作者 abc12812 ()
標題 [情報] MLB組成調查團展開水原涉賭事件調查
時間 Sat Mar 23 04:52:38 2024

MLB Ohtani Interpreter Gambling Probe Led by Former Prosecutors
Major League Baseball has tapped three ex-prosecutors to look into an alleged $4.5 million wire transfer from Los Angels Dodger star Shohei Ohtani’s b ...


據彭博報導 MLB已經組成由三位前檢察官組成的調查團


The trio—Bryan Seeley, Moira Weinberg, and Marquest Meeks—have been tasked
with sorting through the conflicting narratives surrounding the situation.

Seeley, executive vice president of legal and operations, and Meeks, a vice
president and deputy general counsel, collectively spent more than 15 years
working at the Justice Department. Weinberg, senior vice president of
investigations and a deputy general counsel with the league, started her
career as a prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney’s Office.

Weinberg and Seeley had lead roles handling MLB’s investigation of
sign-stealing by the Houston Astros. The inquiry, which began in late 2019,
led the league to levy suspensions and other punishments in early 2020.
Seeley and Weinberg also teamed up to investigate former Atlanta Braves
executives accused of circumventing MLB international player signing rules.
That probe also ultimately led to league discipline.

Seeley was hired in 2014 to lead MLB’s investigations department and since
then he’s often been included in decisions related to the New York-based
league’s partnerships with gaming-related entities. The rapid legalization
of sports betting by many US states has led professional sports leagues to
embrace a growing number of gambling-focused companies as business partners.

這三位前檢察官是Bryan Seeley, Moira Weinberg, Marquest Meeks



接下來應該就和以前一樣 沒有球員被禁賽吧? 大家大概可以先安心了

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 作者: abc12812 2024-03-23 04:52:38
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1b_U-QSe (Baseball)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Baseball/M.1711140762.A.728.html
choobii: 原來是調查過太空人事件的檢察官 那可以解散了1F 03/23 04:54
Y1999: 好了大家可以回家了2F 03/23 05:20
kevinftjiang: 查無不法,謝謝指教3F 03/23 05:25
johnnyvcxz40: 大聯盟:我有做事喔4F 03/23 06:17
mamahow1487: 那就好 心照不宣 心照不宣5F 03/23 09:32
OneSong: 形式上有調查就好6F 03/23 09:46

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