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作者 applemonster (鄉民編號9527)
標題 Re: [情報] RiotEzreal answers questions(紅帖?)
時間 Mon Dec 31 20:18:11 2012

Dear Ezreal,I am about to undertake a massive undertaking: to read all 309
posts from start to finish. Wish me luck?As for questions, I have 3:- How is
it that you are able to maintain a thread of this size? From past experience
I know you answer most if not all of the questions. Do you think other
rioters might do something like this as well?- I believe that every
skillshot, apart from nautilus' dredge line, can travel through walls. Are
there any plans to make another skillshot that doesn't travel through walls?-
Zigg's bouncing bomb explodes on impact with turrets. What led to this design
choice?- Have you thought about adding a champ that has the ability to
deflect skillshots with a skillshot? Say someone is aiming a mystic shot at
you and you deflect it to the side. Any design problems with this?Whyyyyy
would you do that to yourself!!! Though for doing it I will answer a few of
your questions =-P:


4.有想過要做擁有反彈能力的英雄嗎,譬如說EZ Q我,然後我把他的Q彈走這樣?


1) Haha, I haven't been able to keep up very well recently...and I mostly
post here on weekends and vacations. So it's not too sustainable for the
average Rioter.


2) Skill shots will generally travel through walls unless they have an
express gameplay reason to interact with walls. For example: a skill shot
which bounces off walls, a skill shot that attaches a mine to a wall.


3) Zigg's bouncing bomb explodes on terrain, and turrets count as terrain.


4) We have considered it, and ultimately decided that it doesn't add great
gameplay. We would rather have a shield that blocks skillshots (imagine a
shield that extends to 3x the length of a champ that would block skill shots
coming at him).


Ez don't u think that the release of syndra and kha zix its a little unfair
for viktor players?, with syndra u only have to max your abilities to gain
the bonus and kha zix gets an evolution every 6 lvls, meanwhile viktor has an
item slot occupied by an item that late game its a little weak , only the red
core worth the money the other 2 are really weak in term on stats, also
viktor only can upgrade one of his abilities. I know that riot want to
innovate with new mechanics , but try to innovate with mechanics that work
and are fair for the other champs , also his E has been bugged since release
and never was touch.if u release more balanced champs the less champs u need
to rework.




Not at all, they each have their own design space, and having a unique item
is within Viktor's design space. I would actually say the problem you are
facing is the power of Viktor's item slot. Personally, I would love to see it
get a tier 2 item upgrade, to make it more worth the slot.


I've been pondering it for a while now, have you ever played Dark Cloud? If
so, you know that cat girl with the slingshot? I'd love to see a champion
with that kind of weapon. I've taken notice already that here at LoL you guys
base a lot of champions off other things, and that's really cool. So maybe
make the cat girl an option? Thanks for the thought.

這問題我琢磨了一會,你玩過Dark Cloud嗎?有沒有看過那個小貓女用的彈弓?

I've played Dark Cloud 1 & 2, so I do remember the catgirl with a slingshot.
And yea, I could see a slingshot as a weapon, but it is pretty far down the
list of potential powerful weapons in my mind.


Ezreal uses the left glove right? Will we ever receive a champion with the
right glove? I love Ezreal concept thank you very much for creating him


We actually considered this for a dark magic user recently, though we
ultimately canned this character because he wasn't quite reaching the
ultimate evil magic feel that we needed him to.


Besides the support that morello teased cannot wear shoes. Are there any

other support champs in the works? 9 months it will be most likely between
Lulu and this support which is way to long  have you thought about making 3
supports a year?


Well, we work on champions as far as 8 months ahead of time. So yes, there is
at least one more support in the works. And HE...is one of the coolest
characters I have seen in League of Legends.

然後 "他" 是我看過最酷的英雄 (塔里克有伴了!)

Make Lux's E (Lucent Singularity) and Gragas' Q (Barrel) castable a second
time while they're travelling so they detonate on arrival instantly instead
of having to wait for it to land before being allowed to re-cast.Maximum
harass range and burst speed are noticeably slower with higher pings like
Australians which handicaps them. This can be easily fixed by making those
spells castable a second time while they're in air/ rolling.


I love this idea and I will pass it on to the live design team.


