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看板 Zastrology
作者 MindOcean ()
標題 [運勢] Susan Miller 2014年 1月 獅子座(原文)
時間 2014年01月01日 Wed. PM 02:24:29

Leo Forecast for January 2014

By Susan Miller

The New Year begins with a new moon, January 1, in Capricorn, and with that new moon will come her entourage: the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Pluto. These little planets are bouncing up and down, like little kids, in your area of work assignments. This means they are raring to go, and they will push you back into the normal swing of life sooner than you can say "Happy New Year." Shake the confetti out of your hair, dear Leo - you've got to buckle down to work the minute you hit the office. You seem to be interested, however, not resisting that pull, for you will know how dearly you are needed.

You may need to oversee a new budget, as Capricorn is associated with money and structure. It's also possible you will be dealing with historical items or antiques, for Capricorn is also associated with things of value from the past. Capricorn is an earth sign, so when making projections, don't be overly optimistic - higher ups will want to see a solid, practical plan based on facts and figures.

You have lots of assignments to focus on, and some will be new. You may have to hire help, and because Saturn is so well angled to the January 1 new moon (operative for ten days after it appears), you may be busy hiring recruits to help get the work out the door. You can hire people now - do so early in the month. All new moons have the power to affect us for a full year after they appear, but the actions that you do immediately after the new moon appears will have a very potent, helpful effect over the coming months.

If you have been out of work, the kind of work that will come up now will likely be projects you can do on a project-by-project basis. Or, you may find a job that isn't really one you would think of as a career position, but one that keeps you busy and brings in money. In that sense, your best day to hit on a terrific opportunity would be when Mercury (ruler of your income sector) collaborates with Uranus, the planet that brings things you'd least expect, January 16.

The new moon of January 1 will also help you get fit and healthy. It's so funny to me to see people making New Year's resolutions that are all about losing weight and getting fit, but at the wrong time of the year. You will be the big exception to that rule, because YOU will have a new moon, January 1, that will help you achieve your goals. You have to be determined to succeed, and be part of the process, but if you start at the one and only new moon in your fitness sector January 1, you will see results this time.

Venus is currently retrograde in Capricorn until January 31, and Venus is the natural ruler of your house of fame and honors. If you find it hard to progress this month, that's Venus speaking. The problem is, next month, just when Venus goes retrograde January 31, Mercury will go retrograde February 6 to 28. Be patient. These retrogrades will allow you time to polish past projects to get them "just so."

Venus in weak retrograde orbit is not the time to schedule plastic surgery, as you would want this planet of beauty and good looks going direct. You can schedule trims and normal grooming, but don't make a dramatic change, like from long hair to short, or to color your hair a completely different color. This is not the time to buy new expensive sunglasses or new frames for your eyeglasses - use the old ones for now UNLESS your doctor has prescribed new prescription - that comes under eye health, not looks, so get those new glasses immediately.

That new moon is in your health and fitness sector (sixth house) on January 1, so you must start your fitness plan started as close to the days that follow the new moon January 1 as possible. (This is true whether you are a Leo or whether you have Leo rising.) When you exercise, make sure you protect your knees and also guard against tiny stress fractures in your bones. Capricorn rules bones, teeth, and especially knees, and will be under stress from Mars and Uranus. A visit to the dentist and eye doctor would be a very good idea. (Capricorn rules teeth, eyes and skin, too.)

Uranus and Mars will not be friendly to this new moon, indicating that travel may become troublesome this month, so call the airport before you head out, should inclement weather cause delays. Even if your city is bright and sunny - it may not be that way where you are going, or where you are stopping over. Both your two travel sectors (third and ninth houses) are being drawn into the discussion, so it does not matter if you go far or to the next town - check conditions. Be sure you have your passport and all other necessary papers with you.

The areas that are lit up in your chart also rules relatives like your sister, brother, cousin, aunt, uncles, and in-laws, so you may need to help out one of these relatives who you love so much and who are so close to you.

Be careful to keep yourself strong and free from colds. Ask your doctor if you should get a flu shot, and if so, because the vaccine takes three weeks to work, so do it early in the month. Keep washing your hands after you've been in crowded areas like subways, for the full moon (January 15, in Cancer 26 degrees) may show that your resistance is a bit lower. You will need rest and relaxation, not a strenuous time this weekend. Take it easy and do something fun. Schedule a massage, take a quiet walk through a museum, or have lunch with friends.

If you are working on a home-related situation, you may see a breakthrough over January 10 or 11, when Saturn in your home sector will reach out to the mighty Sun. The Sun is your ruler, so this weekend will bring all kinds of good news, on so many fronts. On your calendar, put gold stars on January 11. An older, wise person (ruled by Saturn) may have exceedingly helpful advice for you as you move forward.

