看板 WoT作者 sunshinefish (羽織)標題 [情報] 9/17 Q&A時間 Wed Sep 18 15:07:53 2013
..昨天到半夜 SS 還沒貼出來
- according to SerB, the fact that in 0.8.8 one team gets a tier 10 heavy
while the other gets tier 10 arty is normal, as “tanks are not balanced
against one another”
根據 SerB 所述, 8.8 中一隊有 T10 重坦另一邊卻是 T10 自走砲的情形是正常的,
- SerB likes the WT E-100 model
SerB 喜歡 WT E-100 的模型
- 122mm top gun for WZ-120 too XP expensive? “Don’t play WZ-120〃
WZ-120 的 122mm 頂砲要花太多經驗了? "不要玩 WZ-120"
- (regarding previous question) Q: “Jokes aside, 200 thousand XP for a gun
is 2,5 times more than on other tanks”
A: “Too bad”
(關於上面的問題)Q: "撇開玩笑話不談,在一門砲上花 20 萬經驗是其他車輛所需要的
A: "真是太糟糕了"
- it’s possible lendlease Soviet Lee and Sherman will come in forseeable
有可能租借法案的蘇聯 Lee 和 Sherman 在未來會引入
- T-35 will not come this year or the next apparently (SS: odd)
T-35 不會在這一兩年引入(SS: 真奇怪)
- T-44-122 will not be available for regular players, it is a supertester gift
T-44-122 不會開放給一般玩家,它是超測玩家的獎品
- premium tanks as mission rewards? “No idea, but hardly.”
達成任務送金幣車? "不知道,不過不太可能"
- Panzer IV Hydro and SU-85i for random players? “When it’s done it’s done
給任意玩家 Panzer IV Hydro 和 SU-85i? "WIDID"
- it’s possible that in some future premium derp tanks with howitzers will
be added, but no plans for that now
- there were historically fast (agile) French tanks for tiers 1-4
法國有些歷史上很快速(敏捷)的 T1-T4 戰車
- FCM 36 might appear on tier 2, SerB will check it out
FCM 36 有可能會出現在 T2,SerB 會去查看看
- tier 8 French medium premium tank? “We’ll see later”
法國 T8 金幣中坦? "我們之後就知道了"
- Wargaming (via Tactical Press) will possibly make books on planes too, not
just tanks (SS: in Russian only. Iwish there was stuff in English too)
WG 可能也會寫些有關於飛機的書(透過戰術出版社(?)),而不會只寫戰車的書(SS: 俄
- SerB states that the rear turret VK4502 is pleasant to play, despite
players whining that it’s dull. He also states that DW2 is doing normally
SerB 指出即使玩家在抱怨 VK4502 的後置砲塔很平淡無味,它玩起來倒是很愉快。他
同時也指出 DW2 表現得很正常
- theoretically the physics WoT engine allows for practically unlimited speed
(SS: earlier, the tank speed was limited by 72 km/h by the engine)
理論上 WoT 用的物理引擎可以不限制車輛的速度上限(SS: 早先車輛的極速被引擎限制
在 72km/h)
- in the near/medium future: further physics development, new clanwars,
historical battles
短/中期內要做的東西: 發展更多物理模擬的內容、新的公會戰、歷史戰役模式
- Swamp and Komarin maps are bad? “Your opinion is, as always… (SS: very
important to us)” (SS: Komarin is great! :) )
Swamp 和 Komarin 這兩張地圖很爛? "您的意見,和以前一樣...(SS: 對我們來說很重
要)" (SS: Komarin 超棒的!)
