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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2013年 10月 巨蟹座(原文)
時間 2013年10月02日 Wed. AM 11:50:39

10月 Monthly Horoscope for Cancer

October will require that you have all your wits about you. You are a cardinal sign (part of the category that comprises Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), and two planets, Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries, will compete for your attention, clashing with each other as well as with your Cancer Sun in a strenuous way. This will all happen at once, for the mathematical degrees of Pluto and Uranus have reached a critical calibration point that nearly matches each other's to create a square - an exceedingly rare situation and one that will jangle the nerves of everyone, of every sign.

When this kind of significant mathematical pattern emerges, results are swift if your own Sun or other planets match those degrees (more about that later). Life events will likely move forward at dizzying speed because key planets will be on the main points of a compass, north, south, east, and west. These are points that define direction and are considered power points in a chart. Let's get specific now, and you will see what this all means for you.

The month starts off on October 1 with Pluto at harsh odds with the Sun. Someone is likely to be forceful with you, in a pushy, off-putting, and possibly unfair way. This person may be your spouse, father, ex-husband, business partner, collaborator, or client. This person will be bent on getting you to follow a dictate or point of view that you may not share or desire to follow. Yet this topic will not be open to discussion, something that you will be almost enraged to hear. The Sun rules your income, so it appears your money seems to be at stake too, and woven tightly into the discussion. A creditor or taxman may ask you for money within days of this date, so all you can do is to see how this plays out.

Thursday, October 3, ratchets up the tension, this time with Uranus opposed to the Sun. This will bring a tense, jarring push-pull that you will feel between the demands on you from home and work, for surely, as you will soon discover, your home or a parent is about to become a major focus for you. Yet both areas of your life, home, and career will need your first attention near this date, and you will feel conflicted, unsure which way to go first.

The Sun rules your money and income, and you are likely to see a reversal or a need to spend money to fix the situation. Just when you need things to remain stable, they're not. This aspect will fall in your home sector and involves a rental, purchase, or sale of property, or a matter involving a parent, or a person you think of as a parent.

The hardest day comes at the new moon, October 4. As is typical of any new moon, this new moon will take the energies of the planets swirling about at the time and package them in one. That means the new moon will put oomph behind the difficult energies of both Pluto and Uranus, and send out their messages very clearly. This moon is within about one degree of a square to Pluto and an opposition to Uranus. Mama mia.

The moon is Cancer's ruler, so you would feel this new moon more directly than other signs (although everyone of every sign will feel these aspects in some way). I need to tell you this so that you can clear your schedule and not feel broadsided by events, which will come up suddenly. Do not do anything of vital importance in the first week of October.

Protect your health, too, as the moon rules your first house of vitality and will be under strain - make sure you eat right and get enough sleep this month. If you notice something is off, go to a doctor, and don't feel silly about doing so - eclipses bring all kinds of information up to the surface so that you can go for help.

If you were born on or within five days of July 3, you will feel the effects of this new moon and the trend it will set off the most. If you have a planet at 12 degrees Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn, or have Cancer rising at 12 degrees (within five degrees) you will also be part of this new moon and directly feel its message. Take notes, and see what happens. Write to me on Twitter, on @astrologyzone (my name).

What concerns me is that a new moon like the one October 4 always opens a door and begins a new trend that lasts six months to a year. Usually a new moon brings opportunities and this one will do that, but also obstacles and challenges too before you can move forward, especially in regard to home. All new moons are operative for a year, until the next new moon in Libra, due October 2014, will return to refresh its energies, so take seriously the themes that emerge.

There is another reason I am looking at this new moon closely. Mars will move into Libra (the same sign as this new moon, stimulating its message) from December 7 until June 25, 2014. Mars will intensify whatever changes you need to make on the home front, or in regard to a parent, and as said, it will bring you both options and obstacles. Eight months is a very long time for Mars to focus on one area of your life, but that's what is about to happen. I tell you this so you can take seriously whatever arises in October.

Until you address and finish working on this home-related theme that will emerge soon after the new moon appears on October 4, it will become a focal point in your life, possibly for months. Having said that, sometimes there is no way to make one clear decision and move ahead because circumstances prevent it. A problem is always complex or it would not BE a problem. Okay, in that case, keep searching for options until you find one you feel is right for you and your family. Give yourself time - it appears you will be thinking about this until the end of July 2014.

With Mars in Virgo, you may become frustrated with the lack of help from a sibling. I am not sure about this, for your chart is hard to read in regard to this, so please don't become upset with your sister or brother on my account. I am simply raising the possibility for this to happen, so that you can keep an antenna up to see if this applies to you. Be kind to your sibling - it looks as though you could use a little help from him or her.

Just when you feel you are starting to get a handle on your home situation, your career will start to bring bells and lights, with major news emanating in the third week of October.

Watch for news at the full moon lunar eclipse, October 18. Something related to your career about to end, but this may not be your position, but something else. (Let's hope your company is not doing a downsizing.) It may be that a top boss will announce a departure - and cause ripples through the company. Or, a big client may leave for another firm, or an entrepreneurial enterprise may need massive changes. Or, it may be that you have been working on a project, and now it's all ready to go, but at the last minute, as you get close to the eclipse, you find that changes have to be made before that product goes to market, and you pull back. If you expended funds from an investor, those funds may not come (but this may be temporary, or not, so see how it goes.) Lunar eclipses are much more important to you, Cancer, than are solar eclipses, because, as said earlier, Cancer is ruled by the moon.

