作者 Gwaewluin (神無月 孝臣)
標題 [原神] 雷電將軍泡溫泉
時間 Sun Dec 17 08:13:04 2023




On the surface, an artist tries to frame his ideals in an image, to challenge
his audience and make his vision immortal. But the parasites say "NO! Your
art must serve the cause! Your ideals endanger the people!"
                                                                 ─Andrew Ryan

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Gwaewluin 2023-12-17 08:13:04
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bVZqITe (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1702771986.A.768.html
c22501656: 大1F 12/17 08:26
asdfg5435: 我老婆大2F 12/17 08:32
PTTjoker: 這最好是看不到小頭, 快給我補上喔3F 12/17 08:32
xxtomnyxx: 沒事沒事,那只是先天性乳頭發育不全綜合症,症狀就是乳頭很小或根本看不到,很多二次元人物都有啊!4F 12/17 08:36
ddd852: 我是溫泉水6F 12/17 08:42
TiTiTimothy: 阿影可愛   裟羅也可愛7F 12/17 08:47
efkfkp: 搞不好人家乳頭凹陷啊8F 12/17 08:54
Giornno: 搞不好人家量子乳頭啊9F 12/17 09:09
gn00465971: 顏色太亮了吧? 我懷疑這是糖葫蘆不是糰子10F 12/17 09:09
felixden: 阿影我婆11F 12/17 10:22
bill50514: 搞不好阿影自主規制沒做乳頭12F 12/17 10:33
inte629l: 裟羅可愛13F 12/17 10:53
XAMAS: 想喝14F 12/17 11:10

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