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※ 本文為 JackLee5566.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-03-08 11:49:08
看板 NBA
作者 jimmy5680 (不太會飛的企鵝)
標題 [外絮] Pau Gasol: Kawhi是我的MVP
時間 Wed Mar  8 00:40:44 2017

Kawhi Leonard's once-quiet MVP campaign generating louder buzz - San Antonio Express-News
Sometimes it happens on the road, if enough Spurs fans are present. Late in a game, Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard will stride to the free-throw line, an ...


“You don’t want to say Michael Jordan,” New Orleans coach Alvin Gentry
said, “but it is that type of situation where you have a really, really good
offensive player and a tremendous defensive player.
“He definitely has to be heavily in the conversation for MVP.”

紐澳良主帥 Alvin Gentry 談 Kawhi Leonard:

「你不會想提起Michael Jordan,

Pau Gasol: Kawhi Leonard is the MVP
According to Pau Gasol, Kawhi Leonard is the clear-cut most valuable player in the NBA. ...


"I hope [the voters] understand," said teammate Pau Gasol. "I hope they see.
It's not hard to see if you really watch. I think he's very much deserving of
getting the MVP this season. The way he's playing, the way he's contributing
on both ends of the floor. He's not the guy that just puts up 30 points and
that's it. He makes huge plays defensively. So, to me, he's my MVP."

Kawhi Leonard 的隊友 Pau Gasol 說:


"The block is what makes him special," said Spurs coach Gregg Popovich.
"Obviously, the 3. You know, Harden makes 3s, Kawhi makes 3s, this guy makes
3s, that guy makes 3s, Steph [Curry] makes 3s, everybody does that. But I
don't know who goes to the other end and does what he does. Not that many
people on a consistent basis, an entire game, game after game. Kawhi wanted
it badly and he went and he took it.

"We don't talk about MVP awards. We don’t talk about any awards. We don’t
talk about championships. We just play the game. Everybody tries to do what
they can to make the team better and whatever records or awards or wins that
come, that’s the way it is."

馬刺教練 Gregg Popovich 說:

  Kawhi投三分,這人投三分,那人投三分,Steph (Curry) 投三分,大家都會投。

"I think it's a combination of things," said veteran Manu Ginobili. "He's
very confident now and you can see it. Before, he was more introverted and
waiting for things to happen. Then, he started to realize the type of talent
he has and how important he is for the team. And, he knows he's going to have
the ball. So, he's even trusting more teammates, waiting a couple plays and
knowing we're going to play for him. That's something your confidence gives

"So, he's at that point he knows he owns the team; that we need him to do
what he's doing to win, or to have a chance; and that puts you in a great
mental spot."

老將 Manu Ginobili 說:


“I was in complete awe,” (Manu) Ginobili said, after Leonard’s late
heroics spearheaded a 112-110 come-from-behind victory over Houston. “I
couldn’t believe what he did.”


Manu Ginóbili quedó impactado con una jugada sobre la chicharra de Leonard - YouTube Manu Ginóbili quedó impactado con una jugada sobre la chicharra de Leonard San Antonio perdía por uno a segundos del cierre del partido. Kawhi metió un tripl...