At the end of January you seem energized again, and eager to make an important commitment to a partner. The new moon in Aquarius (11 degrees) in your house of marriage, partnerships, and legal commitment will be very friendly, so it's time to decide if you'd like to take your present relationship closer. Uranus will be very active, so fast moving events may cause you to commit or to draw up blueprints for a new goal you can do together soon. It could be time to get engaged or married, of course, too, or if too soon for that, to promise to be exclusive together.

This is a highly collaborative, one-on-one influence that will also help you in a business way. You can sign an agent, manager, publicist, advertising agency, stylist, designer, broker, headhunter, new lawyer, or accountant, or any other professional who would work with you on a one-on-one basis. The right person may be suggested to you suddenly, so ask friends for advice.

If you are single and hoping to find love, with Jupiter in your twelfth house, ruling your fifth house, you might want to allow friends to arrange blind dates for you. Those could work out quite well.

Attached and married couples will have fun traveling, possibly very spontaneously, January 16 and January 29. On the first day, January 16, Mercury and Uranus will combine forces and make you hungry for stimulation from being in a new setting. Travel would go exceedingly well.

January 29 should be especially bright for you as the Sun, your ruling star, will be in conversation with surprise-a-minute Uranus. This day may prove to be one of your best, so circle it in gold and use it for any important purpose, personal or professional. Things will go your way!


As you begin January, you will need to hit the ground running. At work, there will be budgets to draw up, projects to be launched, and people to hire or direct. You are a happy, optimistic soul, always seeing the bright side. At the same time, with five planets in Capricorn, you will need to be realistic and show others that you see things as they truly are, not as you hope them to be. The new moon, falling on January 1, will not be friendly, so weak links in just about any relationship or venture may quickly start to reveal fissures that will need to be plugged. Clients will be demanding, but you can meet their expectations if you stay focused and determined to show you are an experienced manager and understand human motivation.

If you have to travel for work, check weather conditions before heading out, and be prepared for all eventualities. If you planned to travel for fun and love, Venus is now retrograde, indicating projects on your desk will need to be finished off before you go, and that may add pressure. The mood in the air will be "let's get down to business" - and it is a mood that everyone, of every sign, will feel. You might as well gather together your tax records now, while you have the time and motivation - planets in Capricorn will make organizing any sort of financial records a breeze.

By the full moon, January 15, you may be feeling the pressure of much to do in too little time, and this will be true at home and at work. Late December did not present a relaxed environment - people were on edge - and you may have had to tip toe around fragile individuals, lest you trigger a melt down at the slightest provocation. With the hard work, no-frills atmosphere at play in the first two weeks of January, keep your nose to the grindstone.

To get some sense of fun and balance, design an easy weekend over January 11-12 and give yourself something to look forward to doing - a lecture, ballet, art exhibit, a fine meal out with friends, or a visit to a spa. A fast getaway will also be also favored now that cosmic storms of late December have cleared. Throughout January, keep up your healthy eating and exercise - your body will thank you.

When the Sun, your ruler, moves into Aquarius on January 19, your mood will lighten, and you will begin to hit your stride. One of your favorite days of the month will be January 30, when the Sun, new moon, and Uranus will work together to bring happy surprises from your spouse or one-and-only - you may hear a confession of love or find a sparkling diamond in your breakfast grapefruit half. Or you both may spontaneously decide to run away to Paris for a long weekend, as one of a zillion possibilities. The Sun is your ruler, so this jewel-like aspect belongs to you, dear Leo. Enjoy all that will be unexpected on January 29 too, one of your best days of all of January.

Dates to Note: Leo

Most romantic dates, and days you can use for other key initiations too: January 11, 12, 16, 17, 25, 26, 29, and 30.

The first half of January will be very busy at work, due to the new moon January 1.

By the full moon January 15, you will crave rest and privacy. Keep your agenda light in the days surrounding this date.

When your ruler the Sun contacts Saturn on January 11, you have a day when you can stabilize your health and your outlook.

On the full moon, January 15, the full moon may bring a secret to the surface - yours or someone else's. You may be not very energetic at this time, so plan not to have any strenuous activities on the agenda.

A sudden opportunity to fly a far distance may come up January 16, 29-31.

If single, the new moon January 30 + two weeks may find you making a commitment to the one you love. This new moon in your marriage sector comes just in time for Valentine's Day next month. Already wed? You can now draw closer to your partner.

January 29 may be filled with surprise - a day that is quite special due to the Sun conjunct Uranus.

※ 作者: MindOcean 時間: 2014-01-01 14:24:29
※ 看板: Zastrology 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 543 
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