看板 WoT
作者 hsinhanchu (hsinhanchu)
標題 [情報] 6/30 Q&A+8.7超測資訊
時間 Mon Jul  1 11:25:13 2013


- T-50 will NOT apparently lead to MT-25, it will lead to T-34

- MT-25 will be unlockable from KV-1S

- current accumulated T-50 XP will be somehow transferred to KV-1S

- Panther tanks (apparently both Panther I and II) will be rebalanced, they
will lose their top engines, but will recieve a rate of fire buff (amongst
other things)



- according to The_Chieftain, it’s possible (not anytime soon tho) that the
T29 series of US heavy tanks will eventually be nerfed, because preliminary
measuring suggest that the mantlets aren’t as thick as it was originally

- SerB won’t tell, how EXACTLY is the XP income calculated

- apparently, regarding the earlier announced intention of SerB to remove the
unhistorical buffs of the VK4502P, while moving it down a tier or two, its
replacement could be the “Protomaus” (one of the Maus prototypes the
developers ran across)

- SerB states that while the HESH might be reconfigured for another
mechanism, the spall liner will continue to work against it

- no new heavy lines have been introduced lately, because there are few
candidates for them. They will come in time.

- it’s possible there might be a new “Interesting mechanics” video,
explaining the 8.6 changes

- it’s possible the option (mentioned in March) to retrain various
crewmembers to another role (for example radioman to gunner) will come in
time, but it doesn’t have too high a priority, as there are “more important
tasks” and implementing this would take like a month of work

- random games without platoons are not planned

- there are no plans to nerf tank destroyers for now
不打算nerf TD,至少目前不打算。

- SerB said he predicted that the next target of mass whining will be the
tank destroyers – and that he was right

- shells in WoT are not objects, they have no mass or dimensions, they are
basically just dots (so are the points of impact – they are not “holes”)

- SerB states it’s not true that a shell only has following parameters:
penetration, damage, velocity, he also names caliber, base ricochet angle,
base approach angle, damage to modules and splash. And that’s all.

- SerB confirms that since the RU7 server works with a special matchmaker
version, then yes, at any point the developers can change the MM mechanism on
various servers separately

- the WoWp open beta will be launched on 2nd July, but the unified premium
account will come a bit later

- SerB is playing WoWp even for pleasure (not just as a job), he plays with

- apparently, the preferred trees in Baltic countries and in China are Soviet

- it won’t be possible for players to choose their preferable MM spread (SS:
some player actually wanted a -2/+4 spread for his KV)

- keyboard indicator on password screen, tank carousel selection in the
garage and aim sights with timers and colour choices are not considered too
important by SerB

- there are no plans to introduce a “cyclone filter” equivalent for German
and American tanks

- Q: “There are too many KV-1S, will they get their 122mm removed?” A: “
How terrible…”

- Q: “Will Hetzer lose its 105mm?” A: “How terrible…”

- it’s possible that when the hulls of the vehicles are interchangeable, the
name of the tank will change with them, but for now this won’t be
implemented (SS: there is a plan to introduce a feature that hulls will be
unlockable as modules)

- the “bamboo canes” on Chinese maps provide no camo bonus at all

- more realistic tank destruction model will come

- SerB states that since this answering is not his duty but his free time, he
considers it a relaxation

- MT-25 stats? “No comment on leaks, wait for patchnotes”

- your game settings are stored on your computer, not on the server, it’s
impossible for now to do it serverside

- SerB confirms: E-79 is a fake tank, invented by the Japanese (modellers)

- this situation is impossible in WoT, as the physical armor in the game is
0mm thick – armor thickness is just a number

- SerB states that while he had some threats with violence, noone never
showed up

- no alternative turret designs for Indien-Panzer have been found, if some
appear, the devs will add them to the game

- T-44 is moving worse than T-54 (despite having a powerful engine), because
“the suspension is obsolete”

- SerB states that the implementation of Japanese tanks into the game goes
slowly. Wargaming did get some data, but SerB is asking players – if anyone
has any additional data on the Japanese heavies, send them

- SU-14-2 elevation angle won’t be buffed

- periodical map changes are based on Wargaming’s interpretation of map
statistics, such as sides winrates, places where tanks die etc.

- the case where a new tank crew member is being added to a tank (the MT-25
case) has not happened before

- Japanese medium tanks won’t be commented for now, but SerB comments on the
Japanese tanks in general: medium tanks are ready (SS: as in all found),
there are some issues with the heavies (not enough credible info on the O-I
variants and the T10 tank), there are still tier 4 and 5 holes (Type 91 and
Type 95 are tier 3 max, while the Iwakuro heavy tank goes to tier 6). As for
tank destroyers, those are theoretically all found, but the developers are
looking for more credible info on them (not the one found on the internet).

- KV-1S will stay on tier 6 and will NOT lose its 122mm

- it’s possible, that the Japanese tree won’t come out with a heavy branch,
but with TD’s and mediums only, or even with a light/medium branch, without
TD’s and heavies.

