作者 Matthew10244 ()
標題 [Live] NYY @ BAL (Game 1)
時間 Sat Jul 29 05:20:00 2023

2023Season G103

Oriole Park at Camden Yards Baltimore, MD    7:05PM EDT


                             ERA                                     ERA
      RHP G. Cole           2.78        P       RHP G. Rodriguez    6.91

                      Let's Go Yankees!Let's Go Cole!

Friday Night Baseball.


(1) @Yankees: Prior to tonight’s game, the Yankees made the following
roster moves:
‧Reinstated OF Aaron Judge (#99) from the 10-day injured list.
‧Optioned INF Oswald Peraza to Triple-A Scranton/Wilkes-Barre.

(2) @Yankees: Prior to tonight’s game, the Yankees returned
OF Willie Calhoun from rehab, reinstated him from the 10-day injured list and
designated him for assignment.

(3) @BryanHoch: Aaron Judge said he consulted with a couple of doctors who
told him that his ligament is getting to the point where it is stable and that
he would not make the injury worse by playing on it. Said the biggest thing
was getting to a point where he could “tolerate it.”

(4) @BryanHoch: Aaron Judge said that he’s not 100% and didn’t want to give a
percentage, but this week’s hitting, running and throwing workouts in Tampa
were important for him. “If I’m able to do that, I’m able to play in the big

(5) @BryanHoch: Nestor Cortes goes tonight at Somerset. Aaron Boone said
they’ll likely have him throw another rehab start before activation.

(6) @ktsharp: Yankees are now 52-18 (.743) when scoring 3+ runs, tied for the
3rd-best record in MLB.

Their 70 games scoring 3+ runs is tied for 20th-most in MLB.

(7) @ktsharp: DJ LeMahieu has 5 walks over his last two games. That's his most
walks in any 2-game span in his career.

