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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 10月 水瓶座(原文)
時間 2013年10月02日 Wed. AM 11:54:47

10月 Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius

October will be a tricky month to navigate for most people, but you seem to have the magic touch to move in and out, and all around the most troublesome days. You do have the talent in October to sidestep most of the month's pressures by carefully choosing the days of your biggest initiations by making savvy adjustments to your schedule. Your best month will be November, when career opportunities will appear, and if one is right, define your future direction.

The reason I say this is that a major new moon solar eclipse will occur on November 3 in Scorpio, 11 degrees, to light your tenth house of career honors. This is the house that is found at the very top of the chart, where the 12 is found on the face of a clock. The ancients used to call the tenth house the house of dignity, for it represents your standing in the community, and represents the highest positions you attain in your life, and the contribution you give back to your industry, your community, and the world. It is, quite simply, your reputation. No doubt you will soon aim for a position of great power and responsibility in the next position you accept, and if you give the position all you have to give, it will become a jewel in your crown.

Saturn has taken twenty-nine years to come around the circle of your horoscope, moving through all twelve houses until it reached this pinnacle point last year, to stay until September 2015. Saturn is waiting patiently to greet this new moon solar eclipse when it arrives November 3, and this fact, among others I see, tells me this could be your offer of a lifetime. When and if you are offered this new and important position, you will know instantly that someone is taking your talents seriously - and you should, too. You may want to start revising your resume and bio now, to be ready to go when the call arrives to talk next month. Resumes take weeks to polish properly. Update it now!

You have earned the right to apply for this job, and I feel if you play your cards right, you will get it, for you are so ideally suited for it. You have worked your whole life to get to this gate, and now that gate is about to open for you. The fact that Saturn is now at the pinnacle point of your chart is the reason you have come to this juncture, for Saturn's position shows you are ready. Without Saturn there, you'd not have the likelihood of grasping this job, but sometimes in life, everything aligns perfectly to allow near-impossible events to happen.

Having said that, I still need to tell you Mercury is about to retrograde in Scorpio, the very house you and I have been discussing - your professional sector. Mercury retrograde will hold up the interview process from October 21 to November 11. Fortunately, you aren't going to see career matters perk up until after the eclipse appears, November 3. If you should see things happen now, don't deliberately try to move things forward - let talks take the course they want to take. Rushing will not benefit you at all. Just the opposite, you will gain from delays.

I will remind you not to buy any electronic items or appliances, and by all means do not buy or lease a car now. Mercury rules the moving parts in machines, and when retrograde, the product either does not function properly or, because judgment is often off when Mercury is out of phase, you may choose the wrong model and regret the purchase later. Don't sign any contracts in this phase, and don't accept a job during this period, October 21 to November 10 either.

Next month, leave a little space from the date November 10 - you can sign or begin activities November 12. This month, Mercury will begin its characteristic slowdown on October 1, well in advance of November 11.

There is one exception to the rule of never taking a job while Mercury is retrograde. If you are about to join a company you used to work for in the past, or with a former boss in a new company, you would be simply continuing the relationship (not starting a new one), so in that case, you CAN take the position, without fear that it will not be the position you thought it would be. If you are out of work, you will have to take it, for finding a new job is easier if you already have a job. You won't care that you won't stay at this job long - you'll be on to the next one.

In the meantime, you need to get through the other parts of crazy October, with all its trap doors, secret passageways, smoke and mirrors, and obstacles thrown at you like marbles strewn on the pavement of a dark ally. There is no doubt that you will need to be careful, so let's start at the top.

On Friday, October 4, the new moon in Libra 12 degrees will arrive, but this new moon is flawed, with Uranus directly opposing the Sun and new moon, and Pluto at odds with both the Sun and new moon, too. A trip, taken for any reason, is becoming a nightmare. Travel is not favored at all in the first part of October, so delay trips if you can. If you are traveling because of the career opportunity like those I was just describing, then you will have to take it, but in that case, leave lots of extra time in case of delays at the airport or problems on the road.

With Uranus in opposition to the new moon, you may have to brace for problems from a partner. This person might be your romantic partner, or someone you collaborate with at work. In that sense, it may be a client or a competitor / critic / defector who suddenly has become quite aggressive and unpredictable. A work project is likely to need a great deal of overseeing, too, for the assignment seems teetering on the edge of a cliff and could crash over it if you don't watch it more closely. A client may not be expressing himself clearly, hoping you will just guess what he needs, but of course, that's not good, so you'd be wise to outline your understanding of what needs to be done. On top of this, the crew in the office seems not to be acting like a team but are all pulling in different directions. It will be up to you to lasso them together - and to enthuse them while you are at it.

