看板 warrenchen
作者 warrenchen (愛管閒事)
標題 [待翻譯][文章] Legal Wellness - 薩蒂爾觀點的法律人
時間 2022-07-24 Sun. 19:39:48

好奇從2021年九月起開始接觸的 Satir,



Nine Legal Wellness Principles

1. Respect the integrity and worth of each individual.
2. Engage in real dialogue between the parties.
3. Help clients experience more peace rather than guilt or blame.
4. Respond with love rather than fear.
5. Empower clients to shape their destiny.
6. Build rather than destroy relationships.
7. Encourage lawyers to express themselves creatively through the law.
8. Reflect in the law that we are an interconnected, interdependent life system.
9. Release your expectation of the outcome.

If you take the first word from each principle, they form a kind of haiku that can be easy to remember in any situation:

Respect, engage, help,

Respond, empower, build,

Encourage, reflect, release.


1. 尊重每位相關人士的存在價值。
2. 透過實際對話,在兩造間斡旋。
3. 協助客戶體驗平靜,而非自責。
4. 用善意與愛回應而非威嚇恐懼。
5. 透過培力 /賦能,讓客戶走向自己的未來。
6. 維繫關係,而非破壞。
7. 鼓勵律師們以規條為框架,表現創意。
8. 以法律表示我們生活在彼此相連,又互為獨立的世界。
9. 表達你對後續發展的期待。

If you take the first word from each principle, they form a kind of haiku that can be easy to remember in any situation:

Respect, engage, help,

Respond, empower, build,

Encourage, reflect, release.

※ 作者: warrenchen 時間: 2022-07-24 19:39:48 (台灣)
※ 編輯: warrenchen 時間: 2022-07-26 21:03:32 (台灣)
warrenchen: [待翻譯][文章] Legal Wellness - 薩蒂爾觀點的法律人 - warrenchen板