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※ 本文為 swallow.bbs. 轉寄自 cd.twbbs.org 更新時間: 2013-01-31 01:54:19
看板 P_RedWolf
作者 ch890333 (紅狼)
標題 [OS] 羅習五 11/04
時間 Tue Nov  4 09:33:42 2008

Nonpreemptive multitasking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nonpreemptive multitasking is a style of computer multitasking in which the operating system never initiates a context switch from a running process to another process. Such systems are either statically scheduled, most often periodic systems, or exhibit some form of cooperative multitasking, in whi ...

Nonpreemptive multitasking is a style of computer multitasking in which the
operating system never initiates a context switch from a running process to
another process.


nonpreemtive 只會作手上的程式(runnung)

而running只有兩種狀況 做完或擺旁邊

那就是from running->waiting / Terminatess(做完)

紅狼太難畫了 我可不可以畫隻紅色的波利就好?
     █▇                               這年頭 都流行在簽名檔放BLOG...
      ◥██◤ ψjohn112136 (畢卡囧)           http://nublog.cc/?u=ch890333
* Origin: 中正築夢園 (CcuDream.twbbs.org) ★ From:

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