This new moon of October 4 that I have been describing will arrive the day after another very difficult aspect, Uranus opposed to the Sun, October 3. Uranus opposed to the Sun is one of the hardest aspects possible, for it tests the strength of a relationship in your life in an extreme and very sudden way. Someone near you - it could be someone you work with, like a client, business partner, agent, or other person or someone you love and are married to or in an established relationship - is about to show his or her true colors. I doubt you would have seen this coming. News about this partner will shoot to the surface like a geyser, and when it does, it may shake you to your bones.

If your birthday falls on January 31 or February 1, or within five days of this date, you will likely feel this monster new moon, but because the degrees of that new moon are in good angle to your Sun, you can find a way to benefit from the changes that come up. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising 12 degrees, or have a natal planet in your chart within five degrees of 12 degrees of Aquarius, Libra, or Gemini.

Mars has been in Leo since the end of August, and that is a very touchy place for Mars to be for you if you have been trying hard to get along with your significant other. Mars in your opposite sign can make a partner vocal and cranky, so if anything was wrong in the relationship you shared, you heard about it lately. Now Mars will move on to Virgo on October 16 - this will help your relationship (assuming you don't break up, which is, admittedly, possible this month).

Mars can bring on hot, inflamed arguments, so with Mars gone, it seems your partner has said all there is to say. Perhaps you can now fix things, having heard more, and understanding more, you know what is to be done. A percentage of Aquarians will be so shaken by news of October 3 (and possibly the new moon of October 4), they will simply break up and not look back.

Pluto's participation with the new moon (at odds with the new moon on October 4 and at odds with the Sun on October 1) indicates disagreements in your workplace may come up about the methods needed to work on a specific project, and may also center on the financials associated with it. You may have to negotiate to get things hammered out, but the problem you face is no one you are talking with will want to deal the cards. With people around you folding their arms over their chest, refusing to even consider negotiating points, you will likely feel checkmated and frustrated. As if that were not enough, you may have a legal question on the table too, so you may be calling your lawyer to check the clauses of a contract or overall points of law and how they relate to what you are involved in now.

Because your ruling planet is involved (Uranus), you need to watch October 3 and 4 closely. The problem is that days that involve big outer planets (ones that spin on the outer rim of our solar system like Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, and Jupiter) have wide areas of influence, so news is not delivered instantly on one day, but over a week or more. This means aspects involving these planets is not just operating for a day, but the aspects in the first week (October 1, Pluto square the Sun, October 3, Uranus opposed to the Sun and the monster new moon October 4) will overlap over each other, mixing together in a difficult cocktail that will spill over the first week or October and beyond.

With a partner who is acting wild and out of character, a project that needs lots of tending, a legal question that has to be resolved, and possible difficulties with the team who seem not to cooperating with each other (and some even quitting for another job), you will have your hands full.

You will also have to watch your health. Your sixth house is involved, so you may run yourself down and be in need of a doctor's care. Or, it may be that October is your time for your annual checkups and it explains why I see you interacting with medical personnel. If you feel fine and already finished your checkups, it may be that your partner needs medical help, and you will accompany him or her to the doctor or a hospital.

Financially you are going into a high spending period, as Mars will enter your eighth house of other people's money on October 16 to stay until December 7. You may have planned for this, and may be nodding as you read this, as you may already know you have to send a check for tuition or a down payment on a house soon. Get financial matters wrapped up prior to having Mercury go retrograde, October 21. If you are in the process of dividing property in a divorce or at the end of a business, things may get tense between October 16 and December 7. Knowing this, try to get agreement in place in the week of October 9-15.

A full moon lunar eclipse will come next, on October 18, in Aries 26 degrees. As eclipses go, this one is fairly mild, and will not be like the monster new moon of October 4. This eclipse will finish or put an end to something, but do not be blue, for in time something else will begin. This eclipse will accent travel for you again, so you may find you are again on the road, but this time the trip seems to be a short little one that you can get to within an hour or two. Before you head out, have your car checked and tuned up, double check accommodations and appointments, and check weather conditions. The October 18 eclipse may bring you a contract to sign. In that case, however, you simply should not sign until November 12.

This solar eclipse on October 18 may bring news about your sister or brother that you'll need to know, as the house this eclipse will fall in will be your solar third house ruling siblings. Earlier, with the monster new moon October 4, you may hear about other relatives - an aunt or uncle, or an in-law - and you will need to find out all there is to know to help this person. (I told you October would be strenuous. What else can you squeeze on your agenda this month?)

If you were born on February 13, you will feel the affects of this eclipse the most, but somehow you will find a way to benefit from it. The same is true if you have Aquarius rising, within five degrees of 25 degrees, or a natal planet in Aquarius, Gemini, or Libra close to 25 degrees.

