作者 supercilious (mnemonic)
標題 [情報] 台北新竹英文家教錯誤百出的英文
時間 Mon Dec 18 18:29:30 2023

文法 – 分詞構句(Participial Construction) @ 台北新竹英文家教 :: 痞客邦 ::  文法 – 分詞構句    (Participial Construction)   分詞構句的成立是要符合下列條件: [主要子句的主詞與從屬子句(副詞子句與形容詞子句)的主詞一致] ( ...


I made a call to Mr. Shepherd having gone to Shanghai since last week. | WordReference Forums
I made a call to Mr. Shepherd who had gone to Shanghai since last week. = I made a call to Mr. Shepherd having gone to Shanghai since last week.
文法 –. ...


I made a call to Mr. Shepherd who had gone to Shanghai since last week. = I
made a call to Mr. Shepherd having gone to Shanghai since last week.

[Grammar] - Amy who was punished for talking in class received a detention form. | UsingEnglish.com ESL Forum Amy who was punished for talking in class received a detention form.
= Amy being punished for talking in class received a detention form.
= Amy punish ...


Amy, who was punished for talking in class, received a detention form.


      = Amy, being punished for talking in class, received a detention form.

      = Amy, punished for talking in class, received a detention form.

文法 – 分詞構句(Participial Construction) @ 台北新竹英文家教 :: 痞客邦 ::  文法 – 分詞構句    (Participial Construction)   分詞構句的成立是要符合下列條件: [主要子句的主詞與從屬子句(副詞子句與形容詞子句)的主詞一致] ( ...


Practice doesn't necessarily make perfect, but it makes permanent.
Premature practice (practice beyond the learner's competence) or practice
without error correction makes imperfection permanent.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: supercilious 2023-12-18 18:29:30
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bW1yK5o (Hsinchu)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Hsinchu/M.1702895380.A.172.html
supercilious:轉錄至看板 Taipei                                  12/18 18:29
greg7575: 維大利1F 12/18 18:30
KingSccasher: ??2F 12/18 19:21
ALEGG: 好委屈喔3F 12/18 20:41
Winolf: 應該先去找溝通家教 學習怎麼把話講清楚4F 12/18 20:59
since8675: 阿鬼....你還是說中文吧5F 12/18 21:01
hedgehogs: 我們這三不五時.jpg6F 12/18 22:12
soliboy: 我覺得你更需要的是教你如何好好說話的家教7F 12/18 23:29
dosiris: pardon?8F 12/19 08:29
bluebird: 供沙小9F 12/19 09:04
vitaminabc: Nobody is concerning about grammar right now!!10F 12/19 12:42

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