- Object 261 acting like TD too overpowered? “Don’t drive in front of
Object 261〃 (no plans to change it)
Obj. 261 表現得像 TD,太 OP 了? "不要開到 Obj. 261 的前面"(不打算更動)
- Type 59 and limited MM – according to Storm it fits how it is now
Type 59 的分房保護 - 根據 Storm 所說它目前處在適合他的位子上
- old Service record window won’t return
- there will be no general nerf for TD’s (like there was for arty), nor will
there be a TD hardcap in battles, Storm states that “it’s simply not needed
不會有大幅度 nerf TD 的打算(像之前 nerf 自走砲那樣),也不會有單場 TD 數量的上
限,Storm 指出這是因為 "基本上沒必要這樣做"
- there will be a rework of hangar and magazine interface
- Q: “Why did you nerf Chinese and US HEAT shells?”
A: “Don’t shoot Chinese and US HEAT shells”
Q: "你們為什麼 nerf 中國和美國的 HEAT?"
A: "不要打中國和美國的 HEAT"
- ZIS-4 gun on T-34 had its ROF nerfed? “Don’t play T-34 with ZIS-4〃
T-34 上的 ZIS-4 砲被 nerf 射速? "不要玩裝了 ZIS-4 的 T-34"
- it’s completely possible that some nations won’t have hightier light
tanks and some will, for example the British have nothing suitable for
hightier scouts, but SerB states that they didn’t dig around Bovington for that yet
車輛,不過 SerB 指出他們還沒有真的開始在 Bovington 找這些車
- apparently the KV-3 stock and middle engines won’t be reworked (Storm
states that the V-5 is experimental, V-2IS was a serial engine)
KV-3 白板和中間的引擎不會更動(Storm 指出 V-5 是個實驗車的引擎,V-2IS 則是量
- the reasons some medals were removed from individual tank statistics (Kay,
Carius medals) were “technical reasons”
某些獎章(Kay獎章,Carius 獎章)被從個別車輛紀錄移除是因為 "技術上的原因"
- Mountain Pass access to the mountains (where players used to camp) was
removed “to change the gameplay”
Mountain Pass 這張圖通往山上的路(很多玩家以前會龜在那邊)被移除的原因是為了 "
- the tier 9 Waffentrager on Panzer IV chassis was chosen because “nothing
else was found”, it will have hitpoints analogical to other tier 9 TD’s
選擇以 Panzer IV 作為底盤的 Waffentrager 作為 T9 車的原因是因為 "沒找到其他
可用的車",它會擁有相對應於其他 T9 TD的血量
- it’s possible various maps will have spring/summer/fall/winter settings,
more variants of lighting and sky textures – this was considered, it might
come but not anytime soon
有可能每張地圖都會有春夏秋冬的設定、不同的光線與天空材質的設定 - 這些都有考
- damaging the suspension does not reduce terrain passability
- Chaffee will be reworked in time
Chaffee 會及時重做
- it’s possible Tetrarch will be sold, but “not necesserily as a premium
tank” (SS: Tetrarch was planned a long time ago to be a British regular
light tank)
有可能 Tetrarch 會開賣,不過 "不見得會被當作金幣車" (SS: Tetrarch 很久以前是
- the new tier 6 prototype Panther and Tiger rebalance have nothing to do
with upcoming historical battles, this was done independently
新的 T6 Panther 原型車(VK3002M) 和 Tiger 的重新平衡和之後要引入的歷史戰役無
- for now, server won’t be selectable directly from hangar
- it’s possible that it will be possible to switch servers without having to
disband a platoon or company
- stone fences apparently do block view range, low TD’s can hide behind them
石牆很明顯地會遮蔽視線,低矮的 TD 可以躲在它們後面
- servers are named by numbers (RU1,2 etc…) because numbers are easier to
remember than abstract names (they won’t be renamed after cities where they
are hosted)
- it’s possible that if new interesting vehicles are found for tiers that
are already occupied by other vehicles, they will be added as an alternative
possibility to go thru (like the Ferdinand/JP2)
- it’s possible that if some nations won’t have enough vehicles for an
entire 2nd/3rd branch, these vehicles will be implemented as an incomplete
minibranch, that will end in the original branch (the way China has it for
- HEAT and APCR shells do the same damage as AP shells “for game reasons”
HEAT 和 APCR 與 AP 彈造成相等的傷害是因為這是 "遊戲"
- A-44 engine gets critted too often even with cyclone filter? “Don’t play
A-44 引擎即使裝了進氣濾清器還是太常燒起來? "不要玩 A-44"
- there will be further improvements made to the teamdamage punishment system
- VK4502A depression will be changed “if needed”
"如果有必要的話", VK4502A 的俯角會改
- Q: “Developers, did you think about improving the minimap?”