- Sturmtiger is still planned

- Chi-He and Chi-Nu Japanese tanks will appear as mediums

- SerB confirms that the age of the tanks fighting each other is irrelevant,
Leopard 1 fighting a T-44 is just fine

- SerB states that the lower penetration of wartime Soviet guns is caused not
by low quality gunpowder (which was partially imported from USA, thus being
of good quality), but by bad armor-piercing shell design

Немцефилен унд немцефилкен нихьт ерсте по
ст тема читайнен?
Орднунг мус зайн, дарум фирцейн таге нихьт
Germanlovers und Germanloverettes nicht erste post of the topic readen?
Ordnung muss zein, darum fierzen tage nicht schreiben.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
et134226:中國竹子沒隱蔽效果!!!之前都躲心酸的!!!1F 07/01 11:31
ccc73123:原來竹子只是裝飾品...2F 07/01 11:33
dulinove:超心酸的 竹子!!!3F 07/01 11:35
sednb441:你看不到我 你看不到我......4F 07/01 11:37
garrodx:害我整地整半天...竟然沒效果...5F 07/01 11:37
greg7575:竹子也推不倒6F 07/01 11:38
j19871001:竹子!!!!!!7F 07/01 11:39
kikka:竹子!!8F 07/01 11:40
看MT25的影片 感覺速度不會超過50 不過加速度還OK
不知道炮如何9F 07/01 11:45
anita79979:歹竹出好筍12F 07/01 11:46
Pegasus99:而KV1S接MT25 所以是六階中坦
好像沒有往下點開的先例13F 07/01 11:47
LoveIvy:panther是要改成機關槍嗎-_-15F 07/01 11:54
ken80117:MT-25是輕坦,自己去看ASAP 8.716F 07/01 11:56
morphyster:所以竹子是本來就沒有效果,還是會改成沒有效果17F 07/01 11:56
ken80117:本來就沒有18F 07/01 11:56
morphyster:囧,那還真的是躲心酸的19F 07/01 11:58
Pegasus99:囧囧 原來有全數據 http://ppt.cc/kq5c20F 07/01 12:02
Pegasus99:雖然是可以再改啦....21F 07/01 12:02
LoveIvy:其實我比較希望他把panther傷害改高一點點22F 07/01 12:03
Pegasus99:看似是很胖的T-50-2 應該還是可以裝57神針23F 07/01 12:03
ken80117:武器裝備我記得跟T-50-2一模一樣24F 07/01 12:04
r0930:乾 竹子沒用....    休閒嘛  難怪可以troll玩家25F 07/01 12:21
wuchianlin:嫌豹子不夠遲鈍嗎....居然跑去動引擎26F 07/01 12:23
GALGUN:所以T-50-2的期貨要不要買進啊 (重點錯誤27F 07/01 12:23
jerry78424:無言...KV-1S是要OP到什麼時候?打TC對面都一排KV-1S28F 07/01 12:24
r0930:樓上我只能建議你自己去練一台29F 07/01 12:27
morphyster:我只知道現在HT都在跟TD搶位置完黑槍...QQ30F 07/01 12:30
Pegasus99:真的 而且TD太輕都會被推開=w=31F 07/01 12:31
jerry78424:現在同時開好幾條新線還要練3601,車庫時間都不夠呀32F 07/01 12:32
r0930:銀幣會先不夠33F 07/01 12:33
jerry78424:用3001三兄弟的75L48對上KV-1S根本絕望啊 哭哭34F 07/01 12:34
r0930:距離要拉遠  沒人叫你跟他玩進身戰..
他打一發的傷害你要打好幾發35F 07/01 12:41
akalashnikov:SerB: 你們這些資本主義走狗甭想打 KV1S 的主意37F 07/01 12:42
andyeva:看到竹子  好心酸阿  XDD38F 07/01 12:42
akalashnikov:但是我覺得很公平阿  KV1S 軟軟的弱點多  裝填慢
火力不大點怎行呢39F 07/01 12:44
jerry78424:有一次隔450m對射 找了小坡掩護 結果還是被兩發秒...41F 07/01 12:45
dapple:難怪我LT躲竹子後面都被打假的XDDDDDD42F 07/01 12:45
b97505048:還是希望處理一下悲劇的美國砲車阿~~~43F 07/01 12:46
