看板 LoL作者 guardangel (咖啡)標題 [情報] 世界繪圖大賽得獎公佈?時間 Thu Mar 7 08:35:22 2013
The Digi-Art Throwdown contest has come to an end and you all made it a huge
success – the competition came right down to the last pixel! Out of over
5,500 entries, we had to whittle things down to just 17 winners. We’re
pleased to put another awesome digital brush into the hands of our grand
prize winners by sending both of them a 22-inch HD Cintiq tablet. Check out
their winning submissions!
Assaulting the ultimate objective on Summoner’s Rift is easier when you’re
properly equipped. As Pulsefire Ezreal prepares to test out his Iceborn
Gauntlet, the enemy team is completely unaware of their opponents rushing to
contest. With brilliant colors and evocative action lines showing off iconic
abilities, this piece captured our imagination – this is how stealing Baron
is meant to feel!
This winning piece brings us to the workshop during Blitzcrank’s season
three upgrades. With Vi on maintenance duty while Ziggs and Heimerdinger
brainstorm on the blackboard, this piece captures the crazed genius of a
yordle think-tank. There’s also a hint of danger, however, as a spy looks to
infiltrate these pre-season shenanigans. We loved this image because of its
simple, yet engaging, narrative and how the perspective is skewed just a bit
to the left to give these yordles a dominating presence despite their short
The rest of our winning entries can be viewed in the gallery. All 15
runners-up will get a Riot goodie bag full of loot, including some brand new
drawing tablets to support their future artistic endeavors.
We received so much amazing art that our inboxes were bursting, so we’ll be
featuring tons of other entries on Facebook and Twitter over the next few
months. We’ll also be contacting some participants (including non-winners)
with even more artistic opportunities. Keep an eye on your inbox.
Even if you didn’t score the grand prize, be sure to post your entries for
all to see. You all create awesome art, so show it off!
Grand Prize
阿尼丸 ←台灣玩家?
?? (韓文)
Honorable Mention
扎鲁艾拉 ←大陸玩家?
→ vythxsheep :再給你一次機會 ↓ 02/16 15:18
推 z01170117 : ↓↓ 02/16 15:20
推 a410046 : ↖ ↗ 蘇芮亞 02/16 15:21
推 renlone : ↘↙ 02/16 15:21
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 a1234c:啊丸寫CN應該是中國吧1F 03/07 08:37
推 k9k2k7k0:哪有人馬出指揮旗幟的啦 檢舉啦XD(誤)2F 03/07 08:39
→ k9k2k7k0:Metalwings畫的MF槍上的綠色東西是?4F 03/07 08:40
→ iamlazy:大獎那個戴眼鏡的機器人是英雄嗎?還是自創的6F 03/07 08:44
→ k9k2k7k0:最後一張的LULU那個藍色的是蛋維妮亞啊=口=8F 03/07 08:45
推 iamlazy:那個蛋怎麼看出是蛋尼維亞的??10F 03/07 08:52
→ k9k2k7k0:點開看就會發現那個藍色的東西有冰塊
所以是蛋維妮亞無誤11F 03/07 08:53
推 iamlazy:原來如此,龍女那張的拉姆斯好可愛13F 03/07 08:56
推 hydrant:跟樓上想的一樣 好可愛啊14F 03/07 09:05
推 LinOne:第四張超讚的!!怎麼沒拿第一名?!16F 03/07 09:40
→ zeldazefac:身為一個獵手皮膚又嫩又軟又有雷茲彈性 一定有誤會還有強烈建議雷格噁專武奈德麗也能用才對!!20F 03/07 09:49
推 usoko:Phreak入鏡啦啊啊啊22F 03/07 10:02
推 ilris:非常強大啊QWQ!23F 03/07 10:02
推 usoko:嘎逼也不差QWQ24F 03/07 10:04
→ cat0405:都好棒 而且有些創意好可愛ww25F 03/07 10:05
→ cat0405:我覺得蒙多經理人那張很有趣 w27F 03/07 10:22
推 mode1224:都是專業級的,阿尼丸的那teemo 在幹麻拉XDDDD29F 03/07 10:38
→ yhchen2:阿尼丸那張感覺就很符西方人口味阿 nid就東方口味32F 03/07 10:48
→ mode1224:所以是李星、傑西、法落士、阿姆姆?? 沒注意說XD33F 03/07 10:55
推 sttka:仔細看才發現阿尼丸主題是EZ開大搶巴隆XD
吃巴隆的敵對四缺一是提摩被LULU放鬼抓到了35F 03/07 11:34
推 WBYY:第一名超強37F 03/07 11:41
推 chu630:奈德麗好正阿~~39F 03/07 12:22
推 rex13:這第一名很有故事性41F 03/07 12:42
推 ltd2001:那個不是blitz 是烏爾加特吧
SOR 我看到了...是Blitz沒錯42F 03/07 12:43
推 jokermask:Temmo先被EZ大(寒冰特效)掃到,又被雙鬼抓到XD44F 03/07 13:02