Have you considered a (maybe sand worm-like) champion where the abilities are
based on moving around underground?
For instance:
An ability that moves the champion underground for a few seconds, gaining
resistances and making them unable to autoattack, but enabling another
ability that has them do AoE damage above them, or just constantly doing AoE
damage above them. An ability that has them dig under a wall to a set
point.An ultimate, where they dig down and move to a point and burst out of
the ground, doing knockback/damage/slow.


Well, yes. We have considered making a Yordle in a drill tank. Imagine an

ultimate where the drill tank goes underground and pops up in a targeted
area, dealing damage and creating a one way tunnel that your allies can go


So why hasn't Urgot been remade yet? Im not mad about it (Yes I am) but i
haven't even heard anything about an Urgot remake at all. Last I had heard
someone had labeled him as a mistake of a champion.


It turns out remaking Urgot is hard, really really hard. And he is another
character that clashed with season 3. We simply needed to ask ourselves what
was more important, remaking Urgot or updating all of our items, masteries,
jungle, and more.


In the League we have monsters, kids, ninjas, archers, a thing that spits to
people....but, for some reason, we don't have any Samurai (I know, Samurai Yi
and Warlord Shen, but they don't count, they are skins, not full champions),
so, why u don't include a Samurai champion?, it would give more diversity to
the League, and sincerely, i would buy him/her.
Please, answer me, i want a Samurai


Well, we are constantly looking to fill common archetypes that we have
missed, and we definitely still have space for a true samurai in our game.


Dear ezreal, you've explored the concept of directionality in the past with
mechanics like mocking shout that only slows when the target's back is
turned, or cass' ult which only stuns when the target is facing you, but how
about a champ that takes less damage from one direction than another? Say,
he's got a giant shield, so he takes less damage from the front than when
he's retreating. If you feel that's too restrictive, how about a champ that
can alter the direction from which he can take less damage, say a psionic
mage that moves a psionic force field around his body?


Yes, I fully expect that we will do this some day (directional shields for
damage mitigation). Also, that's a pretty crazy awesome idea for the psionic
mage. I'll have to think about that more to figure out how to make it feel


1) any news on Katarina and Cassiopeas' father or the champ who killed him(if
its the champ who killed him will we be seeing Talon defect from Noxus?)
2) i don't suppose you have any digging based champs in the works
3)is Sion in the list of reworks and if so any hints as to whats being
4)would it be too unfun if a champ could spawn a bush or remove a bit of
5) will a delay of game start ( like on dominion you cant leave the well for
a few seconds) ever be implemented on Sumoners Rift or Twisted Treeline that
way everyone could buy items and get to lane regardless of how slow their
comp is at relatively the same time
6) when will the phantom theif Caitlyn is chasing make an appearance
7)Lastly will we be seeing any champs or at least maps of the other 2 known
continents on Runeterra

1.有卡特或是蛇女的父親,將軍杜.克卡奧的消息嗎? 或是是誰把他殺掉的?
3.Sion有要重製嗎? 有的話詳細希望。
  (梅花鹿嗎?)  (等等,你生出草叢你以為我不知道你在裡面嗎!)


1) Not yet, but who knows.


2) Haha, I was just talking about the Yordle Drill Tank. But he is not
currently in the works.


3) Not sure unfortunately.


4) Well, Caitlyn's original kit used to spawn brush (instead of her trap). So
I could see it happening...though there were plenty of reasons to avoid this
ability: weird interactions in lane, weird interactions with monsters, and

痾,凱特琳的陷阱本來是用來冒出一叢草 (喔,這棵樹好大,正好可以遮住我!)

5) I don't think so. The delay for Dominion is more about the style of map:

an objective based map where the objectives can be taken at minute 1.


6) I could see this happening in the future. But I would like to see that
phantom thief be upgraded to something more awesome first...


7) We still have plenty of Valoran to discover before checking out other
areas of Runeterra.


1.擠蘇蘇a傷害    5.就大a傷害        9.尚蓋大a傷害        Damage Tier List when
2.浸熊a傷害      6.金價就大a傷害   10.夭壽阿大a傷害      Phreak as a Taiwanese
3.修刮大a傷害    7.蓋大a傷害       11.大嘎某斬某雜a傷害
4.金大a傷害      8.世界大a傷害     12.大嘎靠杯a傷害      13.燙斯a傷害 ψ蘋果獸

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(applemonster.): Re: [情報] RiotEzreal answers questions(紅帖?) - virsey板