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看板 CityNight
作者 Ctea (Ctea)
標題 Re: [筆記] note =
時間 2018-11-13 Tue. 01:02:32

Tower of London lights up in stunning Armistice memorial | UK news | The Guardian
About 10,000 flames lit to mark the centenary of the end of the first world war.

#英國 #倫敦塔 #WW1 #第一次世界大戰 #終戰紀念日

Armistice Day: victory and beyond | Neal Ascherson | World news | The Guardian
On 11 November 1918, jubilant crowds across Britain celebrated the end of the war. But many new struggles were just beginning.


Trump misses cemetery visit as Macron and Merkel vow unity | World news | The Guardian
Leaders visit historic site where Germany signed the armistice in 1918 and Hitler forced France to accept defeat in 1940.

Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron hold hands after unveiling a plaque.
Photograph: Sylvain Lefevre/Getty Images

Merkel and Macron in the replica of the Compiègne Wagon, the railway carriage where the armistice was signed in 1918 and France

#歐盟 #歐洲 #德國總理梅克爾 #法國總統麥宏 #美國總統川普缺席

Trump cancels US cemetery visit amid diplomatic embarrassment | US news | The Guardian
President cancels first world war graves visit due to rain and faces Le Monde report he muddled Baltics and Balkans.

#川普取消拜訪墓園 #波羅地海 #巴爾幹

Trump ditched cemetery visit to avoid causing Paris traffic jams, says Sanders | US news | The Guardian
When rain grounded Marine One, the president didn’t hit the road because it would have disrupted traffic, says White House.


Thumbs up from Putin as Trump rains on Armistice parade | World news | The Guardian
US president’s apparent snub of Belleau memorial highlights absence of western solidarity.


> https://www.plurk.com/p/mawgf1#!

French army trolls Trump with picture of them training in rain | US news | The Guardian
Tweet appears to mock US president who cancelled visit to war graves due to weather.

Armée de Terre
#MondayMotivation Il y a de la pluie, mais c'est pas grave  On reste motivé

'It wasn't rain, it was bullets': Justin Trudeau's tribute to war dead – archive video - YouTube Amid the furore over the cancellation of Donald Trump's trip to the American military cemetery in Belleau, France, due to wet weather, a clip has resurfaced ...


#法國軍隊推特 #下雨沒什麼大不了 #撐傘 #加拿大總理杜魯道

※ 作者: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-13 01:02:32

He came, he sulked, he tweeted: preening Trump on parade in Paris | US news | The Guardian
The outcomes of Trump’s meltdown could be far worse when it is not Macron on the receiving end but, say, Kim Jong-un.

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-15 19:17:53
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-16 01:26:13

Niall Ó Donnghaile  ⭕️
Newsline: BBC News again decide to cover what, at this stage, is a non-story.https://twitter.com/bbcnewsline/status/1057224358815547392 …
James McClean: Stoke player again decides not to wear poppy on shirt https://bbc.in/2DcFV5Q 

BBC Newsline
James McClean: Stoke player again decides not to wear poppy on shirthttps://bbc.in/2DcFV5Q 

James McClean: Stoke player again decides not to wear poppy on shirt - BBC Sport

Mary Lou McDonald
'Stop harassing people who don't wear the poppy' – Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald https://www.irishpost.com/news/stop-...ign=article&utm_medium=web … via @theirishpost

'Stop harassing people who don't wear the poppy' – Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald | The Irish Post
SINN Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has called for an end to the "harassment" of people who choos... ...


#罌粟花 #騷擾 #霸凌 #老梗 #老哏 #認同

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-11-18 01:53:11


「我是在做夢嗎?」在第一次世界大戰最後一天,人們留下了什麼訊息? | DQ 地球圖輯隊 帶你看透全世界
1918年11月11日,第一次世界大戰宣布停戰,歡欣鼓舞的士兵、以新奇角度看待這一切的中國勞工、夢想著終於可以和家人重聚的女子......,透過書信間的情緒,我們也能從中看到 100年前的那一天,對當時的人們而言是多麼重要的一刻。 ...




