點是我愛你 Instructions Not Included:
Spanish-language comedy Instructions Not Included opened at just 348
locations, which is a fraction of a typical major release’s theater count.
Regardless, it was a huge draw with Hispanic audiences, and wound up earning
over $10 million over Labor Day weekend. Instructions has now grossed $44.4
million, which makes it the top Spanish-language movie ever in the U.S.


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
sampsonlu919:轉錄至看板 boxoffice                               12/28 15:10
lpb:珊卓 今年很強阿 XD1F 12/28 15:23
banbee100:鋼鐵3票房真是紅到讓我傻眼2F 12/28 15:41
momoisacow:鋼鐵人3 花絮比正片好看3F 12/28 15:56
會覺得難看的人大概也喜歡大尾鱸鰻4F 12/28 16:21
dribron:樓上的發言很奇怪!別人不能覺得三部都很差嗎?6F 12/28 16:39
b852258:鋼三竟然是影史第五名,我嚇到了7F 12/28 16:43
SilentBob:沒把大尾列進去嗎 還是level太高已經到世界奇觀規格了?8F 12/28 16:45
WBUltimatum:樓上...這篇只討論北美上映電影9F 12/28 16:48
bluemei:反串到批評網友和別的電影太超過了10F 12/28 16:49
cashko:雖然覺得剛三好看,但沒想到這麼高11F 12/28 16:58
allenmu:四樓真悲哀12F 12/28 19:26
playerst:覺得大尾好看 應該也會喜歡鋼鐵人3 對不起 我比較挑兩部都不喜歡13F 12/28 20:00
jskblack:還以為會有World War Z15F 12/28 20:23

(sampsonlu919.): [外電] IMDB回顧:2013十大成功票房行銷操作 - sayumiQ板