看板 Gossiping
作者 ru04ul4 (拒絕)
標題 [新聞] [CNN] 中國外長: 與川普對話是台灣小動作
時間 Sat Dec  3 16:16:37 2016

China lodges complaint over Trump-Taiwan call - CNNPolitics.com
China's Foreign Ministry has lodged a complaint with the United States over a phone call between President-elect Donald Trump and Taiwan's President t ...


Chinese diplomat: Trump call a Taiwan 'shenanigan'

中國外交部長: 與川普對話是台灣的小動作

(CNN)China's top diplomat called the controversial phone call between
President-elect Donald Trump and Taiwan's President "a shenanigan by the
Taiwan side."

(CNN) 中國外交部長稱 總統當選人唐納川普與台灣總統對話是台灣方面搞的小動作

"it won't at all change the 'one China' structure that the international
community has agreed upon," Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday
when he was asked about the call on the sidelines of a foreign policy seminar.
"I don't think it will change the 'one China' policy that U.S.
administrations have adhered to over the years. The 'one China' policy is the
cornerstone of a healthy China-U.S. relationship. I hope this political
foundation won't be disrupted or damaged."


"一個中國"政策是健康中美關係的基礎 我希望這個基礎不會被中斷或是損壞

Trump on Friday chatted with the Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, who passed
along her congratulations,Trump's transition team said.
"During the discussion, they noted the close economic, political, and
security ties exists between Taiwan and the United States. President-elect
Trump also congratulated President Tsai on becoming President of Taiwan
earlier this year."

川普的過渡團隊表示 周五台灣總統蔡英文與川普對話,傳達了她的恭賀
在對話中提及台美之間存在緊密的經濟 政治和安全關係

But the exchange threatened to anger China even before he takes office.
The chat marks the first publicly reported call between a US President or
President-elect and the leader of Taiwan since Washington established
diplomatic relations with Beijing in 1979, said Bonnie Glaser, a China expert
at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

但這交流激怒了中國 他甚至還沒正式上任
戰略和國際研究中心的中國專家Bonnie Glaser說

The telephone call is certain to incense China, which considers Taiwan a
renegade province. It is the first major sign of the unpredictability that
Trump has vowed to bring to long-held US relations with the rest of the world.



The call, first reported by the Financial Times, risks throwing US-China
relations into a tailspin before Trump takes the oath of office on January
20. China's state-run CCTV quickly issued a statement saying Trump made "an
unprecedented break with the One-China Policy and accepted US-Mainland
The Mainland says it firmly opposes official contact in any form between
Washington and Taipei."

大陸表示: 堅決反對華盛頓與台北之間任何形式的官方接觸

Trump on Friday night said Taipei initiated the call.
"The President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to wish me congratulations on
winning the Presidency. Thank you!" tweeted the President-elect.


He soon followed up by tweeting, "Interesting how the U.S. sells Taiwan
billions of dollars of military equipment but I should not accept a
congratulatory call."

他隨後補充"有趣的是 美國賣給台灣數十億元的軍事設備 但我不應該接一通祝賀電話"

Taiwan's President on Friday night published a statement about the phone call
on an official website, which she described as lasting ten minutes.

台灣總統蔡英文周五晚間在官方網站發表了一則聲明 稱對話持續了十分鐘

"During the call President Tsai and President-elect Trump, besides having an
intimate and relaxed conversation, also shared their views and concepts on
future important policy points," the statement said, according to a
translation. "In particular, to promote the domestic economy and strengthen
national defense, allowing the people better lives and a guarantee of
security. The two briefly exchanged opinions on the situation in the Asia

根據翻譯 聲明說: 在電話中蔡總統和總統當選人川普除了一個親密和輕鬆的對話
特別是為了促進國內經濟和強化國家防禦 讓人民得到更好的生活與安全保障


Global Headaches: The 10 biggest issues facing Donald Trump
全球頭痛 唐納川普面臨的十大問題
後面的報導愈來愈不客觀 我就不翻了
翻譯盡力維持原汁原味 有錯誤或可以更好的地方敬請賜教

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OGdzf8u (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1480753001.A.238.html
formatted: 嗯 用心1F 12/03 16:17
chris44099: 學到一個單字了 shenanigan2F 12/03 16:17
poca777: 某黨執政幾十年,連動都不敢動,很乖。3F 12/03 16:18
Layona: Cnn應該有陸資4F 12/03 16:18
neifaye: 一個china對呀  所以川普正名台灣總統  完全不違背又合理PRC沒有亡魂ROC可以配合演出國內戰戲碼了 面露崩潰像
                            國共內戰5F 12/03 16:21
greedypeople: 美帝的一中政策本來就是一中一台啦.....9F 12/03 16:24
new2smart7: 不敢嗆川普改嗆別的,簡稱沒中10F 12/03 16:24
Szss: 站在CNN的角度 他現在希望中國崩潰 這樣可以火上加油 XDD11F 12/03 16:28
vivihk215: 叛變省分...12F 12/03 16:42
schooldance: 用心給推13F 12/03 17:48
linzero: 叛亂省份是美國CNN觀點嗎?14F 12/03 21:09

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(ru04ul4.): [新聞] [CNN] 中國外長: 與川普對話是台灣小動作 - terievv板