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lonetwyl    : KL MVP1F 03/08 00:41
asd831129   : 都退休了2F 03/08 00:41
Y1999       : 移情別戀3F 03/08 00:42
OPPAISuki   : 科懷MVP4F 03/08 00:42
LoMing1021  : 老大:我呢?5F 03/08 00:42
nteevlelr   : Pau那句上紫色XDDD 顏色正確6F 03/08 00:42
nteevlelr   : 仔細看看居然是紫金 哈哈
OPPAISuki   : 不要分那麼細.都是柯家人8F 03/08 00:43
Gcobs130275 : 老大改穿綠衣9F 03/08 00:43
brian199524 : Kobe:......10F 03/08 00:45
treeson     : 就目前看,KL真的有資格,防守下降但還是強11F 03/08 00:45
papazzz     : 性科的沒一個弱者12F 03/08 00:46
FAYeeeeeeee : 最新消息:KOBE決定復出加入賽爾提克 動機尚不明13F 03/08 00:46
Supermarket : 期待老大吃醋選擇復出教訓嘎獸跟可愛14F 03/08 00:46
jtch        : 當然 Kawhi的那麼大 相比之下Kobe的就小的可憐15F 03/08 00:46
DioEraclea  : 甲的16F 03/08 00:48
BWhite245   : 樓上上說的是手17F 03/08 00:48
ssaw5166    : 可愛真的很猛18F 03/08 00:49
mekiael     : 可愛這季的防守其實已經有下降了,這也跟他在進攻端19F 03/08 00:49
mekiael     : 要承擔更多責任有關係
darkdixen   : KL: 科比已經不在了 但你也許能在我身上看見他的影21F 03/08 00:55
darkdixen   : 子
Scion       : 看比賽有發現可愛防守沒那麼認真,偶爾還會漏人23F 03/08 00:56
yoshro      : 現在是MVP催票期嗎!?24F 03/08 00:57
Scion       : 不過他專心卯起來守的時候還是很屌25F 03/08 00:57
IfIknew     : 劈腿了26F 03/08 00:57
mekiael     : 不過不管如何我想可愛都是刺迷心中的MVP吧,跟實際27F 03/08 00:58
mekiael     : 排行或數據無關
softwords   : 你是我的巧克力29F 03/08 01:03
zxcc        : 我只看到有人又偷摸了大把馬努的頭30F 03/08 01:08
yuyuen      : 認真回,KB要復出就要加盟丹佛,馬刺2就搶731F 03/08 01:25
faintbreeze : 我只看到有人頭毛又少了幾根32F 03/08 01:25
yuyuen      : 馬刺1 就留在8, 季後賽馬刺一定躲不掉33F 03/08 01:26
jones17188  : 竟然有人挑戰kb加丹亻弗34F 03/08 01:27
ramirez     : 有了新歡 忘了舊愛?35F 03/08 01:32
john91018   : 老大QQ36F 03/08 01:40
zzzz8931    : 老將頭髮又被摸少了37F 03/08 01:43
PTTymarch   : >\\\<38F 03/08 01:45
love1500274 : 今天好多馬刺文39F 03/08 01:53
sinben      : 老大森氣氣40F 03/08 02:14
Wall62      : 對我來說,他是我的MVP41F 03/08 02:29
s9056017    : 酸酸們好無聊喔 有點別的梗嗎42F 03/08 02:48
windwalker  : 硬要扯到老大 呵43F 03/08 02:57
Athchen     : 隊友阿 不然天空貝也說過鬍子類似的話44F 03/08 06:05
kuloda      : MVP無誤,攻防兩端都極佳。45F 03/08 06:12
kerkerkerbe : zz46F 03/08 06:14
ymgs1507    : 有點甲47F 03/08 06:41
s860305bz   : 可愛如果拿FMVP實至名歸 不像有中二只會倫48F 03/08 06:43
CarisLeVert : 確實,在攻防都有明顯貢獻,JH在防守差太多了49F 03/08 07:10
ctx705f     : 這個上色顏色XDD50F 03/08 07:13
kirbya      : Kobe吃醋了51F 03/08 07:32
knic52976   : KappaPride52F 03/08 07:41
hisaken     : Kobe Laoda53F 03/08 07:47
IAMGRICE    : KD: 媽媽是我的MVP54F 03/08 07:48
MrXin       : MVP情人55F 03/08 07:57
vltw5v      : 姊姊就是喜歡姓柯的56F 03/08 08:06
JerrySloan  : 變心給噓57F 03/08 08:09
hmt17       : 由由58F 03/08 08:25
mmchen      : MVP競爭好久沒這麼刺激了59F 03/08 08:27
vanson37    : 柯比不在了,柯懷正夯,姓柯的都不好惹60F 03/08 08:27
wewe44556   : 你要五冠81表示什麼?61F 03/08 08:28
bilibo      : 可愛真的很會抄截... 防守能力強多了62F 03/08 08:54
GreenTea9527: 因為看到老大的影子嗎63F 03/08 09:03
lt114040    : kobe綠綠的64F 03/08 09:09
great5566   : 變心給噓65F 03/08 09:15
pmdrt       : 姊姊!!66F 03/08 09:21
Dannyx      : !!67F 03/08 09:39
andrew1357  : MVP情人!68F 03/08 10:00

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