Eclipses mark life events. Typically, several eclipses appear over a 30-month period (sometimes longer) and their events are related to one another if they fall in the same series. In this case, the October 18 eclipse heralds the start of a new Aries-Libra series, and coming eclipses in these signs will be related to each other like pearls on a necklace. Each successive eclipse will build upon on what was created by the one before, until this series ends in March 2016. In this case, the next eclipse in the series will happen on April 15, 2014, and will relate directly to what happens now.

The job of an eclipse is to get you out of unproductive situations, force you out of complacency, and move you forward, ready or not. Sometimes we feel we don't have a firm footing, and have to rely on instinct alone as we scale the side of the proverbial mountain. (In that regard, you'll do well, for Cancer is a highly instinctive individual.) Eclipses test the strength of relationships and conditions, and if something or someone is not relevant to your future, your life changes in the blink of an eye.

If your birthday falls on July 17, plus or minus four days, you will feel this October 18 eclipse directly and very personally. If you have had your natal horoscope drawn up, and you know you have Cancer rising or a cardinal sign rising (Cancer, Aries, Libra, or Capricorn) at or very close to 25 degrees (within five degrees) you will also feel this eclipse directly.

Since August 27, you've hosted Leo in your second house of earned income, and as a result, you likely saw your spending rise dramatically. Now, your spending will abate, for Mars will leave Leo on October 15, much to your relief.

The move of Mars into Virgo from October 21 to November 10 will be a much easier phase for you, and cause you to travel much more than you have so far this year. Trips will be short, but productive. Because Mars rules your tenth house of professional fame and prestige, almost all your trips will be done for work. Schedule a meeting on October 31, when Mars and Pluto will be in ideal sync, a rare aspect. You'll come home with the order.

In a month that seems to have everything, Mercury will go retrograde in your romance / creativity house from October 21 to November 10. This suggests that the whole month will be mired in possible miscommunications, so go the extra mile to be understood clearly, especially in your personal life. Mercury will retrograde in Scorpio, in your fifth house of true love, which makes me wonder if you are planning to reunite with a former lover. This actually would be a good time to be back in touch with a former sweetheart if you are still in love. Try to find out if the other person would be happy to hear from you before you call. You need to be relatively sure about this, or re-contacting could produce a comedy of errors or only open up an old scab.

This month, be good to yourself. I say that in italics, with emphasis. Find moments of rest, and when you feel everyone is asking too much of you, stop and spend a few minutes in a library, art museum, church, yoga studio, or if you can afford it, a spa where you can get a gentle massage.

Life seems to take a new course this month, so enter it with a sense of adventure, always mindful that you can handle whatever comes your way.

Buckle up, dear Cancer, as October's not likely to be an easy month. The new moon on October 4 in Libra is almost certain to bring up news on the home front, and will involve your home, roommates, family, or people you need to interact with often in regard to your home, such as your landlord, contractor, or designer. If your home or other property that you own, rent, or manage will not be your focus, it may be that one of your parents (or someone you think of as a parent) will require attention quickly and unexpectedly. The attention you will need to give home will impact your career, and your closest partner, too, as all three areas appear to be tied into the same package.

You may find you need money to fix the matter going on at home or with family, and with Mars moving through your income and savings sector, it seems likely you will need money to solve at least part of the problem. Be sure you know what any check you write would cover - you seem to be unclear about your balance or something going on with your credit unbeknown to you. Mars will be opposed to Neptune (moving toward exact opposition on October 19), so you may assume one thing about your finances, when something else will be true.

Mercury is about to retrograde from October 21 to November 10, compounding an already murky situation. Sign no important papers and make no key decisions until mid-November. October is not the time to start anything new - not a new venture, nor a new relationship.

By the emotional full moon lunar eclipse in Aries of October 18, sudden career developments will force you switch your attention back to the place you work. You may hear that a woman VIP that protected you is about to announce a departure, quite out of the blue, or that your job description is about to shift radically. If you are self-employed, you may suddenly see that market conditions are changing quickly and that you will have to keep your wits about you to outsmart the competition. Mars - the planet that rules your house of career - will be friendly, so if you stay calm, you can find solutions. You may need to travel a short distance near this October 18 eclipse, possibly to talk with a client or to attend a company seminar. The themes that come up now will press on you in the months ahead.

Financially, you've been spending more money than usual last month, and it will continue in October, but once Mars enters Virgo on October 15, you will not be writing as many checks.

Consider taking a relaxing long weekend trip in the country, between mid-October and the first week in December. Breathe in fresh air, and see beautiful fall foliage. With Mercury retrograde, make sure you get your car tuned up (mechanical things go haywire during these retrograde periods), and ascertain that your bed and breakfast reservation is on file and has not been deleted accidentally. Having double-checked all, you'll be off to a wonderful trip in a new setting.

Dates to Note for CANCER

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other things, too: October: 6, 7, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, 25, and 28-30.

October 1 and October 3, and the new moon October 4 will bring about a rocky start to the month. Do not initiate anything until October 10.

On October 4, the new moon calls your attention to the home front + 2 weeks.

You have been spending a lot of money lately, but after October 14, when Mars leaves your financial sector, things will simmer down.

After October 15 and continuing to December 7, you may find you are traveling more than usual.

On October 16 a work project that you've been concentrating on may generate praise from your boss or client.

On October 18 there will be a lunar eclipse. Brace for unexpected changes in your career, possibly because of a sudden switch in management.

On October 21, Mercury will start to retrograde, so revisit unique ideas you might have put aside for further thinking later. See if you can use them in new ways when Mercury goes direct on November 10.

If you are invited to a Halloween party on October 31, consider going because it could be fun. It appears to be in a nearby town and may involve travel - go!

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2013-10-02 11:50:39
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 417 
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