看板 LoL
作者 Cyrots (Cyrots)
標題 [外絮] Toyz接受新加坡GPL的採訪(翻譯)
時間 Tue Feb 26 22:02:34 2013

League of Legends Singapore - GPL Bulletproof: Who can topple the Champions? League of Legends Singapore - GPL Bulletproof: Who can topple the Champions? ...

Five weeks into the Garena Premier League; the Season 2 World Champions, the
Taipei Assassins, remain the undefeated leaders of the league. With the two
week break many of the teams in the GPL have been undergoing rigorous
training to challenge TPA. We spoke to Toyz, leader and mid-laner of TPA, for
his thoughts on the competition and the state of the game.



1. Which team do you think has the highest chance of defeating TPA in the GPL?
The Singapore Sentinels!



2. Has TPA changed with the departure of MiSTakE?
Other than the roster changes, the playstyle of TPA is still the same.



3. What has it been like being the new caller/playmaker for the team?
This was the one thing that I spent the most time preparing for before
becoming the captain of TPA. In the earlier matches of this season,
especially the game against ahq e-sports, our communication and movement may
have appeared uncoordinated. However, after more training we are getting much
better at our chemistry and in-game response towards calls.





4. What do you think of the current meta-game of the midlane in Season 3?
It has become much more interesting, the restrictiveness of roles has
decreased. Because the amount of farm in S3 is much higher for everyone, the
tempo of the game has become much faster, even if the jungle creeps have been
re-worked, the early game pressure at mid from the jungler is still high.
However, the most unpredictable thing now is the appearance of AD champions
in the mid-lane. This was especially true during the period where Black
Cleaver was imba, Everyone awoke to the viability of ADs in the midlane.






5. What has been the biggest change for you as a player in Season 3?
Jungle and Top positions now have an even more increased influence in the
game, and the key to making plays lies in the jungle and the top lane.


Toyz :我認為打野和上路比起以前,在S3當中有著更大的影響力。

6. SAJ has been performing very well this season, how do you feel about the
coming match against them?
We really respect SAJ for always having a variety of strategies and
playstyles, TPA will continue to work hard and face everyone who tries to
beat us.