akalashnikov:KV1S 是瞎子 被看到是他對友強 被打死是他們合作無間44F 07/01 12:47
jerry78424:美國炮車我的感覺是T57跟M7P很慘 但M37就好不少了45F 07/01 12:48
zick0704:1S其實是攻擊特化的瞎子,他1發要13秒,車體又薄~46F 07/01 12:50
akalashnikov:真的只是很多人不會打而已  其實從 KV1 轉到 KV1S
會有一段很慘烈的時期會不知道怎麼打  玩法差很多
有玩 KV1 --> KV1S 應該的都知道  而且白板真的很慘47F 07/01 12:54
jerry78424:打過中階TC的話 應該知道6台KV-1S打一波 根本檔不住50F 07/01 13:00
r0930:要兩組人六台KV1S也太剛好吧?51F 07/01 13:01
jerry78424:TC=戰車連tank company..52F 07/01 13:04
korsg:KV-1S是8.6的神阿~~~(六階)53F 07/01 13:07
r0930:那就組六台頂回去阿~"~a54F 07/01 13:07
streitleak:基本上kv1s的122mm是很op沒錯 但請記得他的rld時間還有他車身比kv1還軟 所以7.5L48打他是綽綽有餘
甚至用短88(88 L56) 都可以跟他打近戰
重點還是走位跟擺角度, 以3601的正面裝甲來說
要檔有效穿甲到200mm都不是問題 3601比Tiger還黑洞勒55F 07/01 13:24
steven3231:KV-1S開了一砲後沒人去包它 是誰的問題呢?60F 07/01 13:27
qoopichu:怪了,pearl river的竹子真的沒效果嗎?
當初剛開蘿莉豹時躲在東南方小島上,隊友都被清光了敵人來來去去路過好幾隻都沒發現,最後還是被隊友出賣才被發現,不過剛好也cap完逃過一劫 XD
p.s. 出賣的是個某THAI公會的幹部...
豹子拆引擎公道價八萬一,這台真的要TD化了嗎?61F 07/01 13:28
blackwoods:1S說OP是好像很OP 但對付模式就像改動105之前M4四號怕的是一群人因為那管炮躲起來玩伸縮炮 那被虐剛好1v1要打贏靠點技巧跟對方蠢 1v2打不贏真的就搭配問題更何況3601滿血挨個兩三發122不是問題67F 07/01 13:33
qoopichu:同樣頂車狀態,konisch 3601跟KV-1S對射不跳彈的話3601會贏71F 07/01 13:36
akalashnikov:就不要跟六隻瞎子玩近戰伸縮砲阿 更何況六隻還一樣73F 07/01 13:37
bulcas:KV-1S 哪裡 OP ?  炮比別人痛一點而已
但是你忽略 KV-1S 沒裝甲   裝填時間長的缺點
當然還有 KV-1S 根本是瞎子
他打一發你可以打兩發   更別說你可以先黑槍黑爽爽話說我剛從 KV-1 ---> KV-1S  真的不知道怎麼玩...裝填太慢了...玩 M4 裝填也沒那麼慢...74F 07/01 13:39
akalashnikov:讓我想到之前有 AT2 跟 KV1 對射 KV1 擺角度他打不穿AT2 就說 KV1 作弊 XDD80F 07/01 13:43
ccc73123:KV-1S就只有那管炮而已 裝甲薄連輕坦都爽爽戳82F 07/01 13:44
bulcas:AT-2 正面對它  KV-1 拿 85 打也常常打不穿阿83F 07/01 13:46
akalashnikov:特點就是 High Alpha 然後有點速度  其他沒了84F 07/01 13:46
bulcas:我就很討厭開 KV-1 遇到 AT-285F 07/01 13:46
akalashnikov:血少 裝填慢 俯角小 車身軟 視野差  OP 在哪?86F 07/01 13:47
NanaMizuki:很多人吃一炮之後就習慣性後退 才會覺得KV1S很op87F 07/01 13:50
hemisofia:我充分了腳樓上想表達滿大街1S絕對不是因為他OP才多就像kv-1也號稱只能欺負新手一樣 lol88F 07/01 13:51
jerry78424:說得比作的簡單,他開炮後你衝了對方就不會退嗎?90F 07/01 13:52
hemisofia:啊喔 跳過了好幾樓...91F 07/01 13:52
jerry78424:KV-1S被某幾樓講得這麼弱 怎麼還是滿大街都是呀?92F 07/01 13:52
abc12812:老虎滿街都是也被說得很弱阿XD93F 07/01 13:53
molukino:應該講KV-1s對於新手來說好上手 容易玩的比較好
當然你耍蠢一樣秒殺...94F 07/01 13:54
blackwoods:我是沒覺得到"很OP" 但也絕對不算弱 122在八階也算痛96F 07/01 13:55
troll5566:老虎救援:德系重坦就它有善終97F 07/01 13:55
hemisofia:討論的前提本身就很奇怪 1S填彈13秒所以要趁他reload上去打 但是事實上是他打伸縮 你出去別說他後面沒隊98F 07/01 13:55
molukino:喂?請問是動物保護協會嗎?238F 07/01 16:16
g3sg1:我有IS-3 但我完全沒開過KV-1S KV-3比較好開
還有 8.6最快樂的是KV-2吧 152亂砸超舒壓的239F 07/01 22:17
damnedfish:靠大家都被竹子坑了241F 07/01 22:53
colin1120:.....竹子242F 07/01 23:01

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