A: “No, we don’t have no brains at all, we don’t think about anything”
Q: "開發組,你們有考慮過改進小地圖嗎?"
A: "沒有,我們不是沒有腦袋,我們也沒考慮做任何事情"
- it’s possible the absolute numbers will return to the winrate statistics
(like it was in 8.7)
有可能勝率會改回以真實的數據顯示(像在 8.7 裡一樣)
- when you shoot a blue (teamkiller) teammember, that damage doesn’t count
towards your damage done reward
- SerB on whiners: “I don’t give a damn about some individual hysterical
players, beggars and idiots. Do not confuse those with regular players –
unfortunately, small parts of those groups do intersect with one another”
SerB 對於抱怨人士的看法: "我不會咒罵那些歇斯底里的玩家、乞討者和白癡。不要把
這些人和一般玩家搞混 - 不過很不幸的這群人中間有一小群人同時屬於不同的族群"
- Q: “SerB, do you answer questions while suffering from hangovers?”
A: “No, since I don’t suffer from hangovers. But the topic is, as I
understand, close to you? :)”
Q: "SerB,你是不是在宿醉之後才回答問題?"
A: "不是,因為我沒有宿醉的問題。不過這個問題,就我的理解,應該要問你吧? :)"
- SerB on mods and cooperation with modders: “We and the modders generally
differ in opinions – we don’t consider many of the mod functions to be
necessery. Even further, we don’t want the interface to look like an Excel table. I for example do
not use any mods. Accordingly, for those for whom the standard interface is
not enough and have the need to have an “excel-like” interface we are going to introduce official
mod support (including their certification)”
SerB 回答與 MOD 開發者合作和自己對 MOD 的看法: "我們和 MOD 開發者的意見不同
- 我們不認為那些 MOD 的功能是必要的。更進一步來說,我們不希望介面看起來像
Excel 的表格一樣。我自己沒用甚麼 MOD。所以為了那些覺得標準介面不夠用而需要
有那種像是 Excel 介面的玩家,我們要引入官方的 MOD 支援功能(包含他們的認證)"
- there are Chinese arties available, the only tiers not decided yet are 9
and 10, they don’t have any specificity compared to current arties
有可用的中國自走砲,剩下 T9 和 T10 尚未決定車輛,和現有自走砲相比它們並沒有
- average battle time has increased since the arty nerf, but not significantly
自從 nerf 自走砲之後平均戰鬥時間拉長了,不過不是很顯著的增加
- WG will not disclose, how will they fight rigged company battles
WG 不會公開他們怎麼對付做假的戰車連比賽
- more variety in destroyed tank models is planned, but that doesn’t mean
they will have holes in it where they were hit, that would be technically
difficult to do
- the unlockable hull modules are not tied to historical battles
- WG is preparing improved WoT graphics, won’t be announced for now
WG 正在準備提高 WoT 的繪圖品質,現在不會公布
- Munster doesn’t want to release RU251 info, so it’s not ready yet
Munster 不想釋出 RU251 的資訊,所以它目前還沒準備好
- Soviet tank A-41 (improved T-34 program prototype) will possibly make it
into the game as an optional hull for A-43
蘇聯 A-41 戰車(改良的 T-34 開發案原型車)可能會以 A-43 的可選車身加入遊戲中
- unlockable hulls will most likely come next year, as the amount of
modelling needed for that is huge
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 ZARD:翻得很棒2F 09/18 15:13
→ l9901213:看完整篇文章後才發現推文中的字打錯了...(掩面3F 09/18 15:15
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