※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
Ixtli:推1F 02/26 22:03
OnSEx007:痛宰OP2F 02/26 22:04
jim2330300:感謝翻譯 推推3F 02/26 22:04
k0111:煞氣a Toyz4F 02/26 22:05
evilvens:5F 02/26 22:06
Hsu1025:好簡短\6F 02/26 22:07
miarika123:要不是TPA是白的 你這樣翻肯定戰7F 02/26 22:08
oshimanyan:推一個 希望繼續痛宰到S38F 02/26 22:08
freezesky81:感謝翻譯!!9F 02/26 22:10
jesse090828:哪來戰= =10F 02/26 22:11
sosad0128:最後一段的face是怎麼變成痛宰的11F 02/26 22:11
naturer:風格變了點,神call比較少見12F 02/26 22:11
streetmark:看到痛宰馬上回去看原文XDD13F 02/26 22:11
sosad0128:樓上+114F 02/26 22:12
andy711101:目前Toyz真的有資格這麼嗆,TPA今年還沒吃敗戰15F 02/26 22:12
WindSpread:推翻譯16F 02/26 22:12
fezexp9987:第6點用Google翻譯 都還比較正常一點17F 02/26 22:13
kennyken220:有些用詞不該亂翻..18F 02/26 22:13
sosad0128:XD他說他第一次翻譯 有錯誤請指出 我還是用推的問他怎翻出痛宰的19F 02/26 22:14
zapion:痛宰真的不好21F 02/26 22:14
miarika123:第四點後面那段都沒翻?22F 02/26 22:15
wotupset:TPA將會盡全力應對所有對手?23F 02/26 22:15
sosad0128:我們將會盡力對抗所有想擊敗我們的人24F 02/26 22:16
TONKEN:翻得這麼煞氣有比較好嗎...25F 02/26 22:16
ishoudar:翻譯還要被人噓?LOL板真的好親切喔26F 02/26 22:17
Homeparty:@sosad0128翻是對的XD27F 02/26 22:17
sosad0128:亂翻譯被噓是應該的 誤導文阿 可是他最後一句都說了所以放過他28F 02/26 22:18
Homeparty:其實翻譯也沒什麼對錯啦..有時候因人而異30F 02/26 22:18
egain:痛宰是有多不敬 明明很普通的用詞  我來翻就是幹翻31F 02/26 22:18
b474:他亂翻 有人噓也是合理的32F 02/26 22:19
YukiPhoenix:翻錯當然要噓  翻譯請不要添加你個人情緒33F 02/26 22:19
sosad0128:信雅達 痛宰沒有信 雅達勉強有 你的幹翻..應該都沒有34F 02/26 22:19
b474:痛宰有沒有不敬一回事  內容明明就不是那樣35F 02/26 22:19
yoyotvyoyo:亂翻不管在什麼版都會被噓好嗎...36F 02/26 22:20
LayerZ:純噓痛宰...翻譯最要不得的事情是改變原文..37F 02/26 22:20
andy711101:TPA在亞洲 也只有WE打BO5能夠55波38F 02/26 22:21
artz6030:其實翻痛宰也還好,讓翻譯有點霸氣 才是冠軍風範XD39F 02/26 22:21
bluedp:推痛宰!!!!40F 02/26 22:21
JubeChocobo:噓痛宰41F 02/26 22:22
KyGrA:痛宰=Kick their ass42F 02/26 22:22
wotupset:ㄟㄟ台灣是TPA的主場耶 翻成痛宰是會死喔 = =43F 02/26 22:22
yoshro:差不多阿44F 02/26 22:22
belial94:痛宰??翻譯請不要把TOYZ翻成了DL~~45F 02/26 22:23
vi000246:的確是痛宰啊XD46F 02/26 22:23
LCV:這什麼翻譯= =47F 02/26 22:23
bluepewind:誤導別人很合理喔?48F 02/26 22:23
privatewind:原文明明只有面對...49F 02/26 22:24
jabari:該檢舉本文誤導+引戰了50F 02/26 22:24
sosad0128:原PO沒有要改我想噓回來了= =51F 02/26 22:25
Halu5566:真的有點DL的感覺52F 02/26 22:25
JBLs:zzzzz引戰53F 02/26 22:25
peter31227:54F 02/26 22:25
b474:跟主場有什麼關係 toyz本人就不是這樣說55F 02/26 22:26
coldsheep:最後一點不要亂翻....56F 02/26 22:26
sosad0128:噓痛宰57F 02/26 22:26
ionchips:最好照著翻...痛宰太過了  酸民會記住的(咦58F 02/26 22:26
ben3683:face這麼中性的用詞翻成痛宰?59F 02/26 22:26
arbalest712:哪來痛宰阿...60F 02/26 22:26
braveitout:哪來的痛宰61F 02/26 22:27
EMIN3M:第四段後面是在說 現在最難預料的是AD英雄在中路的出62F 02/26 22:27
andy711101:用痛宰,很中肯,TPA真的比其他隊伍強太多了63F 02/26 22:27
JubeChocobo:你是Toyz你打痛宰我就沒意見64F 02/26 22:28
EMIN3M:現  特別在黑切上修後 大家開始意識到AD英雄在中路的生存能力65F 02/26 22:28
JubeChocobo:其他人要痛宰請自己開帳號上去打67F 02/26 22:28
WindSpread:原PO在嗎?(敲門68F 02/26 22:28
anthony10605:第4點沒翻完69F 02/26 22:28
jinkela1:face=面對   kickass=痛宰   face=痛宰?70F 02/26 22:28
gggghhhh:..71F 02/26 22:28

