看板 warrenchen
作者 warrenchen (愛管閒事)
標題 [備份] Introduction on http://www.hackcommunity.com
時間 2013年10月04日 Fri. AM 08:43:13

[font=Verdana]Bon jour, tout le monde!
    It's Warren's humble greetings from Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (a.k.a. Republic of Chinese, ROC)

    Before i clarify my age, here is a short introduction about me.
    To people who do not give a glance to social websites, such
as Facebook, Google+, Plurk, Orkut, 愛情公寓 and so on, here is
something you might get interested.

    For people who could and would like to be able to read Chinese,
here is alternative hello-how-do-you-do:

    The first OS i amazed was M$-DOS, ver 3.x or 4.x, with 80286
CPU, 8MB RAM, black-and-green CRT monitor (13"? 17"?), common
keyboard with no mouse or something we called GUI later, while i
was.. ... dunno, my first time to visit my grand-mother-in-law. Year
4 or something like that. There was a game (not NFS 1) which i
couldn't recall the name from theunderdogs.org or theabandonedware.com,
but anyway, i began with Game.

     Then at my 6 or 7, 4-bit PC comes. i mean the resolutions
of the monitors supports (lol). Due to my dad's hobbies n'
professionals (Electron Engineering Majored), so i got better
chance then other friends at my age to play more PC games (LOL)
at that time, games were starting stored on 3.5" floppy disk,
but the majorities were still 5.1".

      Anyway, many things happened. i start coding my first
play.bat (batch file), messing around my dad's CMOS and BIOS
settings, unplug the Hard-disks or anything with cables or
pins from the mother board. i learned static electronics before
that, but i don't know i have to leave the fingers off from the
green-and-stinky boards... so the first sacrifice on my bounty
cabin was my dad's Seagate(C) Quantum(C) 500MB hard-disk.

      Then, about my 10th or 11th birthday, i start playing BBS
with my dad. The name of the host was "3D_CBCS." The sound
of dialing is so vivid that still in my head, with 56Kbps MO/DEM.
*Achievement gained: first kid who found the bug of a door-game
with ◎○●§  Chinese styled RPG. i shared it on the forum, but no
one answers. Maybe it was because that i replied the SysOP's
announcement on his/her board, but i don't know it's read only.
      (My dad spent lots of time apologizes for me. i didn't know
that until my Computer teachers told me after class, who have
accounts on that BBS as well (blush))

      Nevertheless, i still eager to know many things, as a nerd,
or due to my nature of my way being educated. My dad becomes
the military coach of schools (before that, he was Facsimile
salesman and engineers of schools, while my mom was the school
nurse at the time). i began the journey of my <s>geek</s> great
journey in the ocean of knowledge, my dad's bookshelf isn't enough.
i read all kinds of books, from comics to <What is the Relative
Theory>, from <BBS operating> to <the 10 Inconvenient Truths
about Windows>, <Virus Analytic>, etc. i was 11 or 12.

      Anyway, the age of cable modem began, but i was screwed
'cause i was fascinated by the MUD. i still remember the voice
of my mom on the day received the bill. From NT$3xx (US$6?)
to NT$3,xxx... /w\

      The 7th to 10th grade was a lot of fun. i enjoyed swimming
in the lines of Quick Basic coding, cable extending with lectures,
e-mail accounts buildings with OS/X or Linux or something. The
only thing i can remember now is the command "man" , something
like "dir" in M$DOS.

    ...time flies. AD&D, MMO booming, Windows 3.1, WinNT, WinME
(the first M$ OS removed autoexec.bat from booting?), WinXP,
Win2000, anti-trust in Euro, a Virus called "CIH" which refereed to
its author, Chen In-Hao (陳盈豪). I heard that he was almost the
same age as me, and being recruited for the governments later,
after released the antipodes.

    ...And the last few lines here. Thanks for your patience and
reading, causing the downloading for Acer TM8471G has done.

    "Why the heck are you here?"



    ...and i'm not satisfying, again. ;]

Maha Namaste, ("my inner divinity vows to yours" in India)
In Lak'ech! ("i am the me in your eyes as identical" in Mayan)


※ 作者: warrenchen 時間: 2013-10-04 08:43:13
warrenchen: [備份] Introduction on http://www.hackcommunity.com - warrenchen板