看板 WoT
作者 tai33ru (磁磚大)
標題 [情報] 11/08 Q&A
時間 Sat Nov  9 08:39:32 2013

- SerB is not active on WoWp forums – he has no time for 2 forums – but in
time he might move there


- captured Soviet Panzer IV (T-4) will most likely have the L/48 gun

  擄獲版四號會裝75mm L/48。

- in time the same clans that exist in WoT will be enabled (ported into) WoWp


- clans will be unified in all 3 WG games


- Rheinmetall Waffenträger drowning too easily? “How terrible…”

  萊茵金屬WT容易淹死? 「好貼蘿蔔...」

- (connected with the WoWp and WoT clans unification), maxmimum amount of
people in clans will be increased, but the amount of tokens for CWs will
remain the same – this increase is to allow clans to recruit WoWp players

  (與WOT跟WOWp 公會統一相關)公會人數上限將會增加,公會戰的代幣不

- Captured tanks will not work as premium tanks: theoretically, a captured
tank could be equal to a regular elite tank of its tier in quality (doesn’t
have to be weaker like a premium tank), but in case of T-4, it will most
likely not have Panzer IV’s top engine


There is a MM rule: “Vehicles are put into teams based on collected team

statistics in last half hour” – a developer explains what it means –
 basically, MM works so that it watches “typical” setups in last half an
hour (for example, that there are usually 3 heavies in almost every fight)
and when there is such a trend, MM will “prepare in advance” 3 heavy tank
slots and fill them outside of the queue, which improves the MM speed.


This mechanism is used during arty hardcaps calculations: when using the “5
arty” hardcap (if there are enough arties, there used to be plenty before),
extra arty is moved into the secondary queue, where it can stay for a long
time. This happened when there were too man arties, now it is not actual


最後面其實翻得不太好,有較好的翻法麻煩跟我說一聲 orz


oXnXo:按著開機鍵數秒即可達到關燈的效果05/04 19:29
cypher4444:樓上我差點照做了!!! 這樣很危險阿!!05/04 19:30
yuan860721:還好樓上你沒按 想想不久以前 我就照他的話做了之後阿05/04 19:32
cypher4444:就怎樣@@05/04 19:33
yuan860721:就關機了阿..............05/04 19:34

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
t0455453:四號是哪國擄獲的啊?1F 11/09 09:19
hsinhanchu:按原文是蘇聯,依照之前的車庫圖示會有砲塔側裙2F 11/09 09:21
tai33ru:抱歉漏翻了 :P3F 11/09 09:31
Clavius:時辰到了4F 11/09 13:09
wuchianlin:新TD太矮容易淹死這種白吃問題是誰問的XD5F 11/09 13:17
abc12812:真的會淹死 上次就在sela的實況裡看到他serene coast想走水路結果沒算計到TD走超慢 結果就在水中掛掉XDD6F 11/09 13:33
所以矮車身的坦 走水路是比較有機會淹死沒錯8F 11/09 14:52
melzard:how terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10F 11/09 17:37
tai33ru:因為中心點浸在水裡的時間會比較長的關係嗎?11F 11/09 17:46
iohan:請看RNG.10  1分15秒12F 11/09 17:59
lsslss:淹過中心點就開始倒數了13F 11/09 19:34
GodOfGods:分房爛不是因為幾台重坦、中坦.....而是高階車數量14F 11/09 23:44
lsslss:車種關係挺大的阿 遇過重坦對決中坦 中坦排頭那群不懂得狼群 還傻傻的跟重坦換砲 結果就是被吃死死15F 11/10 00:53
hitlerx:昨天遇到不懂虎群的重坦 被Maus加4502B吃光 老鼠打6K第一次遇到可以扛一萬又輸出六千的老鼠...那場我Arty17F 11/10 04:28
Pegasus99:老鼠炮裝填比E100快 一次對付多敵人比較安全19F 11/10 08:40
hitlerx:但是也浪費太多時間彈太多砲 不上金打就上去狗啊 :\20F 11/10 17:59
yorunoneko:好貼蘿蔔XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD21F 11/10 20:39
lsslss:野團遇到要衝鋒的時刻都會卡住 等人第一個衝
而且就算有人帶頭衝 也不一定會跟上22F 11/10 21:16

(tai33ru.): [情報] 11/08 Q&A - terievv板