當我們在早上 9:30收到停戰訊息的時候,我只有 10分鐘的時間把整個兵團帶到廣場參加遊行。

整個街道上擠滿了歡欣雀躍的市民,他們朝我們扔擲鮮花,那些和我握手的人們幾乎把我的手擦乾淨了... 」

1918年11月11日,第一次世界大戰宣布停戰,歡欣鼓舞的士兵、以新奇角度看待這一切的中國勞工、夢想著終於可以和家人重聚的女子......,透過書信間的情緒,我們也能從中看到 100年前的那一天,對當時的人們而言是多麼重要的一刻。

Armistice - But Peace? I THE GREAT WAR Week 225 - YouTube
On November 11 1918, the German delegation and the Allies reach an agreement for an armistice. At the 11th hour the guns go silent and the First World War is...


See also:

這些經典美食竟然來自戰爭!-地球圖輯隊 帶你看透全世界
一場戰爭就算結束,軍人紛紛撤軍後,戰區人民的日常生活仍會受到不小的影響,其中,有不少飲食傳統也受到改變,就讓我們跟著美國網路媒體FirstWeFeast的腳步,一起去看看戰爭改變了什麼食物吧! ...


人類為什麼要戰爭?-地球圖輯隊 帶你看透全世界
以巴戰爭、敘利亞內戰、中非政爭…世界各國在近期都傳出戰火衝突的消息,媒體上不斷出現的血腥以及人民痛哭的畫面只讓人忍不住想問:到底為什麼要戰爭?近日心理學者泰勒就在《衛報》上發表他的看法,從他的觀點來看,戰爭其實有正面心理效用,對許多貧困受壓迫的人們來說,戰爭給了他們凝聚力,更是他們心理上的宣洩出口。 ...



※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-12-01 11:02:00

They Shall Not Grow Old review – Peter Jackson's electrifying journey into the first world war trenches
5 / 5 stars 5 out of 5 stars.

Jackson has restored, colourised and added voices to footage of the western front, bringing the soldiers unforgettably back to life


They Shall Not Grow Old review – an utterly breathtaking journey into the trenches | Mark Kermode's film of the week

Peter Jackson and team’s painstaking restoration of first world war footage is a cinematic triumph that all but brings young British soldiers back to life

#戰爭片 #彼得傑克森 #西線 #紀錄片

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2018-10-17 23:25:13, 23:25:34, 23:27:52

They Shall Not Grow Old – New Trailer – Now Playing In Theaters - YouTube  Produced and Directed by Peter Jackson: The acclaimed documentary is an extraordinary look at the soldiers and events of the Gr...


【他們不再老去】中文官方預告,3月29日(週五) 青年節上映 - YouTube #百年歷史 #彩色修復 第一次世界大戰彩色3D重現 #彼得傑克森 監製導演 曠世紀錄片 #他們不再老去 一次世界大戰終戰百年,【魔戒】三部曲導演彼得傑克森展現化腐朽為神奇的功力,將百年黑白史料的畫面修復、上色,讓紀錄片中的軍人們栩栩如生重現大銀幕。 【他們不再老去】3月29日(週五) 青年節上映 ★ 台北信義威秀...


https://www.plurk.com/p/n96awt 【華納兄弟】《他們不再老去》(They Shall Not Grow Old)預告

https://www.plurk.com/p/n9c3dj #WWI 於是今天去看了《他們不再老去》

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2019-04-01 02:53:54

https://www.plurk.com/p/o35v57 1111不是什麼光棍節或購物節,而是一戰和平紀念日(緬懷日)與美國老兵日。

※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2020-11-15 03:41:48 (台灣)

Armistice Day: Marlow pupils create poppy art piece from bottles
Published 2023-11-09 14:14:30
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-09 20:47:48 (台灣)
※ 編輯: Ctea 時間: 2023-11-09 23:05:31 (台灣)
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