※ 編輯: Cyrots          來自:       (02/26 22:34)
bodhsiao:本人沒有說痛宰你亂翻跟引戰根本就差沒多少阿72F 02/26 22:29
Rivendare:faceass= ?73F 02/26 22:29
mine027204:沒翻也惹人嫌 原PO拍拍74F 02/26 22:30
darkfantasy:信達雅啦...75F 02/26 22:30
EMIN3M:不知道我這樣翻譯正確否@@76F 02/26 22:30
yesmotel:一堆英文小老師多益900+                 原PO辛苦了77F 02/26 22:30
Dieter0531:媒體不中立的魔爪伸過來了?78F 02/26 22:30
seysem:參在一起做撒尿牛丸...79F 02/26 22:31
yesmotel:TPA從GPL一路到現在,就算是逆風,根本整路痛宰=事實80F 02/26 22:31
jack50712:煞氣a痛宰 看不起小丑阿81F 02/26 22:31
sosad0128:這篇快戰了  塊陶啊~~~82F 02/26 22:31
kennyken220:翻譯錯誤的還可以推這麼開心,第四段也錯的很慘83F 02/26 22:31
darkfantasy:不過真的在做翻譯的都不太會管嚴復的屁話...84F 02/26 22:32
putingcat:推霸氣85F 02/26 22:32
yesmotel:拜託噓噓的英文小老師多益900+快翻讓大家看看好嗎86F 02/26 22:32
enigma4052:痛宰= =87F 02/26 22:32
darkfantasy:真正當工作在做的翻譯 要求的其實也都是通達88F 02/26 22:32
sosad0128:@yesmotel 那句話我翻了啊 你不看推文?89F 02/26 22:33
darkfantasy:直譯的信 或畫蛇添足的雅其實都容易對讀者帶來困擾嚴復自己在做翻譯時也根本把自己提出的立場當屁話.90F 02/26 22:33
sosad0128:@darkfantasy 恩 同意 很多狀況用中文諺語 雖然沒信92F 02/26 22:34
kanzakiken:雖然翻譯是很熱心 但不要加入感情立場替toyz發言喔93F 02/26 22:34
sosad0128:但是雅達都好很多 常常會這樣改變原意94F 02/26 22:34
sed99975:痛宰有點過於激動吧...不過翻譯給推95F 02/26 22:34
sosad0128:可是那個痛宰已經扭曲原意了96F 02/26 22:34
kennyken220:有改有推97F 02/26 22:34
b474:真正當工作在作翻譯的 絕對不會扭曲原作本意98F 02/26 22:34
oshimanyan:又不是官方翻譯幹嘛這麼計較 還不是就鄉民在看而已99F 02/26 22:35
yesmotel:這年頭大家吃飽太閒很喜歡用放大鏡看人ㄏㄏ100F 02/26 22:35
kennyken220:翻錯了大概就是ask變成ass這種感覺吧 :(101F 02/26 22:35
polarken:這翻譯有待加強@@102F 02/26 22:35
kennyken220:差一個字別用放大鏡看ass喔103F 02/26 22:36
darkfantasy:嗯 我對原PO的翻譯沒甚麼立場 不贊成不反對.
畢竟都改了104F 02/26 22:36
Dieter0531:語意順多了,補推。   (另外,亂翻關多益900+屁事106F 02/26 22:36
johnnyjaiu:有改給推 翻譯辛苦了 本來詞意是個很維妙的東西107F 02/26 22:36
darkfantasy:只是看到有提到翻譯出來感慨一下:p108F 02/26 22:36
kennyken220:翻譯是當研究生最痛苦的工作QAQ109F 02/26 22:37
putingcat:這樣就受不了,去nba版應該會崩潰110F 02/26 22:37
WindSpread:有改補推111F 02/26 22:37
Rivendare:可能有人多益900+才翻的了這些文章吧 顆顆112F 02/26 22:37
johnnyjaiu:NBA的外絮翻譯才是個神奇的地方... xDDDDDDDDDDD113F 02/26 22:38
kanzakiken:改了補推~另外看到好多人硬是護航..是太自卑?114F 02/26 22:39
JubeChocobo:可能英文是他的痛處 看到英文就高潮115F 02/26 22:39

(Cyrots.): [外絮] Toyz接受新加坡GPL的採訪(翻譯) - terievv板