作者 silentknight (清純男)
標題 [閒聊] 索尼克製片人希望電影能"復仇者聯盟化"
時間 Tue Apr  9 09:26:38 2024

Sonic the Hedgehog Producer Wants the Films to Become 'Avengers-Level Events'

Sonic the Hedgehog Producer Wants the Films to Become 'Avengers-Level Events' - IGN
Paramount wants its live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movies to become “Avengers-level” cinematic events that bring together some of the franchise’s bigg ...


Paramount wants its live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movies to become “
Avengers-level” cinematic events that bring together some of the franchise’
s biggest characters.


Franchise and series executive producer Toby Ascher spoke about how Paramount
is looking at Sonic and his friends through a wider lens during an interview
with Paste Magazine. He says that the goal is for shows like Paramount+'s
upcoming spinoff series Knuckles is to look at “supporting characters in
depth and really build them out in cool ways.” Movies, meanwhile, will focus
on a larger cast of characters and more epic narratives.

系列執行製片人Toby Ascher在接受《Paste》雜誌採訪時談到了派拉蒙如何透過更廣闊的

“We got really excited about the idea of expanding our characters in our
world into television, specifically, because it gives us a platform to really
do character studies,” he said. “We knew that, with Shadow coming into
Sonic 3 and some of the bigger things that we want to do, the Sonic franchise
on the movie side is going to be these Avengers-level events. They’re going
to be these big, exciting stories that have a lot of different characters.”

Ascher reminds fans that when Sonic the Hedgehog 3 comes to theaters later
this year, it will introduce one of the franchise’s most important
characters: Shadow the Hedgehog. He’s the Vegeta to Sonic’s Goku and has
proven to be a formidable foe in the past, but the series has plenty more to
pull from that we have yet to see. One character fans have begged for since
the live-action movies began is Metal Sonic, and with dozens of other games,
shows, and even comics to pull from, there’s no telling how Paramount will

Knuckles will star in his own show when it premieres later this month on
April 26, and we’ve already seen that it does use the opportunity to
introduce even more characters. No other spinoff shows have been announced
yet, but the door does seem to be open for more. Ascher says they started
with Knuckles because Idris Elba’s comedic take on the character was strong
enough to support a show.

“We thought we could translate that into a full series,” he explained. “I
think it’s by far the funniest version we’ve had in any of the Sonic movies
so far. It leans into weird comedy partially because of Adam Pally and
because of what Idris brings in a really great way.”

It looks like Paramount is committed to making the mainline films feels huge.
In addition to Sonic the Hedgehog 3 introducing Shadow, the film will
callback to the ultimate lifeform’s first appearance by including Sonic
Adventure 2’s main theme, Live and Learn. It’ll also play into that
character’s background by including one of his most important friends, Maria
Robotnik. We have yet to actually see the film for ourselves, but with its
release date set for December 20, 2024, we hopefully won’t have to wait too
long to at least see a more substantial trailer.


怎麼感覺現在的漫威已經示範 雜亂且多的電影與電視劇的下場了




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※ 作者: silentknight 2024-04-09 09:26:38
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1c59bHrL (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1712626001.A.D55.html
iam0718: 漫威都給你看過了 十年後兵敗如山倒1F 04/09 09:29
Xpwa563704ju: 很好啊,你有種出一系列看看賠多少2F 04/09 09:30
yo0529: 金凱瑞的蛋頭博士有繼續演的話才會想看3F 04/09 09:30
danny10173: 再想想欸4F 04/09 09:41
kuninaka: 金凱瑞 真的 凱瑞很多
但是他不能永遠演下去5F 04/09 09:43
kirbycopy: 能賺十年就好了 兵敗如山倒就再想別的辦法7F 04/09 09:45
hunman360: 翻譯沒翻到 他說金屬索尼克呼聲很高8F 04/09 09:46

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