In matters of love, you do have some help from the planets. Venus will enter Sagittarius, a good place for you, on October 7, to stay through November 4. That tells me you'll be able to get together with friends and enjoy time with them. This will balance out all the other things spinning around you this month - you need some fun!

Your very best, most sparkling day for love will be Wednesday, October 16, when Venus in Sagittarius will signal Uranus in Aries. (If your birthday falls on January 29, you will get a double dip of romance!)

Halloween, October 31, should be a perfect date night, too - with the moon in air sign Libra, it's the ideal place for you. Mars will be in sync with Pluto, the two planets that practically invented Frankenstein, ghosts, witches, goblins, and other Halloween characters. Be out and about - it's your night.

On October 4, the new moon will receive a direct challenge from your ruler, Uranus, making this a rocky start to the month for everyone. The area of your chart absorbing this volatile energy will be your travel sectors, so it might be wise to hold off taking any trips until next month. Nothing will go as planned if you go now. In addition to delays, you may have mechanical problems with your car or other modes of transportation before you get to your destination.

If you absolutely must travel sometime in the first week of October, then just double check everything - have your car tuned up, get weather reports, make sure your appointments are holding, and that the hotel has your room. This is no week to say, "I'll get a hotel when I get there." No, you might not. You may run into a worldwide convention of say, dentists, and find you are sleeping in your car or the railroad station.

The same houses, so lit up for you this month, but in a volatile, difficult way, rule your relatives, like siblings, aunts, uncles, and in-laws, (but not parents - they are covered by a different part of your chart), so you may hear news from one of these relatives. Don't wait to catch up - you can give a call to get up to speed on family news.

You also need to brace for an unexpected challenge from a partner early this month. Uranus, the planet that rules your sign, will oppose the Sun in the first week, which suggests that you may either be worried about the well-being of a partner, or suddenly be betrayed or hurt by one. Keep in mind this person may not be your romantic partner - it may be your agent, manager, publicist, ghostwriter, business partner, lawyer, or other close one-on-one collaborator, and there is no way to tell from which area of your life this person will emanate. This is a testing aspect, so if your close relationships are sound, you may not notice this aspect at all.

If you do discover your partner has been duplicitous, you may suddenly have to decide what to do. Make sure you have all the facts, for with a month filled with more fog than the English countryside at dawn, nothing will be clear, and no one will be absolutely sure about what's real and what's not. It would be a shame to accuse someone of deception when this person is actually innocent. On the other hand, if your romantic or business partner has clearly betrayed you, and you have the evidence, you may suddenly decide to separate - quickly. Uranus in hard aspect often leaves a scar, so you may be very hurt by what occurs.

Mars in Leo, your opposite sign, is not helping, for Mars will be on a mission to bring any possible hidden resentments that may exist to the surface. If Mars discovers that there are none, you will sail through this period easily. Thankfully, Mars will move on into Virgo on October 15, and by then you will know most of what is what - but not entirely. If you hope to divide property at the end of a relationship or marriage, buckle up for difficult talks in the weeks ahead - you may encounter surprisingly fierce opinions from your soon-to-be-ex on how financial matters must be handled, and things will not calm down until December 7.

The full moon October 18 is a lunar eclipse in Aries, and because full moons tend to conclude matters, you may be aching to announce a decision, or sign papers at this point. Mercury is about to go retrograde from October 21 to November 10, so making any commitments would be a bad idea. Rather than move forward, review assumptions and rethink plans. You will not "miss out" on anything by waiting - in fact, you will gain options.

In love, you have one special day to circle in red: October 16, when Venus and Uranus will send silvery beams to one another across the star-studded sky. It's a day that is due to sparkle, so if single and hoping to meet someone, be out on that day / evening. If you hope to travel - and it seems you do long to go - schedule a trip over the October 12-13 weekend, when fall foliage is apt to be at glorious heights. The planets will be quiet then, so thankfully, you can get much needed rest.

Dates to Note for AQUARIUS

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other things, too: October: 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 22, 26, 27, 28, and 31.

Your ruler Uranus will oppose the Sun on October 3, a day that may end a friendship or other relationship, be careful what you say.

On October 4 an erratic new moon may be the thorn in your side when it comes to travel plans. You may want to postpone that trip until late next month.

Mars continues to burn through Leo until October 1, a trend that started last month. If your relationship has been touchy, Mars tends to increase tension. Now that Mars is moving out of Leo after October 14, things should calm down.

October 16 is an excellent opportunity to go out on a date because Venus will be friendly to your ruler Uranus.

The lunar eclipse on October 18 could bring a conclusion to a contractual matter or other document. Eclipses bring surprises, so keep alert.

Mercury will retrograde on October 21 until November 10.

A fun night awaits you on Halloween, October 31, when the moon will be in divinely compatible air sign Libra.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-10-02 11:54:47
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 544 
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