作者 zxc906383 (無無)
標題 [情報] 書僮新約為2yr/10M
時間 Fri Feb  9 23:44:45 2024

Clayton Kershaw’s Dodgers deal guarantees him $10 million, with chance for more: Sources - The Athletic
The deal includes a base salary of $5 million each year but could increase based on the number of starts Kershaw makes this season. ...


The deal, which The Athletic first reported was a one-year deal with a player op
tion for 2025, includes a base salary of $5 million each year with a chance for
the 36-year-old franchise icon to boost that salary based on the number of start
s he makes this season.




Kershaw’s salary can max out at roughly $12 million in 2024. How much he can ma
ke in 2025 will depend on how much he pitches this coming season, the sources sa




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: zxc906383 2024-02-09 23:44:45
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bnaXlM1 (MLB)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/MLB/M.1707493487.A.581.html
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/09/2024 23:45:24
zx246800tw: 太便宜了吧1F 02/09 23:55
destinyx2: 雖然半季不能投,但也太便宜2F 02/09 23:55
WasJohnWall: 好便宜3F 02/09 23:57
iphone15: 2025有球員選擇權 如果2024投得好得話 柯蕭可以選擇不執行選擇權 重新議約4F 02/09 23:58
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 02/10/2024 00:03:52
laking: 書僮也想幫躲人省些豪華稅吧6F 02/10 00:11
dd1115dd1115: 全部都給道奇玩就好了7F 02/10 00:17
LoMing1021: 沒冠軍對道奇來說真的都算是失敗球季8F 02/10 00:26
jack34031: 這麼愛道奇喔9F 02/10 00:35
n61208: 小孩教育吧10F 02/10 00:59
Sechslee: 保障5M 然後有球員選項 那選了是多少?11F 02/10 03:18
laking: 如果激勵獎金都達到,最高兩賽季能拿37.5M
達到目標12F 02/10 04:07
phoenix286: 這什麼啊 我還以為神主牌至少20M保底
他要的話道奇也沒道理不給 科蕭是真不愛錢14F 02/10 07:31
sampsonlu919: 科老大應該也是賺夠了16F 02/10 08:17
TrRosenthal: 簽比較便宜季後賽也沒比較不雷17F 02/10 08:47

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