作者 jimmysinb (hihi)
標題 [情報] 林書豪ig
時間 Sat Jan 27 18:21:20 2024

Unfortunately injuries are a part of sports, and setbacks are part of life. Yesterdays MRI showed a plantar fascia injury so I'll be out for a period of time until cleared to play by our amazing doctors. It's never my intention to be unable to suit up bc fans pay hard-earned money and sacrifice precious time to come watch us play, and I always want to be on the court fighting with my teammates.

I know the best thing I can do rn is to fully recover. Ill give my 100% during this rehab process, and do my best to fully trust God with the timeline and surrender the results. In the meantime, go @newtaipeikings      #CrownTheCity



Jeremy Lin 林書豪 on Instagram:
Unfortunately injuries are a part of sports, and setbacks are part of life. Yesterdays MRI showed a plantar fascia injury so I'll be out for a period of time until cleared to play by our amazing doctors. It's never my intention to be unable to suit up bc fans pay hard-earned money and sacrifice precious time to come watch us play, and I always want to be on the court fighting with my teammates.

I know the best thing I can do rn is to fully recover. Ill give my 100% during this rehab process, and do my best to fully trust God with the timeline and surrender the results. In the meantime, go @newtaipeikings 👑 #CrownTheCity



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: jimmysinb 2024-01-27 18:21:20
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1bjDaaDs (basketballTW)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/basketballTW/M.1706350884.A.376.html
lb01833364: 豪哥加油 早日康復1F 01/27 18:22
STRO: 保重身體2F 01/27 18:22
Ryan119: 真大腿3F 01/27 18:22
belili: 早日康復啊啊4F 01/27 18:25
eileen86: 好好休養吧哥哥 打太久了 真神5F 01/27 18:28
chiu1998: 早日康復6F 01/27 18:33
omracnata: 早日康復7F 01/27 18:40
hsuanYue: 好好休息,俊男跟愛家連線會扛起來的:)8F 01/27 19:01
cccmn: 好好休息季後賽見啦9F 01/27 19:02
newman302: 豪神加油10F 01/27 19:08
jeangodard: 俊男會扛起新北市的  豪哥好好休息!11F 01/27 19:10
GIE13: 豪哥好好休息12F 01/27 19:23
typhoonghi: 這樣東超準備連敗了13F 01/27 19:43
a30332520: 特步害的?14F 01/27 19:57
selamour: 國王怎麼總是在這種時候遇傷病…15F 01/27 20:21
final7824: 邦邦四連勝有望了
四連冠16F 01/27 20:59
jumilin927: 豪哥好好休息18F 01/27 21:02
uplands: 豪哥好好休息19F 01/27 22:24
EPIRB406: 豪哥也35了,這年紀沒傷的真的神人20F 01/28 11:36

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