作者 tigertanktwo (tigertanktwo)
標題 [討論] Top US Air Force general was surprised
時間 Tue Aug 22 17:43:37 2023

US General Surprised by Russia's Failure Against Soviet-Era Defenses
Ukraine started the war using the same or similar air-defense systems as Russia, and the Russian inability to defeat them has perplexed US commanders. ...




Top US Air Force general was surprised that Russia 'gave up'

One of the most surprising aspects of Russia's war in Ukraine has been Moscow'
s limited use of its larger and more advanced air force over Ukrainian territo
ry. For senior US Air Force leaders, Russia's decision to hold its airpower ba
ck is all the more surprising because many of the air-defense systems that Ukr
aine is using were originally designed by the Russians.

"As far as the Russian Air Force, I think that most everybody thought that the
y would be able to take out" Ukraine's air-defense systems early in the war, G
en. James Hecker, commander of US Air Forces in Europe, said during a Defense
Writers Group event on Friday.

"They weren't able to do that. I know it's a hard task to do, because it's har
d for us to do, but it seems like they kind of gave up on that pretty early on
," Hecker told reporters at the event

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 作者: tigertanktwo 2023-08-22 17:43:37
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1av8DCnF (Military)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Military/M.1692697420.A.C4F.html
※ 同主題文章:
[討論] Top US Air Force general was surprised that Russia 'gave up
08-22 17:43 tigertanktwo
leom1a210343: 預計是俄軍指管差 怕友軍誤擊1F 08/22 17:47
imruck: 俄國空天軍每日出動架次有限 飛多了只會自己摔飛機造成每日只有100架次的飛機 只能優先服務政治目標而不是戰略優先目標 因為政治目標是高層重視的目標所以常常看見俄空軍報復打擊居民區 而不是獵殺防空先天俄系引擎壽命短 後天是俄國糟糕的後勤 飛不動要打掉現在防空系統 海灣戰爭時美國用每日上千架次才能打掉一個防空體系 你出動不了這個架次 放棄正常2F 08/22 18:07
scotch: 俄國從2014年就已經大幅降低新機採購了。他們如果依舊要把北約當敵人,他們就不能損失大量空軍,因為飛機不能換甚至可能連維護都有問題
SU-57的年產量大約是兩架9F 08/22 18:29
aeoleron: 記得剛開戰俄軍是想用巡弋飛彈打掉防空據點
但是人家早就移走了..13F 08/22 18:57
ggeneration: 俄國航發沒老共這個盤子客戶後俄軍養不起15F 08/22 20:57

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