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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: Matthew10244 2023-07-29 05:20:00
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1an34C2F (NY-Yankees)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NY-Yankees/M.1690579212.A.08F.html
※ 編輯: Matthew10244 ( 臺灣), 07/29/2023 05:30:12
wenhh88: 法官跳過復健賽直接打大魔王金鳥,嗯..1F 07/29 06:33
ckb91: 帆布還沒收 不打了嗎2F 07/29 07:26
ymhu6026: Let's go Yankees!3F 07/29 08:11
jkry: 今天還會打嗎?想看法官狀況,真是一波三折4F 07/29 08:15
Knicksmelo: 還在打雷 應該是不太有辦法開始5F 07/29 08:25
BACKYARD: 沒下了 帆布還沒收
收了XDD7F 07/29 08:54
peter0818: 所以是快要開始的意思嗎~9F 07/29 08:58
Knicksmelo: 9:35開始10F 07/29 08:59
peter0818: 感謝11F 07/29 09:00
bingreen: 還以為今天要延賽了說,希望阿吉有好表現12F 07/29 09:14
bmwnyy870915: 傷勢不要惡化就好了13F 07/29 09:15
wenhh88: Delay 真久14F 07/29 09:25
max011060: 終於要開打了15F 07/29 09:27
jkry: 高ERA,怕16F 07/29 09:36
ronert0975: 扣哥 今天能挺住嗎17F 07/29 09:36
yes98541: 開始18F 07/29 09:37
max011060: 可惜 找人19F 07/29 09:39
yaes111: 阿吉一球LO20F 07/29 09:39
Youssef404: 回來第一個揮棒就打出初速104mph21F 07/29 09:42
kevinduh4: 緯來就直接不播喔?22F 07/29 09:44
max011060: 緯來標題還打 因雨延賽..改播天使重播..23F 07/29 09:47
thb96300: 還行24F 07/29 09:48
yaes111: 金鳥這隻破6的怎麼感覺又在QS的路上了...25F 07/29 09:54
kevinduh4: First time?.jpg26F 07/29 09:55
wenhh88: 投手對上洋基能力值開根號*1027F 07/29 09:56
peter0818: 金鳥打線的打擊率真讓人羨慕28F 07/29 09:58
Sechslee: 解決不掉耶29F 07/29 10:04
ckb91: 真黏30F 07/29 10:04
Sechslee: 10球31F 07/29 10:05
jkry: 難纏32F 07/29 10:05
ronert0975: 打線又睡著了喔.. 新秀又要創紀錄了33F 07/29 10:10
will0822: ....好抖34F 07/29 10:13
dd1115dd1115: 真可憐啊35F 07/29 10:24
thb96300: 坦頓來一隻大的36F 07/29 10:25
a069275235: 坦頓 你......37F 07/29 10:26
ckb91: ......38F 07/29 10:26
max011060: 揮的好彆扭39F 07/29 10:26
thb96300: 哀40F 07/29 10:26
appshjkli: 可憐哪41F 07/29 10:26
RBC54321: 坦頓你可以被K就好了嗎 一定要選擇打滾地這種42F 07/29 10:28
sonesnsdsosi: 坦頓 你好爛43F 07/29 10:28
max011060: 抖了2滴.44F 07/29 10:32
ronert0975: 菜鳥投手的用球數還好省喔45F 07/29 10:37
sonesnsdsosi: 都在地上滾46F 07/29 10:41
Sechslee: 靠北47F 07/29 10:43
Knicksmelo: 愛接鬼48F 07/29 10:43
samuel2002: 打線正常發揮49F 07/29 10:43
thb96300: 扯50F 07/29 10:44
Sechslee: 今天好多這種飛球51F 07/29 10:46
yaes111: 對面這季最多投5.2局 看來今天有望刷新
扣哥今天一堆飛球 都有點危險52F 07/29 10:47
Knicksmelo: Adam Frazier那球只有在一個球場會出去
洋基球場54F 07/29 10:50
jkry: 可以給Cole 一點分數支援嗎?  幾場都沒啥分56F 07/29 10:51
xxoo2940: Cole多久沒勝投了 有夠鳥這打線57F 07/29 10:52
ronert0975: 整條打線閃法官就好 法官選球不錯58F 07/29 10:59
max011060: 選球維持的還不錯 選到2個保送了59F 07/29 10:59
alpacaHong: 全丟外角
6局無失分60F 07/29 11:05
yaes111: ERA破6 結果6局2安無失分62F 07/29 11:16
taxlaw1991: 可以賣了 別再肖想當買家了63F 07/29 11:17
sonesnsdsosi: 阿扣真的猛64F 07/29 11:17
x9623099: 又是一個遇到洋基就變賽揚的投手65F 07/29 11:17
taxlaw1991: 打線睡得有夠香甜66F 07/29 11:17
Knicksmelo: 還是揮不到67F 07/29 11:18
jkry: 安,把握這局68F 07/29 11:20
taxlaw1991: 藤浪來了 護具戴好69F 07/29 11:20
thb96300: 藤浪給點機會吧70F 07/29 11:21
en0308: dj反向安打終於來了71F 07/29 11:21
xxoo2940: 6局0失分還沒勝投 Cole QQ72F 07/29 11:22
Knicksmelo: DJ明星賽後打擊率.34273F 07/29 11:22
jkry: 藤浪要幫一下嗎74F 07/29 11:22
yaes111: 靠你了啊藤浪!75F 07/29 11:22
a069275235: 都剩1秒才要投76F 07/29 11:25
alpacaHong: Bader加油77F 07/29 11:25
thb96300: BB78F 07/29 11:26
Sechslee: ==79F 07/29 11:26
max011060: ...DP80F 07/29 11:26
taxlaw1991: DP......81F 07/29 11:26
BosRedsucks: 哀82F 07/29 11:26
alpacaHong: DP...83F 07/29 11:26
jkry: 急什麼….唉84F 07/29 11:26
ronert0975: 又雙殺 幹85F 07/29 11:26
Knicksmelo: 連Bader也DP病了86F 07/29 11:26
doon123: cole還會上嗎87F 07/29 11:26
j8246000: 今天到底幾個DP88F 07/29 11:26
taxlaw1991: 這球打沒什麼問題 問題是結果89F 07/29 11:27
thb96300: 頭好痛...90F 07/29 11:27
hok: ……91F 07/29 11:27
ronert0975: 扣哥別上啦  怕修正era92F 07/29 11:28
accjm2440: 105初速的dp..93F 07/29 11:28
RBC54321: 洋基需要的是長打 不是這種上壘 因為會打雙殺94F 07/29 11:28
sonesnsdsosi: chance 一出就DP95F 07/29 11:28
Knicksmelo: 往地板砍的10596F 07/29 11:28
ronert0975: 95顆了 不太妙97F 07/29 11:29
jkry: 真可憐,為了勝投,Cole真血汗98F 07/29 11:29
max011060: 續投了99F 07/29 11:29
aborwang: 先預測今年賽揚獎Cole、McClanahan、Eovaldi成績難分軒輊,結果Cole因為身在打擊最弱的NYY得獎235F 07/29 18:53
kunamatataha: AL的CYA給cole實至名歸啊因為他投不到NYY還防禦率王237F 07/29 18:55
jkry: 唉…心累,洋基加油238F 07/29 19:03
Thebulun: 支持扣哥跟法官吹密 不要在這浪費青春 去爭冠吧239F 07/29 19:42
travis915117: NBA看太多嗎XD240F 07/29 20:23

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